Government Spending 17% open (avg.)

Ranked #10 against other datasets in the Index (avg.)
The Index average ranking for Government Spending is down from #8 in 2013


Records of actual (past) national government spending at a detailed transactional level; at the level of month to month government expenditure on specific items (usually this means individual records of spending amounts under $1m or even under $100k). (Note: Just a database of contracts awarded or similar is not considered sufficient. This data category refers to detailed ongoing data on actual expenditure)

Rank Place Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 United Kingdom
  • CSV, EXCEL #1  100% 100%
1 United Kingdom

Central Government departments are required to regularly publish lists of all financial transactions spending over £25,000; some departments publish transactions down to £500 or lower. The business rules and the format is described at The data is re-usable under the UK's Open Government Licence. In addition summarised spending information by month x department x type of goods/services is available quarterly from the Treasury (Ministry of Finance) COINS/OSCAR database - see for instance This is also available under the Open Government Licence. The data was last updated/released in September 2014.

2014 reviewer comment: The data in no longer available through COINS or 'Where does my money go'. It can be found on platform. I added the correct link to the information and a link to the data license.

1 Greece
  • API, json #1  100% 100%
1 Greece

Expenses are published as part of the “Clarity” program of Law 3861/2010, which introduced for the first time in Greece the obligation to publish all the decisions of government and all administrative entities on the Internet.

3 Slovenia
  • JSON, ... #6  70% 70%
3 Slovenia

The first page is not a notice of (un)availability, rather an introductory message. Data is available in a form of a web application, where you are supposed to choose a public body and/or private company doing business with government. Examples: gives a graph and list of all expenses by Ministry of finances. gives all income for Post of Slovenia received from public bodies. Companies also have listed owners, supervisors and directors. You can combine bodies and companies, eg. lists all expenditure from Information comissioner's office given to Post of Slovenia. Bulk data is available at: All transactions above 2000€ are noted and dated (starting from 2003) with a summary log for the rest. There is an API available and official interface provided, which can list all the transactions, not limited to the abovementioned sum:

There is also a 3rd-party scrapper available here:

Additionally , there's detailed monthly and yearly documentation of the balance of public finances at (PDF, XLS): nih_financ/

3 Russian Federation
  • XML #6  70% 70%
3 Russian Federation

Brief Description: Russia has special official web portal for government procurement (spending) information. This procurement platform does include all purchases of the government.

3 Brazil
  • CSV #5  80% 70%
3 Brazil

Data till 2011 is published on the open data catalogue

More recent data can be downloaded also from the Transparency Portal: as bulk download per month (the size of each file is so big that this can be regarded as bulk download)

Neither the Transparency Portal nor the Open Data Catalogue specify the license of the data, Example:

6 Spain
http://www.oficinavirtual.pap.... XLS #38  0% 65%
6 Spain

There is a monthly aggregated expenditure data on the website of the Ministry of MoF. The government expenditure on specific items can be accessed through this system, yet it requires login and password.

6 Mexico
http://www.transparenciapresup... xls #10  65% 65%
6 Mexico

Editors comments: I don't find detailed information about the spending on an eg. monthly basis. There are budget evaluations (eg. but these are high level reports. Data is not in bulk. Due to difference of evaluations, availability and readability are assessed as "unsure" for the 2013 index.

No change from 2013

Comments by Lorena Rivero - 29/10/2013 My name is Lorena Rivero, in charge of the open budget site in Mexico. Going through the index you recently published, I found some information ranked as "Unsure", specifically in the part of Government Spending where it says "I don't find detailed information about the spending on an eg. monthly basis".

In this matter I would like to show that we have extensive information in a monthly basis, including income, showing the different taxes and oil income; expenditure in administrative, functional and economic classifications; debt; grants; local government transfers among many other information in All data can be consulted and downloaded (in xls) free of charge according to the terms and conditions stated in the site (Términos y Condiciones de uso de la información) allowing the user to create its own time series and receive the data in different ways, for example in millions, accumulative or percentage of the GDP.

Additional Comments: Revisions with civil society specialists was done in november 2013. Specialists were not certain that all expenses can be found in a detailed monthly basis.

