Czech Republic 66% open

Czech Republic is ranked #12 in the 2014 Index
Czech Republic's overall Index ranking is up from #30 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 Election Results
  • xml #1  100% 100%
1 Election Results
Format: xml

Data is available for various election - nationwide, municipial, local etc.

1 National Map
  • GML #43  30% 100%
1 National Map
Format: GML

In Czech republic several resources of geo-data are available, thanks to Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre. The basic one is cadstral data, made available via RUIAN (base register). Data is freely available in GML format. There is plugin to popular GDAL/OGR library (Open Source). The licence is Public domain. OGC WFS interface is available as well.

Basic aerial imagery or topographic map are not available for free. It is relatively expensive to get them. License is usually very restricted.

Currently there is on going discussion about rules, which are to be applied on the topographic map as well - seems, that the data will be fully opened. Also there is new czech GeoInfoStrategy being discussed, which is stressing the open data topic quite well.

16 National Statistics
  • xls, ... #12  80% 90%
16 National Statistics
Format: xls, xml, csv, dbf, pdf, docx

The quality and openness of the data varies. Some are available up to date and in usable spreadsheets, some docs or pdfs. Terms of use state that data is freely available, but the author must be attributed and the statistical figures must not be changed.

For example, data from Population and Housing Census 2011 are available in machine readable formats (XLS, CSV).

GDP data is available as individual spreadsheets per quarter.

Unemployment data are redirected to Eurostat website.

5 Company Register
  • XML #13  50% 90%
5 Company Register
Format: XML

Last data are from July. The publisher does not specify, how often they update the data.

10 Postcodes / Zipcodes
  • CSV #39  20% 70%
10 Postcodes / Zipcodes
Format: CSV

Data are part of basic register of territorial identification RUIAN.

REWIERS NOTE: The terms of use state that usage of the data follows Cadastral Law, which lists several possible purposes data can be used for. I don't consider this an open license. When I discussed this with the community which uses the data, I've been told that in fact, this whole register works as public domain. The official terms of use statement:

Data is © 2004 - 2014 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální

23 Government Budget
http://monitor.statnipokladna.... CSV #34  45% 70%
23 Government Budget
Format: CSV

Budgets for years 2010 - 2014 are available. The current budget is published in 3 phases (estimates, changes, actual expenditure) and updated quaterly.

Czech national budget for 2015 has not been approved by the parliament and therefore not published (not even a framework).

The license says, that data can be shared freely and integrated into computer programs or databases and other works. However, it also mentions, that the data can't be edited - I think this is just unfortunate definition, that means that the cannot be used in a misleading way, but I'm not 100% sure about it. The terms of use:

24 Transport Timetables
  • xls, pdf #13  45% 45%
24 Transport Timetables
Format: xls, pdf

Data at national level are incomplete. Also, its machine readability is questionable - most of them are in xls, but some include various footnotes which makes machine readability complicated.

Since 2001, complete database is available only to one company which supplies IT services to Ministry of Transport - Chaps. The ministry promised to open the datasets, there is a new regulation, that should come into force in September 2015.

34 Legislation
  • txt, pdf n/a #25  45% 45%
52 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a #34  35% 35%
52 Pollutant Emissions

Data is available for 2004-2013. The database offers quite useful filters (by type of pollution, pollutant, region etc.) Data are updated on a yearly basis.

The terms of use are not specified on publisher's website. I've asked the officials and have been told that data are freely available (and they could even offer an export on request). But he didn't specify the license.

16 Government Spending
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Government Spending

The now (2014-10-06) available data (as XML and CSV) also contains transactional data at: (which is licensed under an open license).

However it is not detailed enough to be useful as transactional data. For that reason it is clear that the government has transactional data but it is not available to the public in adequate form.



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Sander van der Waal
  • Michaela Rybičková


  • Jáchym Čepický
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Michaela Rybickova
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Michaela Rybičková
  • Jindřich Mynarz
  • Jakub Mracek
  • Michaela Rybičková