Company Register / 2013 40% open (avg.)

Ranked #6 against other datasets in the Index (avg.)


List of registered (limited liability) companies including name, unique identifier and additional information such as address, registered activities. The submissions in this data category does not need to include detailed financial data such as balance sheet etc.

Rank Place Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. Score
1 United Kingdom
http://download.companieshouse... CSV n/a 100%
1 United Kingdom

Companies House, the public body responsible for maintaining company registers in the UK, has since June 2012 made available a subset of the fields of the register for all companies for bulk download as monthly 'snapshot', at no charge and on an open basis. The subset of the information is documented at and meets the minimum requirements of the definition of this element of the OKFN Census 2013. Full information from individual company registers remains subject to payment.

1 Denmark
  • n/a n/a n/a 100%
3 Romania
  • CSV n/a 90%
3 Romania

Data is provided via national open data repository. It includes name, identification number, fiscal registration number, areas of activity and locality (not full address).

3 Norway
  • CSV, ... n/a 90%
3 Norway

Fields available: Further data may be made available in the future: Edit: added that the data - though in a minimal form, compared to what's registered with the government, is available under a free license from , using the firstmentioned url above. Edit: amended main URL so it goes directly to dataset and not to search.

5 Moldova, Republic of
  • Excel n/a n/a 70%
5 New Zealand
  • XML n/a n/a 70%
5 Portugal
  • HTML n/a 70%
5 Portugal

Platform provides access to companies in Portugal including name, unique identifier and additional information such as address, and others.

8 India
  • HTML n/a 60%
8 India

There is unrestricted access to the basic data. The interface of the websites is user friendly. The government website while registering for a company, also suggests whether that name is available or not and the probable names that can be chosen. also Info only available via search not via download or bulk view

8 Switzerland
  • HTML,PD ... n/a 60%
8 Switzerland

Data is available for personal use: "publication of the whole database, or of parts of it, by any means is strictly forbidden".

10 Isle of Man
  • HTML ... n/a 55%
10 Isle of Man

webscraped by

10 Slovenia
  • n/a n/a 55%
10 Slovenia

Only individual records can be used freely; bulk data is limited by a statement "Users can get only minor parts of the databases (qualitatively and / or quantitatively) and to the extent provided in the context of available web applications. All other forms of retransmission or enabling the use of third parties (eg, publication of the third-party server or user, reproduction in other documents, etc.). Expressly prohibited. This prohibition applies to all forms of use that goes beyond their own use. In particular, the following practices are prohibited: the use of substantial parts (qualitatively and / or quantitatively) databases (eg reproduction structure databases, parts of the structure of databases, creation of public and private databases, etc..) ..." (see Bulk extracts are charged for - see for a scale of charges)

10 Finland
  • n/a n/a 55%
10 Finland

See the discussion in Finnish

13 Czech Republic
  • xml, html n/a 50%
13 Czech Republic

The number of queries is limited (1000 queries from 8am to 6pm, 5000 queires from 6pm to 8am). The data should be available with slight delay (days/weeks).

13 Ireland
  • n/a n/a 50%
13 Ireland

Data available via free API for which signup is required at uncertified documents/extracts from the register can be made available electronically. If certified copy documents or extracts from the register are required, one need to contact Postal Enquiries Section, CRO, 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 with written request in this regard, together with payment of the appropriate fee. Some data are for fee and some are for free. "The CRO supplies, under licence, data in bulk format for high volume users of our data. The data concerned is basic company information in respect of all companies on the register. Daily updates of the data may be downloaded via the internet - a password is assigned to a Licensee to facilitate this. The fees for the daily data update service are below. Copies of all scanned documents received by CRO can also be made available at a cost of €63,360 per annum." Here are their terms of use and [DATA AVAILABLE ONLINE: changed to NO (The requirement is not for detailed financial information. However, we can't find a "list of companies" on the CRO site or API either. You can run queries for specific companies, but you can't return a full list. So this is a NO.

13 Indonesia
  • HTML table n/a 50%
13 Indonesia

This website gives a more extensive list of limited companies which includes both state-owned as well as private enterprises, and across sectors (not limited to industry, as opposed to the previous link). However it only provides information regarding the company name and location in the resulting table, although it gives an option to display results based on a selected sectors. I argue that it is not available in bulk as, although the option is available to list all registered companies in all geographical regions and across all sectors, the table it displays only show the company name and a selected geographical unit (either sub-district, city/district, and province name but not all three), and does not include the sector/field it is associated with. So one cannot obtain all the necessary information using the query it provides. Additionally, often times when I attempt to select all, the website crashes.

There is no information regarding licensing so according to the FAQ agreement it is considered not openly licensed.

I am not sure how frequent the data is updated as there is no information regarding this.