8 El Salvador
  • XLS, XML n/a 60%
8 El Salvador

Data on Government Spending exists but it is very spreaded in the website. Detailed information is provided mainly in PDF format, but some aggregated data for different years is also provided through excel files in the URL:

Information available not always in a structured format.

8 Hungary
  • Excel #38  0% 60%
8 Hungary

Until 2014, official budget documents were in the form of Budget Bills and acts, not available in a user-friendly format and which were difficult to interpret for the average citizen. Also, Budget Bills only talk about spending institutions and due to the frequent institutional reorganizations, it was difficult to track the spending dynamics over time by field/sector. By now the budget data are published on the Hungarian State Treasury's website in a slightly modified COFOG2 breakdown, which makes the interpretation of the budget data significantly easier.

8 Malta
  • Excel #11  60% 60%
8 Malta

Malta's national statistics office provides information related to the economic and financial status of the country. Quarterly accounts exist that provide information re monthly expenditure and revenue.

11 Burkina Faso
n/a Pdf, XLS #13  45% 50%
11 Burkina Faso

Transactional data are only available in the direction of the publique procurement of each ministry. It's released as soon as the transaction have been done, available for free, in bulk, but most of the time, the datas are dispersed in many file

12 Ecuador
  • n/a #19  10% 45%
12 Ecuador

Consolidated spending data from 2008 to 2014 can be queried through an online database.

Data is on transactional level and it is very detailed and in a monthly report -

12 Paraguay
  • n/a n/a 45%
12 Paraguay

Quality of the Data (Content): 10, all information is available in great detail. Quality of Data (Structure): 6, the data format is PDF or Excel, which are not the most user-friendly formats.

All government spending must go through the e-procurement platform (source of spending data) except salaries which are exempt from it. To get all one can search for the year only.

The search information also allows access to public information by:

The information available on the web is constantly updated. The DNCP is in the process of opening their data.

14 Denmark
  • CSV #16  40% 40%
14 Denmark

Not available under open license, since you'll have to make an FOI request to get it. Data that is up to date exists. See also (Danish) on obtaining the data.

15 Panama
n/a n/a n/a 20%
15 Panama

Data is aggregated, not in a transactional form.

Summarized by month at this url:

If you know the number of the check or contract you can look it up on their site:

I have extracted most of the data and published it here:

16 Poland
n/a n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Czech Republic
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Czech Republic

The now (2014-10-06) available data (as XML and CSV) also contains transactional data at: (which is licensed under an open license).

However it is not detailed enough to be useful as transactional data. For that reason it is clear that the government has transactional data but it is not available to the public in adequate form.

16 Korea, Republic of
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Korea, Republic of

Only high level data is available, not transaction-level

16 Colombia
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Colombia

The ministry of finance is transparent about the economics: and has a platform where aggregated data (only) is made available in an accessible way:

This however is not transactional spending data.

16 Kenya
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Kenya

Data on tenders can be found here:

However, there is no transactional level data on a monthly basis

16 Philippines
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Philippines

There is a dataset on the Philippines open data portal that shows aggregated data by type (in a non-machine friendly setup in a machine readable format).

16 Finland
n/a n/a #13  45% 10%
16 Finland

Certain data assets of The State Treasurey ( are available on Finnish data portal but transactional spending data is not available.

More information from Netra will be opened in the future. See a discussion in Finnish at

16 Japan
n/a n/a #34  5% 10%
16 Japan

Annual aggregated expenditure data on specific items (financial statistics) is available for bulk download: 4&requestSender=dsearch

16 Hong Kong
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Hong Kong

Theoretically this transaction-level spending data should exist since that is how the summarised annual revenue and expenditure reports, found at: can be created.

16 France
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 France

Spending data at transnational level are collected and stored on the financial information system named CHORUS. Data is however not accessible online to the public.

16 Norway
  • n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Norway

Records of spending on a transactional level is not openly available online, and have to be requested.

There are some higher-level numbers available;

Monthly expenses:

Statistics Norway:

16 Sierra Leone
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Sierra Leone

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development published Financial Spending Reports monthly for 2013 (see : As such, it is safe to assume that if they have aggregate spending data, transactional spending data exists and is digital.

16 Romania
n/a n/a #6  70% 10%
16 Romania

The aggregated spending report, i.e. not transactional data, is published monthly, with a slight delay (2-3 months) at:

For example, in mid-October the latest figures available are from August.

