Netherlands 64% open

Netherlands is ranked #16 in the 2014 Index
Netherlands's overall Index ranking is down from #5 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 National Statistics
  • n/a #27  60% 100%
1 National Statistics

CBS published 3500 datasets early 2014, after doing tests with 150 sets in 2013

1 Government Budget
http://opendata.rijksbegroting... csv #1  100% 100%
1 Government Budget
Format: csv

De begrotingsstaten van het Rijk worden op of rond prinsjesdag als open data ontsloten. Deze staten bevatten een artikelsgewijsuitsplitsing van de geraamde verplichtingen,uitgaven en ontvangsten van een begroting. Deze staten worden geregeld bijgewerkt. [No changes from 2013]

1 National Map
  • shape, GML #1  100% 100%
1 National Map
Format: shape, GML

The full data set is openly licensed (CC-BY), but only available on request, after which the (4GB) large file will be quickly made available for download. The OSM community is also hosting the dataset for download convenience at [No change from 2013]

1 Postcodes / Zipcodes
http://geodata.nationaalgeoreg... xml #1  100% 100%
1 Postcodes / Zipcodes
Format: xml

As part of the "BAG" data which contains all addresses and buildings in the Netherlands. The data set is most likely public domain (In this the description link yields an XML that specifies public domain), and the national data portal lists the BAG as public domain (although provides faulty links) The downloaded data set does not contain licensing info.

Cadastre is the data holder but they provide no direct mention of the data set on their own site, just a reference to their paid for services. They are however listed as data holder and contact info in the links above as well.

The data dump is a 1.4 GB zip file, that contains 7 other zip files, yielding over 30GB of data when unpacked, split up in 21MB xml files. This is the full BAG data set, containing all addresses and buildings for all of the Netherlands. From this dataset you need to combine several subsets to get to a full postcode list: The ‘NUM’ files give you address index numbers, its georeferences, the house number and the postcode, and a number that corresponds with a street. The ‘OPR’ files give you the corresponding street name, and the number of the place it is in. The ‘WPL’ files give you the place name, and through a separate table also the municipality it is in. (Do note that is does not include postcodes that are not connected to geolocations, such as PO Boxes) See for a detailed description of the search for the Dutch postcode data;

[No changes from 2013]

6 Legislation
  • Webserv ... #1  100% 90%
6 Legislation
Format: Webservice, XML

Although the data download page at states the date of the data set is Nov 2012, in reality if you download the metdata XML file, it will have a generation date of today. The data is updated daily. Only a dump of metadata is available in bulk, the actual legislative documents must be requested one-by-one. No historical revisions are available, only the latest consolidation.

Laws are also available through a web interface at

33 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a #21  55% 55%
33 Pollutant Emissions

[No changes from 2013]

82 Election Results
http://www.verkiezingsuitslage... n/a #1  100% 35%
82 Election Results

The data on elections is not open to the public under EML standard. If this data is open it would enable new applications and insights that have a positive impact on our democracy. At this moment, very little information is available about the elections: On the website of the Election Council the results appear only five weeks after the elections in its database. In this database, only the results on the municipal level is shown, not at the level of polling stations. Although the unofficial results of the local elections were announced one day after the elections (March 20, 2014), one is referred to the websites of local governments for the results. On March 28, 2014 when the last recounts were done, one is still referred to the websites of local governments. On election night, news is followed by calls that are made by news agencies to municipalities. These are not actual open data of the actual results. A misinterpretation of results or an error in the news chain could cause wrong information being spread.

49 Transport Timetables
n/a n/a #7  70% 35%
49 Transport Timetables

  • There's a legal provision that says that if someone asks for the data the transport provider is obliged to give it (in Dutch: Besluit personenvervoer 2000, Hoofdstuk 1, Artikel 10.)
  • There's a private entity '9292' which licenses out the data they've got from all the providers in a non-open way (current old entry)
  • There's another, more community-oriented grassroots entity 'OpenOV' that is providing the data under CC-0 (proposed new entry). Neither of these entries are officially valid for the Index, because they are not from a government source. So should technically be rejected. However, there is a legal provision that gives people the right to obtain the data, even though they don't provide it themselves

16 Government Spending
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Government Spending

No publication of expenditures is expected soon. [no change from 2013]

74 Company Register
n/a n/a #16  45% 10%
74 Company Register

There is no list of registered companies, including name, unique identifier and additional information such as address, registered activities published as open data by the government or the company register (in this case Kamer van Koophandel) itself. Also it does not include detailed financial data such as balance sheet or other type of information.



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Arjan El Fassed
  • Pierre Chrzanowski
  • Ton Zijlstra


  • Paul Suijkerbuijk
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Ton Zijlstra
  • Joris Pekel
  • arthur van der Molen
  • Maarte n
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Arjan El Fassed
  • Stefan de Konink
  • OpenState Contact
  • Pierre Chrzanowski