16 Netherlands
  • n/a n/a 45%
16 Netherlands

No bulk availability, and one record only free of charge. provides unofficial copy also through API, based on daily scraping. Charging model under discussion by the responsible Ministry.

16 Sweden
  • csv n/a 45%
16 Sweden

Most of the information is available for a fee.

16 Serbia
  • html n/a 45%
16 Serbia

No license can be found which makes it non-open.

16 Slovakia
  • HTML n/a 45%
16 Slovakia

Accessible in bulk form on special arrangement. Or just scrape it from web. License for the data is not clearly stated so "no" is filled.

16 China
  • HTML n/a 45%
16 China

The data available at national level might not include certain companies which registered at city/province level.

16 Malta
  • structu ... n/a 45%
16 Malta

webscraped by

16 Korea, Republic of
  • xls, ... n/a 45%
16 Korea, Republic of

  • Name: Repository of Korea's Corporate Filings
  • Coverage: Company profiles, Changes in Capital, Major Stockholders, Main Businesses , Sales Composition, Summarised balance sheets, summarised income statements, XBRL Financial Statements

16 Russian Federation
  • HTML n/a 45%
16 Russian Federation

Brief Description: Russian companies registry data is available for everybody via website. This data is up to date, free, but limited by company name, it's unique registration number, address and short list of latest registration actions without details. Any finacial information provided with fee or via commercial services. Most important issues: 1. No machine readable data 2. No bulk download 3. No open licenses 4. Data hidden behind captcha 5. Public information is very limited Step by step explanation 1. Does the data exist? Yes, data published via and also known as available via a few commercial operators. 2. Is data in digital form? Yes, data available via website 3. Publicly available? Yes, this data is publicly available. We don't need FOI request to get it. 4. Is the data available for free? Yes. Following data available for free: - unique numbers: INN and OGRN - name - address - registration operations 5. Is the data available online? Yes. Data available at 6. Is the data machine readable? No, public data is not machine readable 7. Available in bulk? No 8. Openly licensed? No, this data is public domain data but no open license available. 9. Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes, this information updated frequently, on daily basis.

16 Bermuda
  • structu ... n/a 45%
16 Bermuda

webscraped by

16 Australia
  • XML n/a 45%
16 Australia

There is a lookup available at, and basic details available to public for free under open licence Full details available through data brokers only. Claimed to be legal barriers to provide information on company shareholders/owners for free

16 Hong Kong
  • structu ... n/a 45%
16 Hong Kong

access as unregistered user or registered user certified screen prints (for example, evidence in a legal case) and other services are chargeable

16 Saudi Arabia
  • structu ... n/a n/a 45%
16 Ecuador
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
16 Canada
  • HTML n/a 45%
16 Canada

Because Canada is a federation of provinces and territories, these data would be considered incomplete, as companies are also registered, sometimes exclusively at those jurisdictions. A complete picture would require going to each jurisdiction and assessing their degree of openness. This response is solely for the federal / national level. These data are however generally incomplete, are destroyed every 7 years as per the tax act and are inconsistently managed. They are also not easily available to the public. While these national scale data meet many of the OKFN criteria, the fact that they are incomplete, inaccurate and destroyed every seven years is problematic, especially regarding transparency and investigations into money laundering. Furthermore, they are not readily accessible by the data producer, you can find a company but not a list of all the companies. Also, the Corporations Canada database "does NOT include corporations created under financial legislation (such as financial institutions, insurance companies or loan and trust companies) or those created under provincial/territorial legislation or corporate legislation from another jurisdiction." See also

16 Nepal
  • HTML n/a 45%
16 Nepal

Currently the whole site is in developing phase, they are working to make Open OCR model. Office of Company Registrar is responsible of data.

16 Tunisia
  • HTML n/a 45%
16 Tunisia

No information about license. Industry: Services :

16 Hungary
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
16 Bulgaria
  • HTML, XML n/a 45%
16 Bulgaria

The requests to the information in the Company register requires captcha fill-in. It contains the scanned original documents, but the most important information is in html tables. The bulk automated interface in XML format is available for 15 000 euro/year .

34 France
  • n/a n/a 40%
34 France

The whole bulk data is made available under highly restricted conditions for 65 994 € and 255 € per update.

34 Burkina Faso
n/a n/a n/a 40%
34 Burkina Faso

The companies register is managed by the chamber of trade and industry. Each entry is sold 225 CFA (~0.35 euro). It is possible to suscribe to access the register useing the following formulas: - 1 month and access to 1000 entries = 250 000 CFA ( 379.36 euro ) - 6 months and access to 2000 entries = 450 000 CFA ( 682.85 euro ) - 12 months and access to 5000 entries = 1 000 000 ( 1517.45 euro )

34 Iceland
  • HTML, PDF n/a 40%
34 Iceland

Limited data can be accessed via a web form (search). More data and bulk data is available for a fee (on a page by page basis).