16 Austria
  • n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Austria

The Ministry of Finance releases monthly, regularly updated datasets on the implemented budget (XLS). These datasets contain the monthly aggregate spending of Ministries and other major State bodies of the federal level (EUR 100k). However, these break-downs do not show what these entities spend the money on, no itemized spending data is available. Thus, the level of detail required by this survey is not met.

16 Bermuda
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Bermuda

No transactional data is available.

Aggregated spending data is available at: and also on the local non-governmental open data portal at: (Consolidated Fund audited financials)

16 Thailand
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Thailand

There are 4 types of spending data published by the Ministry of Finance, albeit in aggregated form, not as transactional data:

  1. Budget spending by ministry (การเบิกจ่ายเงิน จำแนกตามกระทรวง)
  2. Budget spending by economic type and ministry (การเบิกจ่ายเงิน จำแนกตามลักษณะเศรษฐกิจและกระทรวง)
  3. Budget spending by spending type (การเบิกจ่ายเงิน จำแนกตามหมวดรายจ่าย)
  4. Budget spending by sub-spending type (การเบิกจ่ายเงิน จำแนกตามหมวดรายจ่ายย่อย)

All four types are available at:

This is aggregated data and not transactional data.

16 Ghana
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Ghana

There is a monthly aggregated data about spending and expenditure from the office of the accountant general. It is not detailed to per transaction data.

16 Serbia
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Serbia

As part of the budget, it is possible to find data on total expenditure and expenditure for the current year. Data are related to individual sectors. There is no detailed transactions on a monthly basis.

Given there are no detailed monthly transactions available this dataset needs to be marked as not publicly available (but the data seems to be available and digital which is needed to produce the aggregated data).

16 Israel
n/a n/a #34  5% 10%
16 Israel

The data is not publicly available and some of it was just released through a FOI request (October 2014). We do not know in which format the data is.

16 Egypt
n/a n/a #17  30% 10%
16 Egypt

The Ministry of Finance publishes yearly and quarterly briefs. The data is available online through PDFs. The Central Bank of Egypt also publishes outdated data (see here for example:

The data published by the Ministry of Finance is published as part of a report, and you have to read the report and/or search for the data tables in there and there they exist only as aggregated data, not transactional spending data. As stated earlier, data is in PDF format, and there is no API for real-time data.

Example reports [in Arabic]:

In the above report, the actual spending for last year (2013/2014) is still not available as of November 2014.

16 Tunisia
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Tunisia

Some data annual expenditure data can also be accessed here:

As yearly (high level) data is available, we can safely assume that the government has monthly data as well but this is not available online.

Via the Open Data Tunisia portal, the most recent budget/spending data is from 2012 (PDF)

16 Bulgaria
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Bulgaria

Spending data provided on a daily basis, but not at transactionnal level. There are some files available through the Ministry of Finances ( but nothing tangible to introduce meaningful changes to the current assessment. As there is no clear copyright mention on the Ministry's website, data is considered non-open.

16 Nepal
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Nepal

Expenditure data updated district wise and monthly.

Data is not in transaction level, but aggregated.

16 Zambia
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Zambia

The is a quarterly spending report on the Zambian Treasury website: but that's aggregated data, not transactional.

16 Netherlands
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Netherlands

No publication of expenditures is expected soon. [no change from 2013]

16 Turkey
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Turkey

Aggregated data on public finance is available and regularly updated at: &nm=684 but these do not include transactional spending data.

16 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

The Ministry of Finance provides the final accounts of each fiscal year:, transactional data is not available to the public, also it is assumed that it exists, as the final accounts represent aggregated data. The report is provided in PDF format, the one for 2013 is available here:

16 Slovakia
  • n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Slovakia

There is some summary information about spending on monthly basis available at and (see for example and also for example but those do not match the definition used by Census.

16 Bangladesh
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Bangladesh

A budget is declared every year in the national assembly. But stats regarding the efficiency of the implementation of the budget is not published that openly.

There are PDFs showing aggregate spend but no transactional level information.

16 South Africa
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 South Africa

According to the Ministry of Finance: is collecting this data but it appears not to be accessible publicy from an official source.

16 Cameroon
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Cameroon

The Government recently started an initiative to follow up public investment.

