Switzerland / 2013 59% open

Switzerland is ranked #12 in the 2013 Index

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. Score
14 National Map
http://www.geo.admin.ch/intern... WMS,WMT ... n/a 70%
14 National Map
URL: http://www.geo.admin.ch/internet/geoportal/en/home.html

Many of the data sets are now also available on http://opendata.admin.ch

11 Postcodes / Zipcodes
http://opendata.admin.ch/en/da... PDF,XML ... n/a 70%
11 Postcodes / Zipcodes
URL: http://opendata.admin.ch/en/dataset/ch-swisstopo-vd-ortschaftenverzeichnis_plz

License: http://www.toposhop.admin.ch/en/shop/terms/use/finished_products

19 Election Results
http://opendata.admin.ch/de/da... XLS n/a 70%
19 Election Results
URL: http://opendata.admin.ch/de/dataset?groups=politik
Format: XLS

Information can be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution, as per http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/en/index/dienstleistungen/premiere_visite/02/02_03/copy.html

16 National Statistics
http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/po... HTML,CS ... n/a 70%
16 National Statistics
URL: http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/en/index/infothek/interactiv.html

Commercial users need to obtain written permission, as per http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/fr/index/dienstleistungen/premiere_visite/02/02_0 3/copy.html

13 Pollutant Emissions
http://www.bafu.admin.ch/luft/... CSV,HTM ... n/a 60%
13 Pollutant Emissions
URL: http://www.bafu.admin.ch/luft/luftbelastung/blick_zurueck/datenabfrage/index.html?lang=en

Any reproduction requires prior written consent, as per http://www.disclaimer.admin.ch/terms_and_conditions.html

8 Company Register
http://zefix.admin.ch/ HTML,PD ... n/a 60%
8 Company Register
URL: http://zefix.admin.ch/

Data is available for personal use: "publication of the whole database, or of parts of it, by any means is strictly forbidden". http://zefix.admin.ch/hrweb/eng/about.htm

19 Legislation
http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/as/in... PDF n/a 55%
19 Legislation
URL: http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/as/index.html
Format: PDF

Reproduction requires prior written consent, as per http://www.disclaimer.admin.ch/terms_and_conditions.html

34 Government Budget
http://www.efv.admin.ch/f/doku... PDF n/a n/a 45%
13 Government Spending
http://www.efv.admin.ch/f/doku... PDF n/a 45%
13 Government Spending
URL: http://www.efv.admin.ch/f/dokumentation/finanzberichterstattung/staatsrechnungen.php
Format: PDF

The country provides spending data but not at a transactionnal level.

13 Transport Timetables
http://www.sbb.ch/en/timetable... n/a n/a 45%
13 Transport Timetables
URL: http://www.sbb.ch/en/timetable.html

Public transportation in Switzerland is run by a private company, with government regulation (see http://www.admin.ch/opc/fr/classified-compilation/19983388/index.html, in french). An unofficial open transport API with travel timetables has been built and is supported by volunteers in the local Open Data movement: http://transport.opendata.ch - this data is not from the government, nor is officially supported by any Swiss transport agency.



  • Nicolas Martignoni
  • Oleg Lavrovsky
  • Pierre Chrzanowski
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Mor Rubinstein


  • Nicolas Martignoni
  • Oleg Lavrovsky
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Matthias Hofer
  • Anonymous