Election Results / 2013 35% open


India is ranked #51 for this dataset

What data is expected?

Results by constituency / district for all major national electoral contests

What data is available

  •   Does the data exist? Yes
  •   Is data in digital form? Yes
  •   Publicly available? Yes
  •   Is the data available for free? Yes
  •   Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
  •   Is the data machine readable? No (XLS / PDF)
  •   Available in bulk? No
  •   Openly licensed? Unsure (No URL given)
  •   Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Unsure


Data is available fully in PDF form(state wise). In some cases provisional state election results are available as XLS. Its available for free but cannot see a licence on the data; and website is managed by Election Commission of India. Details include- List of Participating Political Parties List of Successful Candidates Performance of Political Parties Candidate Data Summary Electors Data Summary Women Candidates Constituency Data Summary Detailed Results

(also see http://eciresults.ap.nic.in/ )



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Laura James


  • Akhilesh Srivastava
  • Tuhin Subhro Chakraborty
  • Vinay Chhabra
  • Shubhadip Biswas