16 Virgin Islands, U.S.
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Virgin Islands, U.S.

There are indications that expenditure (and revenue) are collected so the data exists, e.g. the legislative arm publishes aggregated expenditure data (quarterly report): and the internal revenue bureau publishes revenues: but these are independent efforts it seems.

16 Lithuania
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Lithuania

The data is available and in a quite some detail, however, majority of it are PDFs and it is not on a transactional level:

16 Lesotho
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Lesotho

Lesotho has a computer system for government procurement and spending ( Therefore, we can assume that the data does exist and is in digital form. However, there is no specific document for monthly government spending (

16 Pakistan
n/a PDF n/a 10%
16 Pakistan

There are digital systems to auditing which shows transactions: which indicates that the transactional spending data exists.

However, the data is not available to the public, and the monthly civil accounts: reports is not active.

16 Morocco
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Morocco

The available data is not as precise as requested by the indicator. Although available in a machine-readable format, the data is not available for bulk download (each file needs to be downloaded individually).

The Ministry of Economy and Finances also releases data on the Open Data portal ( ). Copyright by the institution although each dataset on may display individual license (ODbL). The licensing terms being confusing and the general website's terms being priority, data is thus considered non-open.

*Reviewer's note: Data is aggregated and does not contains monthly transactional data.

16 Georgia
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Georgia

The Ministry of Finance makes monthly revenue and spending reports available als XLS files, but these do not list individual items or transactions but list only aggregate expenditures for personell or purchased goods and services ( It's not clear if more detailed information is centrally collected and aggregated on a monthly basis.

On a side note: All government agencies use a centralized e-procurement system to purchase goods and services. Data on non-classified government contracts and bills/receipts is available at The data includes transactions from state bank accounts to suppliers for the implementation of contracts, but no bulk data is available.

16 Ireland
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Ireland

The aggregated data that are publicly available at the program expenditure level but not available at the actual expenditure level, i.e. transactional level. There was some dispute here, and it was dediced to assume that these do exist even though a link is not provided, as to get to the programme level actual expenditures are required.

16 Belgium
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Belgium

Only aggregate tables per year are published on the statistical portal of the national bank of Belgium: but they indicate that the data exists.

16 Sweden
n/a n/a #34  5% 10%
16 Sweden

Not clear if detailed spending records could be retrieved from the government offices (Regeringskansliet) under a FOIA request.

16 Uruguay
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Uruguay

The national transactional spending data is not available.

Procurement data (which is a big subset of national spending data) is however available as open data. It can be downloaded in bulk from: /interfaz-consultas-publicaciones.

XML files in a dataset in Uruguay's CKAN instace at correspond to the codelists used in the actual data.

16 Latvia
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Latvia

The Treasury has detailed up-to-date spending information, but this information is not available online.

There is a service "Valsts budžeta iestāžu izdevumi": that claims to provide daily expenditure information but it does not return any data.

16 Croatia
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Croatia

Records of Government spending are only available on semi-annual basis in the form of the State Budget Execution Report, datasets available in three different types of classification as Ms Excel documents: e.g. economical classification dataset,%20glavama%20i%20ekonomskoj%20klasifikaciji.xls

16 Costa Rica
  • n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Costa Rica

Partially available, not on a detailed transactional level and not up to date.

Open spending is one of the Country Commitments in Action Plan at OGP. There are multiple platforms of database related to budgets at local level, such as:

More information about commitment to fiscal transparency:

16 New Zealand
  • Excel #38  0% 10%
16 New Zealand

Data (in Excel format) not at transaction detail, but aggregated monthly for all of government at account item level. Annual figures also available. All individual government agencies also publish online their annual reports, typically in PDF format.

16 Australia
  • CSV #38  0% 10%
16 Australia

Data is released fortnightly through Austender, and compilation dating back to 2011 is available on The dataset at is a dataset of contract notices; "The Contract Notice Export is an export file containing contract notice data for all Australian Government agencies who report procurement on AusTender published over a one week period." Although this is valuable data (and in line with that published by other excellent jurisdictions) it is not expenditure information in terms of the definition of this element ("Government spending at a detailed transactional level, that is at the level of month to month government expenditure including money spent on specific contracts or with specific vendors."). It does not detail individual payments to vendors when they are made, only the overall estimated value of the contract at the time of award. IMHO there should also be category for contract award information for which this dataset would be an excellent example. But it is not the expenditure information required by the census.

