Zambia 27% open

Zambia is ranked #76 in the 2014 Index

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
23 Government Budget
  • http:// ... n/a 70%
23 Government Budget

Budget data for 2014 is available here: in PDFs by seraching "Budget Yellow Books"

23 National Statistics
  • CSV,Exc ... n/a n/a 70%
45 Election Results
  • n/a n/a 55%
45 Election Results

The electoral committee of Zambia publish all major elections results on its website in PDF files on a timely basis.

34 Legislation
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
16 Government Spending
n/a n/a n/a 10%
16 Government Spending

The is a quarterly spending report on the Zambian Treasury website: but that's aggregated data, not transactional.

74 Company Register
n/a n/a n/a 10%
74 Company Register

The Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) is a semi-autonomous executive agency of the Zambian Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry. Its principal functions are to operate a legal system for registration and protection of commercial and industrial property and to serve as a legal depository of the information tendered for registration.

Data is submitted to PACRA online, yet the official PACRA website is not available, and it seems that the registry can not be accessed by the public.

70 National Map
n/a n/a n/a 10%
70 National Map

The Ministry of Lands sales a national map on it's website. No digital copy was found.

75 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Pollutant Emissions

It seems that there is no ministry or government agency that has this data.

60 Postcodes / Zipcodes
n/a n/a n/a 0%
60 Postcodes / Zipcodes

There is a zipcode system in Zambia, yet I couldn't find a public dataset of it.

65 Transport Timetables
n/a n/a n/a 0%
65 Transport Timetables

Rail services in Zambia are operated by the Railway Systems of Zambia (RSZ) and TAZARA Railway, both are privately owned companies.



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Katelyn Rogers


  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Fatumata Kabemba
  • Likumbi Kapihya
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson