Pollutant Emissions 41% open (avg.)

Ranked #6 against other datasets in the Index (avg.)
The Index average ranking for Pollutant Emissions is down from #5 in 2013


Aggregate data about the emission of air pollutants especially those potentially harmful to human health (although it is not a requirement to include information on green house gas emissions). Aggregate means national-level or more detailed and on an annual basis or better. Standard examples of relevant pollutants would be: carbon monoxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter etc.

Rank Place Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 France
https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/da... CSV #13  60% 100%
1 France

Data from the data warehouse on environmental indicators are available in machine-readable (CSV files). Bulk download is possible for each indicator from the website.

1 Sweden
http://data.naturvardsverket.s... Excel, ... #1  100% 100%
1 Sweden

Air quality data on CC-zero license

The report from 2013 may be their latest report, because I could not find one from 2014. Nevertheless, I felt it was important to note that it was not from 2014.

According to the description, the report was created 2013-02-01, but it also says that the latest update was in December 2012. Not to mention, it should be an annual update (every December to be exact) according to the description, which means an update from December 2013 should exist. There is no update from December 2013 to be found.

1 Norway
http://www.miljostatus.no/milj... csv, ... #1  100% 100%
1 Norway

There's some parallel environmental information, also in free ( by attribution) machine readable form, available from Statistics Norway http://ssb.no/natur-og-miljo?innholdstype=statistikk / google translated: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=no&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fssb.no%2Fnatur-og-miljo%3Finnholdstype%3Dstatistikk

1 Germany
http://www.thru.de XLS, ... #13  60% 100%
1 Germany

PortalU is a central portal for environment data including sources at the national and the federal state level. The portal aggregates metadata and links to decentralized datasets and services: http://www.portalu.de - however, the cooperation between the federal states and national government has been terminated, PortalU will go offline on December 31, 2014.

Data on air and water pollution can be found at the the German version of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, http://www.thru.de. It allows searching for a specific site, company or field of industry (http://www.thru.de/search/?no_cache=1) as well as downloading the entire database in bulk (http://www.thru.de/fileadmin/SITE_MASTER/content/Dokumente/Downloads/PRTR-Bundle_Herbst-2014_rev1.zip). Searches can be stored as PDF or Excel files, map features can be obtained via WMS. The database is updated twice per year, every April and October. The database covers 2012 as the most recent year, which is due to the rather complicated European reporting system. The most recent update was in October 2014.

The terms and conditions are a bit unclear, as they mainly refer to general use of the site (http://www.thru.de/nutzungsbedingungen/). The terms also state that any use of the data is okay as long as the source is attributed and content is not altered or manipulated. I would interpret this as: "You shall not change values in the database, but everything else is alright", especially because thru.de has an own article on its site claiming they are open data (http://www.thru.de/thrude/auswertung/top-thema/thrude-ist-open-data/).

1 India
http://data.gov.in/catalogs/mi... CSV, Excel #34  35% 100%
1 India

Data Portal India gives an exhaustive amount of data on Water Quality and Air Quality with regard to emission and other related details. The data is in open format and machine readable. Data has been shared under National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy – 2012 (NDSAP-2012). Data is only in publish annually. There is a download available from http://cpcbedb.nic.in/ - but only from explorer. It is available in bulk.

6 Korea, Republic of
http://www.airkorea.or.kr/ Excel, ... #33  40% 90%
6 Korea, Republic of

The Korean Ministry Of Environment (MOE) has released the air quailty level of 16 areas nearby the World Cup Stadium on a real-time basis since April 2002. The increasing public interest in air pollution and a clean and safe environment has led to raising the need for air quality information across the country.

The general public have gained access to the urban air pollution data on the website since Dec.2005. The data on the outdoor air quality nationwide has been released since Dec. 28, 2005.

  • Pollutants: PM-10 , O₃, CO , SO₂, NO₂
  • Contents · Overall grasp of the real-time air quality data across the country. · Display of the air quality level in various ways such as satellite images, environmental clocks, and calendars.