There is aggregated data on expenditure on the national statistics website -

16 Chile
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Chile

There is a detailed open dataset available at with expenditures, broken down by government institution and budget programs but it is not transactional data.

16 Côte d'Ivoire
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Côte d'Ivoire

Some spending data is available in PDF from the Ministere Aupres du Premier Ministre Charge du Budget.

It is safe to assume that more detailed and timely spending data exists and is in a digital format.

Whether more detailed and timely data would be available for free is difficult to determine.

16 Nigeria
  • n/a #34  5% 10%
16 Nigeria

Actual spending report is presented in aggregated form in the budget implementation reports. At the level of presentation, data is minimally useful.

16 Argentina
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Argentina

Argentina has a very informative financial data portal . It shows many analysis for expenditure data in a machine-readable format and bulk download. The only display missing is a month to month expenditure.

16 Senegal
n/a PDF #38  0% 10%
16 Senegal

Public procurements are published in PDF by the government, but it is only a subset of Budget Spending. This data is available here:

We are safe to assume that transaction level government spending data exists and is likely digital, but it does not appear to be available online.

16 Switzerland
n/a PDF #13  45% 10%
16 Switzerland

Annual spending data is provided, but not at a transactional level at:

16 India
n/a n/a #11  60% 10%
16 India

The data is easily available on the data portal India website. The Data Portal India provides important datasets on government spending and outlays which is totally open and in machine readable format. The data available on the Data portal is open for reuse and further study. Data has been shared under National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy – 2012 (NDSAP-2012). This was a unique initiative taken by Govt of India. The objective of the policy is to facilitate access to Government of India owned shareable data and information in both human readable and machine readable forms through a network all over the country in a proactive and periodically updatable manner, therefore, permitting a wider accessibility and use of public data and information. The data is also available in Ministry of Finance website "" and, which is the website for Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance. The data provided by the Controller General accounts is in HTML format and is up to date.

Reviewer's note: While India has many financial report, I couldn't find a monthly transactions report in the open data portal. The link that were provided shows aggregated data, and not transactional data. Until a solid proof of this data shown by each single transaction will be found, i mark this data set as exist but not publicly available.

16 Haiti
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Haiti

The Ministry of Economy and Finance provides with budget execution statements on a yearly basis but the report only contains aggregated data not transactional level ones.

16 Germany
n/a pdf #19  10% 10%
16 Germany

The granularity of the spending data is not satisfying. [Notice pudo: this is really not what I think we should cover with spending data; I would argue such data is completely unavailable on a federal level] [SvdW: Changed answers to reflect this].

No changes from 2013.

16 Italy
n/a n/a #18  20% 10%
16 Italy

Only aggregated data is available via SIOPE at to anyone who is granted access but it seems that some people are denied access to this system unjustly - according to some echi-crescono/

16 Lebanon
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Lebanon

There is a monthly aggregated report of government expenditure. There is no report that publish data per transaction. All data is copyrighted under the 2010 Ministry of Finance.

16 Canada
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Canada

The Government of Canada released a pilot sample dataset matching the criteria for this category, which has since been discontinued: . The Government of Canada also has a tool for searching expenditure data, but data availability varies by ministry and department. Data is not month to month - it is aggregated by fiscal year - and it is not very detailed. Data cannot be downloaded.

16 Kosovo
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Kosovo

Spending data published here on a monthly basis are not detailed enough to meet the criteria established under this indicator.

16 Oman
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Oman

The website of the National Centre for Statistics and Information publishes a monthly statistical bulletin at:

The bulletin includes a section on "Public Finance" which shows aggregated spending data, i.e. not transactional data. For example: is the spending report for the month of July 2014.

16 Moldova, Republic of
n/a n/a #6  70% 10%
16 Moldova, Republic of

There is aggregated data for spending data, but not not on a monthly basis or per transaction.

16 Taiwan
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Taiwan

Aggregated data, i.e. not transactional spending data, is available at:

16 Isle of Man
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Isle of Man

The reports on include aggregated expenditures and revenues but do not include transactional data.

