Austria 59% open

Austria is ranked #22 in the 2014 Index
Austria's overall Index ranking is up from #23 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 Election Results
  • XLSX, CSV #14  90% 100%
1 Election Results
Format: XLSX, CSV

The Ministry of Interior releases federal election data broken down to district level. The data is published on the government's open data portal, under a Creative Commons license.

The dataset for the 2013 parliamentary elections is available as a CSV file,

The Austrian results of the 2014 elections of the European Parliament are available in XLSX, CSV and HTML format,

Precinct-level election data is only released by the city of Vienna and not available in the other eight regions of Austria.

1 National Map
  • Web ... #1  100% 100%
1 National Map
Format: Web Map Tile Service 1.0.0 (WMTS)

Metadata for is available on the government's open data portal,

6 Legislation
  • HTML, ... #6  90% 90%
6 Legislation
Format: HTML, PDF, DOC, asmx, wsdl, xsd

Federal laws, regional laws, some regulation issued by municipalities, decisions of several regulators and governmental agencies and decisions of high-level courts are available at in HTML, PDF and Word format.

Aggregate data for bulk download of all federal law is made available through the government's open data portal: RIS - Bundesrecht konsolidiert. However, this archive is now several months behind the latest laws available on the RIS website, which is under Copyright and charges fees on some data extracts.

23 National Statistics
  • PDF, ... #54  35% 70%
23 National Statistics

Statistics Austria has launched an open data sub-section of its website, However, it only offers about a dozen datasets there under open data standards. The datasets released there include data on the total population of Austria, but not on its GDP.

Numerous datasets are released by Statistik Austria on its main website in PDF and some also in HTML and other formats. Data can also be access through access to a web-based free but captcha protected database, that allows for download of selected data in various formats, including CSV and XLS. Statistik Austria retains a strict copyright on the data (except the few datasets released on its open data sub-website) and charges for many data sets, including municipal budget data.

44 Government Budget
  • n/a #18  70% 55%
44 Government Budget
URL: provides links to the budgets for 2014 and 2015 in PDF files. Numerous relevant datasets with various statistics and payments are available as XLS files, however there appears to be no machine readable file with all data from the budget. More than a dozen XLS files are available for download, most of them with tens of worksheets, but all this data combined still does not appear to cover all the data contained in the PDF files of the budgets. The Ministry of Finance appears to claim a Copyright on all content on its website.

The Austrian Parliament has a department for budget analysis. The analysis and data produced by this department is only available online, mostly as PDF and DOCX files, a couple of relevant XLS files are available as well, but no fully machine-readable budget data set (

26 Company Register
  • n/a #39  30% 45%
26 Company Register

Access to the corporate registry is only possible through several private actors who obtained a license from the government to sell access to the data ( Among these service providers is now also the fully state-owned Wiener Zeitung, the Republic's official gazette, which provides free access on There are several private operators that, like the Wiener Zeitung, offer free access to corporate ownership data, applying an add-supported business model or charge for access to financial corporate data. But none of the free offers provides an official extract of the data, and there appear to be some discrepancies in terms of how current the datasets of various providers are.

24 Transport Timetables
  • n/a #49  10% 45%
24 Transport Timetables

The state-owned Austrian Railways (ÖBB) makes the schedules of its trains available in PDF files but retains the full copyright. The links to the PDF files can be found on a single page, the data is updated twice a year as schedules change.

32 Postcodes / Zipcodes
n/a shape #45  0% 35%
32 Postcodes / Zipcodes
Format: shape

A dataset with information on the region, district and municipality of a ZIP code is available on the government's open data portal, but this dataset does not contain geo-coordinates, No dataset that meets the description of this survey appears to be publicly available at this point. Further observation: The Statistical Agency Austria holds related geospatial data. Apparently, data can be purchased from the agency. Data is available here on OpenGeoDB: On the webpage of the Austrian Postal Service user can search for a postal code, but no geospatial information is provided. That geospatial data exist can be verified here:

52 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a #8  70% 35%
52 Pollutant Emissions

The federal government makes only data on Ozone measurements available through an open data format (JSON), released by the Federal Environmental Agency, Specific data on air pollutants such as carbon monoxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter is available on a timely basis here: These daily measurements are currently not provided for downloaded and data is only made available for the current date. There is a contact provided and no implication that the Umweltbundesamt charges for the dataset.

16 Government Spending
  • n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Government Spending

The Ministry of Finance releases monthly, regularly updated datasets on the implemented budget (XLS). These datasets contain the monthly aggregate spending of Ministries and other major State bodies of the federal level (EUR 100k). However, these break-downs do not show what these entities spend the money on, no itemized spending data is available. Thus, the level of detail required by this survey is not met.



  • Lieke Ploeger
  • Ton Zijlstra
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Sander van der Waal
  • Robert Harm


  • Oleg Lavrovsky
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Ton Zijlstra
  • Mathias Huter
  • vavoida
  • Paul Walsh
  • Johann Höchtl
  • Robert Harm
  • City of Vienna, Office of the CIO