4 datasets are provided via open API services: http://bit.ly/1xysEe7

6 United Kingdom
http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/dat... CSV, ... #5  90% 90%
6 United Kingdom

Realtime and recent historical data about observed levels of air pollutants and particulates at 128 automatic observing stations across the UK are at http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk. Pollutants covered include Ozone, Nitric oxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon monoxide, PM10 particulate matter, Non-volatile PM10, Volatile PM10, PM2.5 particulate matter, Non-volatile PM2.5, and Volatile PM2.5. All this data is under the Open Government Licence. An RSS feed of latest data is available at http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/rss/current_site_levels.xml , although this points to HTML pages such as http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/data/site-data?f_site_id=ACTH&view=last_hour . The Data Selector http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/data/data_selector allows a custom table to be constructed and either viewed or sent to the requestor as a CSV file. However there is a limit on the extent of the query (one test-drive for the Census gave "The selection you requested will return 1176 rows of data in 770 columns. This exceeds our limit of 256 columns."). This meets the Census requirement, apart from bulk download. In addition national estimates of annual emissions of 36 air pollutants from 1971-2011 are downloadable in CSV format under the Open Government Licence from http://naei.defra.gov.uk/data/data-selector, but again this is in the form of a table-builder and it does not seem possible to download all the data in bulk. Further public environmental data for the UK is maintained by several public bodies (mainly the Environment Agency for England and Wales, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, plus Defra and DECC). Broadly speaking, data on major sources of pollutants is readily available via Government websites and public mapping applications. Some complete datasets are available as open data, notably from Defra: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs/series/air-quality-and-emissions-statistics. Some environmental data is subject to additional licensing arrangements - see for instance http://www.geostore.com/environment-agency/WebStore?xml=environment-agency/xml/ogcDataDownload.xml

Reviewer 2014 - Data continues not to be available in bulk. Added link to the license.

6 Denmark
http://detgodeliv.regionsyddan... EXCEL, ... #8  70% 90%
6 Denmark

Region of Southern Denmark collaborates with Denmark Statistics when providing information/statistics regarding emissions. The license is compliant with the open definition: Data i talbanken er offentliggjort som Opendata (se definition her) og kan frit anvendes med kildeangivelse.

6 Georgia
http://moe.gov.ge/index.php?la... Excel n/a 90%
6 Georgia

The National Environmental Agency is charged with monitoring air and water pollutants, among other things. The only data it currently releases online are measurements on radioactivity in the air, measured by 15 stations across the country. It remains unclear how accurate and timely this data is, it appears to be updated several times a year. The data is released as HTML and in PDF files on the agency's website http://nea.gov.ge/en/service/environmental-pollution/7/bulletin, and on http://meteo.gov.ge/radiation.

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia has released aggregate annual data on various pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions on its website (in a section called economic indicators, http://moe.gov.ge/index.php?lang_id=ENG&sec_id=242&info_id=2864 ). However, the data is only collected in three cities in Georgia and the most current dataset available in late 2014 is for the year 2012, the data is thus not released in a timely manner. The data is published in one single Excel file containing aggregate annual, which in this case is sufficient to meet the bulk download criteria. Curiously, the data is only available on the English language version of the website, not in local Georgian language.

All government-generated data in Georgia is legally in the public domain, although no particular license is provided with the online data.

6 Taiwan
http://opendata.epa.gov.tw/ json n/a #47  20% 90%
11 Canada
http://www.ec.gc.ca/inrp-npri/... Excel, ... #7  80% 80%
11 Canada

The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is not released in a timely fashion. The preliminary, unreviewed 2012 data cannot be downloaded in bulk. The reviewed data of prior years can be downloaded in bulk. Environment Canada's website's terms of use prohibit commercial reproduction. However, data.gc.ca publishes many of the same datasets under an open license. The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) HTTP data server is a source of several raw meteorological data types and forecast data. This service is aimed at specialized users with good meteorological and IT knowledge, and is mainly meant to be accessed in an automatic manner via the internet (e.g. with scripts). The server's URL is: http://dd.meteo.gc.ca/. Also, in Canada provinces and territories also have monitoring sensors, data would need to be acquired from them as well. (No change from 2013, added License URL)

11 Kosovo
n/a Excel n/a n/a 80%
13 United States
http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/e... CSV, ... #1  100% 70%
13 United States

Additional data can be easily accessed through the Data.gov Energy community at http://Energy.data.gov. The primary datasets with this material are the Toxic Release Inventory, but other datasets provide insight to additional environmental pollutants. Air pollution data exists at the given link. As the data is provided from federal websites and is therefore public domain (at least in the US) we consider it openly licensed.

There was no terms of use of license related to these data, however these are presumed to be in the public domain as is common for these federal agengies. A tweet was sent. The URL provided was for the entire EPA site which did not point to TOU.

I Updated the file formats as there are many more.

13 Hong Kong
http://epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICDI/... CSV #51  0% 70%
13 Hong Kong

Web interface allows you to pre-filter the exported CSV on particles / data and geographies.

