Romania 64% open

Romania is ranked #16 in the 2014 Index
Romania's overall Index ranking is down from #15 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 Company Register
  • CSV, xls #3  90% 100%
1 Company Register
Format: CSV, xls

Data is provided via national open data repository. It includes name, identification number, fiscal registration number, areas of activity and locality (not full address).

Data is updated quarterly. Old versions of the dataset remain available.

1 Transport Timetables
  • XML #13  45% 100%
1 Transport Timetables
Format: XML

The information refers only to national railway system (public company). There is no national bus company. The data was published recently on the government's open data portal

1 Election Results
  • XLS #19  70% 100%
1 Election Results
Format: XLS

The Romanian Permanent Electoral Authority set up a portal where the results of the elections can be retrieved in XLS format. Usually, the results are published immediately after their validation by the Constitutional Court. Only the results of the more recent elections (after 2004) are available in re-usable format. Although the data is not explicitly licensed on their website, the datasets with the most recent elections (2009+) are also available on the Government's Open Data Portal - - thus the positive answer to the specific question.

The data can be downloaded for each scrutiny from separate pages. The Authority also set up a page where all data is available, including online viewers, at, but it is working intermittently.

1 National Map
  • KMZ, ... #34  40% 100%
1 National Map
Format: KMZ, fileGeodataBase, shape, dxf, dgn

The official institution that produces and collects geographical information regarded as the National Map is the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI).

ANCPI provides the data in KMZ format via the national open data repository. Data can be downloaded in other formats (fileGeodataBase, shape, dxf, dgn) from ANCPI website ( but it requires authentication. Registration is free.

On the national open data repository, data is updated when needed. Old versions of the datasets remain available.

23 National Statistics
  • PDF, ... #43  45% 70%
23 National Statistics
Format: PDF, CSV, XLS

The National Statistics Institute collects the data and it can be retrieved:

(1) online, free of charge, PDF format, for the main indicators

(2) online, interrogation of the database using the interface provided by an institution. Most data is free but it requires an account (also free). Data can't be downloaded in bulk.

(3) Offline, data can be downloded in bulk data, for a fee, after submitting a specific request

(4) the data are under copyright © 1998-2014 Institutul National de Statistica - ROMANIA, and it is unclear if there is a licence.

40 Government Budget
  • XML, PDF #34  45% 60%
40 Government Budget
Format: XML, PDF

The state budget is published as soon as it is approved by the Parliament on a special page maintained by the Ministry of Public Finance. The budget is presented as a set of PDF documents, and, starting with 2014, also in XML format (scroll down to the bottom of the budget page for the link).

However, the XML format does not include the budget rectifications, which are only available in separate PDF files. Also, there is no updated version of the budget after rectifications, which means that one should take the provisions from the rectification bills and apply them to the original budget.

The data is slightly behind schedule: the information on the latest rectification, from mid September, was not yet published in mid October.

The data are under the Copyright of the Ministerul Finantelor Publice DGTI but there is no reference to a licence nor terms of use.

36 Pollutant Emissions
  • HTML #29  45% 45%
36 Pollutant Emissions
Format: HTML

The values of the air pollutants are available online on a special website of the National Agency for the Protection of the Environment. These values are updated daily and are displayed on an hourly basis for the two days before the current day. They can be read by accessing one or more of the 142 stations in Romania that continuously monitor the air quality.

The data can be access only through the interface provided. Raw data is not available.

There was no intellectual property information available.

34 Legislation
  • PDF #59  25% 45%
34 Legislation
Format: PDF

On November, 12th, 2014, the Ministry of Justice launched a new legislative portal, which offers free online access to all legislation. The access is possible through the web interface only.

The data are under Copyright © 2014 - Ministerul Justiției. Toate drepturile rezervate. - Termeni și Condiții

16 Government Spending
n/a n/a #6  70% 10%
16 Government Spending

The aggregated spending report, i.e. not transactional data, is published monthly, with a slight delay (2-3 months) at:

For example, in mid-October the latest figures available are from August.

42 Postcodes / Zipcodes
n/a n/a #1  100% 10%
42 Postcodes / Zipcodes

The data is provided via the national open data portal. The data doesn't have geocodes, only postcodes.



  • Ovidiu Voicu
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Silviu Vert
  • Pierre Chrzanowski
  • Tracey P. Lauriault


  • Ovidiu Voicu
  • Silviu Vert
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Strainu
  • Tracey P. Lauriault