Ireland / 2013 40% open

Ireland is ranked #41 in the 2013 Index

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. Score
8 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a n/a 70%
8 Pollutant Emissions

Linda Deegan, Environmental Queries Unit, Environmental Protection Agency (16 Oct 2013): "I refer to your query in regard to the terms of use of licences on the data we share at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I confirm that the EPA is happy to provide members of public with data and that all data is available freely for download from the site. However, general terms of use does not permit the distribution of data to a third party for commercial benefit as it has been made freely available. It should also be noted that the EPA should be acknowledged as the source, where data is used by an organisation/individual in any hardcopy reproductions or in an instance where the data is referenced. Please see link to Data Disclaimer Download. However, there is data on our website which we share or is the direct property of other organisations which have particular conditions of use. I set out hereunder a number of these below but there may be others and they will have conditions of use included. EPA Envision Base Mapping All base mapping on the EPA Envision site ( is the direct property of the Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) and, as such, an appropriate licence would need to be obtained directly from OSI should you wish to use any of their base mapping displayed. Under the terms of licence that we, the EPA, have with OSI, you are permitted to make one map for inclusion within a report directly from the Envision website, with copyright notice visible. Generalised Rivers and Lakes data The freely available Generalised Rivers and Lakes dataset is not available for commercial use. The dataset is the property of Ordnance Survey Ireland and a licence would need to be obtained from them directly for commercial use of data. To clarify: • You can use the ‘Generalised Data’ from the Ordnance Survey Ireland, which is licenced for a period of 9 months. This is a free set of data, given in shapefile format. You can access this data immediately by clicking on the Download link below. Ordnance Survey Ireland regulations stipulate that you delete this data after a period of 9 months. • If you require more detailed data than that in the ‘Generalised Data’ you will need to contact Digital Sales in Ordnance Survey Ireland ( and obtain a licence for the OSI Discovery Series Vector Water Lines dataset (inclusive of Rivers and Lakes). There is a fee for this, however, I do not know what it is. • When you have obtained this licence number, please get in touch again and we can grant you access to the Secure Download section of the EPA Ireland Geo-portal (at You can then obtain the data required. Ordnance Survey Ireland: Copyright: Contact Us: National Soils and Sub-soils data · With respect to the purchase/licence of the National Soils and Sub-Soils data please note that the text below outlines the conditions of usage. This dataset is jointly owned by Teagasc and The EPA: o The EPA cannot commercially charge for access or provision of this data, it has been made freely available for download from the Envision Geoportal ( o The end user cannot charge for access or provision of this data to third party clients o The end user may charge for work resulting from the use of this data, but explicitly not for the data Corine data · Corine data cannot be used for commercial use, you receive the data for non-commercial use only, please note that the text below outlines the conditions of usage. These datasets are owned by the EPA and the EEA: o The EPA agrees to provide the applicant with the relevant dataset and grants the applicant permission to use the dataset subject to the following conditions and the attached disclaimer: § The applicant agrees not to give access to, or provide copies of the dataset, or any part thereof, to others, either in the format as provided by the Competent Authority directly, or as adapted. Others wishing to obtain the data should apply on a separate form. § The applicant also agrees not to re-sell the dataset, in whole or in part. § The applicant agrees, upon receiving the product(s): · to provide the EPA with details of the individual or organisation using the product(s) and the responsible persons in charge; · to report to the EPA on any findings related to the product(s) received (errors, omissions) and assist the EPA in improving the respective products; · to report to the EPA on all applications developed based on the data provided and supply complete information and relevant materials produced on this basis to the EPA; · to acknowledge the data source in all related publications or other dissemination media as the EPA; · to submit to the EPA any request for distribution of National CORINE product(s) addressed to them and inform the potential users that the EPA is the responsible body in charge with the commercial dissemination of the National CORINE products; · to refrain from any actions/activities affecting the full exercise of the ownership rights and of the copy rights by the EPA in relation to the National CORINE products. o The applicant agrees to inform the EPA of any intended change of use in advance o The applicant agrees to return the datasets to the EPA and to delete them from all storage media when their use for the stated purposes no longer applies. We, the EPA, we are happy for you to use both datasets internally, as long as the EPA (and the EEA for Corine or Teagasc for Soils and Subsoils) are acknowledged as the source." Based on this, OPENLY LICENSED: NO

16 National Statistics
  • CSV n/a 70%
16 National Statistics
Format: CSV

National census data are fully available. Based on the discussions on the [] list, it has been decided that the Irish PSI license is NOT an 'open license'.

9 Transport Timetables
http://www.transportforireland... n/a n/a 60%
9 Transport Timetables

MACHINE READABLE: YES, the files are CSV, which means comma-separated values in text format AVAILABLE IN BULK: NO - Dublinked Irish Rail data seems to be Greater Dublin only, accurate for Jan 2013. OPENLY LICENSED: Based on our interpretations of Terms and Conditions, we believe the license to be 'CLOSED' (

24 National Map
  • n/a n/a 55%
24 National Map

The data are under a cost recovery model much like OS was in the UK.

13 Company Register
  • n/a n/a 50%
13 Company Register

Data available via free API for which signup is required at uncertified documents/extracts from the register can be made available electronically. If certified copy documents or extracts from the register are required, one need to contact Postal Enquiries Section, CRO, 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 with written request in this regard, together with payment of the appropriate fee. Some data are for fee and some are for free. "The CRO supplies, under licence, data in bulk format for high volume users of our data. The data concerned is basic company information in respect of all companies on the register. Daily updates of the data may be downloaded via the internet - a password is assigned to a Licensee to facilitate this. The fees for the daily data update service are below. Copies of all scanned documents received by CRO can also be made available at a cost of €63,360 per annum." Here are their terms of use and [DATA AVAILABLE ONLINE: changed to NO (The requirement is not for detailed financial information. However, we can't find a "list of companies" on the CRO site or API either. You can run queries for specific companies, but you can't return a full list. So this is a NO.

34 Government Budget
  • n/a n/a 45%
34 Government Budget

Data could be more timely and more detailed. Based on the discussions on the [] list, it has been decided that the Irish PSI license is NOT an 'open license'.

47 Legislation
  • HTML, PDF n/a 35%
47 Legislation
Format: HTML, PDF

We cannot find reference to a licence therefore we have responded with unsure. In addition, there is a disclaimer on the site regarding the accuracy and completeness of these data as see here -

19 Government Spending
n/a n/a n/a 10%
19 Government Spending

The country provides spending data but not at transactionnal level.

58 Election Results
  • pdf, ... n/a 5%
58 Election Results
Format: pdf, other?

All data regarding the referendums that have taken place in Ireland are also online at this URL However, we where not able to locate hosted by the government archive of the parliamentary elections, 'data available online changed to NO. Based on the discussions on the [] list, it has been decided that the Irish PSI license is NOT an 'open license'. UPDATED 06/12/13 to reflect working doc (

45 Postcodes / Zipcodes
n/a n/a n/a 0%
45 Postcodes / Zipcodes

The suitable response here would be NOT APPLICABLE. There is no national postal code system in Ireland at the moment. However, as per press release dated October 8th 2013: 'RABBITTE GETS GREEN LIGHT FROM CABINET FOR “NEXT GENERATION POSTCODE” SYSTEM BY 2015' (



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Tracey P. Lauriault
  • Pierre Chrzanowski
  • Denis Parfenov
  • Tracey Lauriault


  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Richard Cantwell
  • Denis Parfenov
  • Tracey Lauriault
  • Mark Breen
  • Dave Corley
  • Richard Harris
  • Anonymous
  • Tracey P. Lauriault
  • Deirdre Lee