Air quality Index data (which is based upon the raw data from air quality monitoring network) is available at: http://www.aqhi.gov.hk/epd/ddata/html/out/24aqhi_Eng.xml

13 Japan
http://www.nies.go.jp/igreen/i... TXT #8  70% 70%
13 Japan

As stated in http://www.nies.go.jp/igreen/index.html, re-distribution and modification are not allowed.

13 Turkey
http://www.havaizleme.gov.tr/D... Excel n/a n/a 70%
13 Bulgaria
http://pdbase.government.bg/fo... RDF #5  90% 70%
13 Bulgaria

The data is available as part of an online registry. It includes information on the industrial/agricultural installations that emit pollution and the pollution generated from each one. The data is submitted to the EEA and can be downloaded as part of the full RDF dataset: http://prtr.ec.europa.eu/pgDownloadDataSet.aspx

13 Chile
http://www.mma.gob.cl/retc/127... XLS n/a 70%
13 Chile

The catalog contains updated information about contaminants potentially harmful to health and the environment, which are emitted directly into the soil, air or water. Also includes information about treatment or disposal of hazardous waste pollutants.

13 Latvia
http://www.csb.gov.lv/en/stati... CSV, ... n/a 70%
13 Latvia

Air polution monitoring data is published on a monthly basis. Queries can be made for custom time periods. Measurements include the maximum concentration of carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and particulate matter.

Air quality measurements are taken by automatic DOAS OPSIS stations ensuring continuous registration of polluting substances.

See also:

13 Ireland
https://www.epa.ie/air/quality... xlsx, JSON #8  70% 70%
13 Ireland

Data are available as discussed here Access to Information on the Environment http://www.epa.ie/about/info/aie/#.VGvoE2f-s9N, also read the SAFER Conditions of Download and Access http://erc.epa.ie/safer/downloadValidityCheck.jsp.

The data are available in Bulk see here http://www.epa.ie/air/quality/dev/#.VGvpC2f-s9O

13 Slovenia
http://okolje.arso.gov.si/ones... XLS, XML #1  100% 70%
13 Slovenia

The main site is an overview with a set of links mostly pointing to official data submitted to EIONET, for example: http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/colqba8sg/nec/columnelg/envungf9g http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/colqba8sg/ghgmm

There is also this official listing, which is much more user friendly and oriented more to the layman than the data scientist. However it's update times are staggering and it's only available in Slovenian. http://kazalci.arso.gov.si/?data=group&group_id=16

22 Isle of Man
http://www.gov.im/about-the-go... HTML, ... #21  55% 65%
22 Isle of Man

Air quality emissions testing stations discontinued in 2009 due to consistently low readings. Survey data collated to publish carbon emissions reduction strategy report. Some environmental sensors to monitor vehicle and waste incinerator emissions with published statistics.

23 Israel
http://www.sviva.gov.il/subjec... XML, JSON #34  35% 60%
23 Israel

In addition, The Israeli Ministry for Environment Protection provides a fairly primitive system (in Hebrew) for displaying emissions data on a map. The website and the data it contains are property of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the State of Israel: http://www.sviva.gov.il/InfoServices/ReservoirInfo/MekorotPleta/Pages/default.aspx

Data is updated in the API on a daily basis.

23 Spain
http://www.prtr-es.es/informes... xml #13  60% 60%
23 Spain

Data is copyrighted under -© 2012 PRTR Spain

23 Mexico
http://www.inecc.gob.mx/calair... XLS, ... #13  60% 60%
23 Mexico

Information can be accessed in different portals. Most information can is gathered int the National Institute of Ecology (http://sinaica.ine.gob.mx) though machine readable files commonly do not follow a database layout. Data is clustered at a state level and divided in different time-lapse data clusters. Most files are accessible in: http://www.inecc.gob.mx/calaire-presentacion/546-calaire-indicadores The Ministry of Environment's porta contains similar information: http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/dgeia/clave_2010/clave/indicadores/ibi_apps/ind_clave_05.html http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/dgeia/clave_2010/clave/indicadores/ibi_apps/ind_clave_06.html http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/dgeia/clave_2010/clave/indicadores/ibi_apps/ind_clave_08.html Also, data is also identified under research center's web sites, such as Mexico's National Autonomous University: http://www.atmosfera.unam.mx/procca/Ozono.php Furthermore, SEMARNAT's Pollution Transfer and Emissions registry (RETC) contains a national database of air, water, ground and underground contains record of pollution sources and environmental assessments. RETC's landing page can be accesed here: http://www.semarnat.gob.mx/temas/gestionambiental/calidaddelaire/Paginas/retc.aspx and data (not in bulk) accessed here: http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/retc/retc/index.php No license information found, which means it's not an open license.