37 Poland
  • n/a n/a 35%
37 Poland

Business registry only available to query online (with Captcha). PDF downloads of individual entries

37 Croatia
  • n/a n/a n/a 35%
39 Austria
  • n/a n/a 30%
39 Austria

It is available for money and through re-sellers. [Reviewer comment: given it's publicly available and online, even though there's a charge.]

39 Germany
https://www.unternehmensregist... n/a n/a 30%
39 Germany

The company register is protected by data base rights and might not be reused without permission. Original License notice states: "Das Unternehmensregister genießt Datenbankschutz nach § 87a ff. UrhG und darf insoweit nicht ohne Zustimmung des Verlags außerhalb der gesetzlichen Vorschriften genutzt werden."

39 Japan
  • PDF n/a 30%
39 Japan

PDF not machine readable. No bulk data, no open licence, charge to access data.

39 Israel
  • n/a n/a 30%
39 Israel

The Data is only available by search, and there are no current plans to publish it in bulk, completly or in a downloadable format.

39 Italy
  • n/a n/a 30%
39 Italy

"Is it up to date?": there are several known inconsistencies. You can look individual entries up via the form online but are prohibited from downloading it. You can pay for the whole dataset which would be sent via email.

39 Singapore
  • n/a n/a 30%
39 Singapore

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) holds this data. However, you have to pay to get the data. According to the website the relevant information is the "Business Profile" containing "information such as registration number, entity name, business activities, registration date, owners and charges of the entity. Please click to see samples of business profiles for different entity* types." According to the brochure at these cost $5.50 per report and upon purchase "An email with a URL will be sent to requestor within 30 minutes."

39 Belgium
  • n/a n/a 30%
39 Belgium

While it is available in bulk, that requires a 100.000 EUR/year license (by law). Per-company info is free, if requested on a one-by-one basis

46 Mexico
n/a n/a n/a 20%
46 Mexico

Despite the fact that data is available under the Treasury and Economic Ministry, there is no public database available to the public. Some query mechanisms exist in order to find basic company information based on the name of the company or their tax id.

46 Taiwan
  • n/a n/a 20%
46 Taiwan

You can search company register data from here: The data include register, registration changing or dissolution in every month, in different cities between 2006 and now.

46 Lithuania
  • n/a n/a 20%
46 Lithuania

Data is available only on commercial terms. The full dataset on company register costs.

46 Spain
  • PDF n/a 20%
46 Spain

Reviewer comment: It's online and public, even though you have to register and pay for access to the data, which makes it not free and not openly licensed.

50 South Africa
  • n/a n/a 15%
50 South Africa

This data is closed and sold by subscription

51 Brazil
  • html ... n/a 10%
51 Brazil

Access to company data in Brazil is very limited. In order to access data, one needs to know the identification number of the company. There is no service where people can search for the identification number if they only know the name.

51 Cyprus
  • n/a n/a 10%
51 Cyprus

It appears you can ask for data held about individual companies, but it is not possible to get the whole dataset. It would appear the data exists because you can ask for it, but it is not proactively available, and no hint as to the kind of information available. You need to downgrade Internet Explorer 10 in order to use the government website.

51 Bangladesh
n/a n/a n/a 10%
51 Bangladesh

The information for publicly quoted companies can be found on the websites of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) ( and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE)( It is to be noted that DSE and CSE is fully under government control. It looks like relevant information for all companies is gathered on but cannot see how to access the information.

54 Nigeria
n/a n/a n/a 5%
54 Nigeria

Nigeria's company register is not open. However, one will need a legal registerd practictioner to do a search on the company.

54 United States
n/a n/a n/a 5%
54 United States

In the US, corporate registration happens at the state level. The timeliness, availability, and licensing of this data varies among all 50 states. There is no federal dataset that contains all corporate registrations. It would be possible to create a unified open registry for all US corporations (even if only via aggregation from state ones) but this does not exist at this time

54 Kenya
n/a n/a n/a 5%
54 Kenya

Data is not available anywhere online but it is available upon request at the respective government office. There is a fee for the 'search' to de done and am not very sure in what format the requesting person receives the data. I am also not sure if the data at the offices iS fully digital though this could be possible and unfortunately I cannot verify in good time.

54 Costa Rica
n/a n/a n/a 5%
54 Costa Rica

There is data available but not in digital form. If a citizen wants the information, he/she must go physically to the Registro National to get it. There is a new format to register new companies, ( but the information available is only for companies that registered using it. If a company was registered before using the traditional format, it will not be available in the digital platform.

58 Greece
n/a n/a n/a 0%
58 Greece

It is uncertain if the register exists, but there is an available API at

58 Egypt
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
58 Senegal
n/a n/a n/a 0%
58 Senegal

Review comment: It is uncertain whether the data exists. Original comment: List of entreprises of Senegal