Extensive discussions took place with the Treasury in 2014; Feedback was submitted on public beta and data upload commitments; agreement in principle to include website analytics to quantify interest, to share with CSOs, developers and other governments on open data path; some discussions with open government lead at Microsoft Europe on shift from quarter end to month end to day end to real time open banking and extensive discussions with

16 Tanzania, United Republic of
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Tanzania, United Republic of

The Ministry of Finance publishes very detailed and thorough reports about planned and actual spending four times a year at:

These reports include tables of aggregated spending data but not transactional data.

16 United States
n/a n/a #4  90% 10%
16 United States

2014 comments (taken from Hudson Hollister email): The Treasury Department receives and processes payment requests from nearly every agency (with the prominent exception of DoD). These payments requests collectively are known as the Payments Information Repository, or PIR. Treasury promised in 2012 testimony to the Senate that it would publish the PIR as open data, but has not fulfilled the promise (and the DATA Act doesn't require it to).

Details on Treasury's PIR promise are here:

Becky Sweger - National priorities project After a GAO audit ( of was published this summer, HHS agreed to start submitting aggregated Medicare spending data. I can confirm that Medicare benefits payments are showing up now (they didn't as of a few months ago), but didn't confirm the data are complete. If Medicare benefits are now represented in, it's likely no longer true that the site represents "only a small part of federal spending data." I'd re-reword to "So while the data are available, they represent an incomplete picture of federal spending that does not include government salaries, benefits, and other operating expenditures." Agency procedures for reporting money paid to (or on behalf of) individuals are inconsistent. The Social Security Administration has always done a great job of reporting. HHS finally decided to aggregate and report Medicare. USDA, however, doesn't accurately report food stamp benefits in Since this type of payment represents the largest chunk of U.S. spending, it's important to have consistent and enforced guidelines for reporting.

2013 comments: The data at accounts for only a fraction of all government spending, and it is organized in a way that makes it hard to understand and use. So while the data are available, it's only a small part of federal spending data. It does not include expenses on government salaries and operating expenditures or information on Medicare, the nation's government sponsored medical insurance for the elderly (~20% of total spending). There are no government-wide spending records that would actually be more helpful --- that is, the government doesn't collect the type of data about its own spending that would be useful to the open government world.

The data available at comes from a variety of sources and is presumably licensed based on the original source licenses:

16 Portugal
n/a n/a #3  95% 10%
16 Portugal

There is no data available on day-to-day spending, i.e. transactional spending. Aggregated spending data is available at:

Public contract offers and non-bid contracts are available through the website It is machine readable, freely and timely available, but not in bulk nor under an open license.

16 Iceland
n/a CSV #19  10% 10%
16 Iceland

Only aggregated government spending is available at

16 Guatemala
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Guatemala

Only high level expenditure and contracts database at

84 Botswana
n/a n/a n/a 5%
84 Botswana

This website mentions that there are spending reports but they are not available on the website.

84 Rwanda
n/a n/a n/a n/a 5%
86 Singapore
n/a n/a #38  0% 0%
86 Singapore

Whilst budget includes some expenditure information (see e.g. there is no detailed transactional information available as far as we have been able to determine.

86 Mali
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
86 Cambodia
n/a n/a n/a 0%
86 Cambodia

Browsing through the homepage of Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF), but found nothing.

86 Cyprus
  • n/a #38  0% 0%
86 Cyprus

Cannot be found on government websites. If anyone finds something, please submit!

86 China
n/a n/a #38  0% 0%
86 China

nothing changed in 2014

86 Jamaica
  • n/a n/a 0%
86 Jamaica

No data available at a detailed transactional level.

86 Bosnia and Herzegovina
n/a n/a n/a 0%
86 Bosnia and Herzegovina

There is no detailed data about government spending.

86 Indonesia
n/a n/a #38  0% 0%
86 Indonesia

No change since 2013

86 Zimbabwe
n/a n/a n/a 0%
86 Zimbabwe

There are no indication for the existence of the data in the Zimbabwean government. Searches through the finance office website and the government portal didn't show any indication to such data.

86 Guinea
http://donnees.banquemondiale.... PDF n/a n/a 0%
86 Benin
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
86 Saudi Arabia
n/a n/a #38  0% 0%
86 Saudi Arabia

only found online links to summarised budget and national accounts statistics