National Map / 2013 35% open


Bermuda is ranked #38 for this dataset

What data is expected?

High level map at a scale of 1:250,000 or better (1cm = 2.5km)

What data is available

  •   Does the data exist? Yes
  •   Is data in digital form? Yes
  •   Publicly available? Yes
  •   Is the data available for free? Yes
  •   Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
  •   Is the data machine readable? No (HTML)
  •   Available in bulk? No
  •   Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
  •   Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? No



  • Graeme Jones
  • Christian Villum


  • Louis Galipeau
  • Graeme Jones