Found bulk data for air measurements here but it's not timely (until end of 2008): http://www2.inecc.gob.mx/dgicurg/calaire/tend/horarias/concentra.php

For 2014's review, it was noted that the main data has not been updated since September 6th 2013 16:17hrs. INECC's web site (http://www.inecc.gob.mx/acerca/831-pol-privacidad) does not use an open license. Under it's privacy statement, it indicates "Some rights reserved" and in the policy legend does not explain the terms and conditions for the use of the data besides explicitly prohibiting parcial or total reuse of content for commercial purposes: "Queda estrictamente prohibido la reproducción total o parcial con fines comerciales de los datos, gráficos e información contenidos en esta página, por cualquier medio y de cualquier forma salvo para fines bibliográficos que reconozcan al autor de los documentos publicados en este sitio."

23 Switzerland
http://www.bafu.admin.ch/luft/... CSV,HTM ... #13  60% 60%
23 Switzerland

Any reproduction requires prior written consent, as per Terms and Conditions of the Federal Authorities.

23 New Zealand
http://www.mfe.govt.nz/more/en... Excel #34  35% 60%
23 New Zealand

Air quality data is gathered by regional councils and aggregated by Ministry for the Environment annually. Some councils, such as ECAN, make realtime air quality data available (see http://data.ecan.govt.nz/Catalogue/Search?Query=&CollectionId=4 ).

The 2014 report "includes data to 2012. Data for 2013 was not available for all our national indicators and case studies, or could not be collected, validated, and analysed in time to meet our publication schedule."

23 Australia
http://www.npi.gov.au/npidata/... XML, CSV #13  60% 60%
23 Australia

You can download the results of searches as XML (and also in some cases as CSV) - see e.g. http://www.npi.gov.au/npidata/action/load/download-result. As such we are marking machine-readable as yes. However bulk is marked "no" as there is no simple way to get the entire database easily. Data is not openly licensed as copyright notice at http://www.npi.gov.au/%C2%A9-commonwealth-australia states: "You may download, store in cache, display, print and reproduce the material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice, or links to it where they appear) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation." (Note also that the copyright link on many data pages is to http://www.npi.gov.au/about/copyright.html which 404s!).

23 Iceland
http://hagstofan.is/Hagtolur/L... CSV, ... #27  50% 60%
23 Iceland

Data available is only for years 1990-2010 and was last updated in 2012.

23 Finland
http://wwwp2.ymparisto.fi/scri... n/a #13  60% 60%
23 Finland

No changes since 2013

Up to date emission measurements are published in we portal (www.ilmanlaatu.fi). The data exists in digital format in the data service of the Finnish Environment Institute SYKR (http://www.syke.fi/en-US). The data service (called OIVA) requires registration (http://wwwp2.ymparisto.fi/scripts/oiva.asp). See the discussion in Finnish: http://avoindata.net/246/loytyvat-tiedot-suomalaisista-saastuttajista-paastoista

23 Italy
http://www.brace.sinanet.apat.... XLS, CSV #13  60% 60%
23 Italy

there are several services for the donwload Data are available There is no license, but the copyright notice states that commercial use of the information is available only under written authorization (http://www.isprambiente.gov.it/it/copyright) Not all the data are available [reviewed URL specifically for air pollutants]

Reviewer Comments (22.10.2014):

23 Jamaica
http://www.nepa.gov.jm/air-qua... HTML n/a 60%
23 Jamaica

Data is only available to 2012, there is no explicit licensing.

Third party sources: NationMaster is a third party site that provides data derived from UN and NGO reports. Upon looking at the Pollutant Emissions dataset, it shows the ranking of Jamaica for each of the categories that contribute to pollution within the country. There is no link to the underlying data but the relevant reports are referenced.

33 Netherlands
http://www.lml.rivm.nl/ n/a #21  55% 55%
33 Netherlands

[No changes from 2013]

33 South Africa
http://www.saaqis.org.za/Defau... Excel #51  0% 55%
33 South Africa

Data on Air pollution is available on the website in a non machine readable format and is shown in Graph or a Map view . The raw data is only available on request from the agency in a XLS format.

33 China
http://datacenter.mep.gov.cn/ n/a #21  55% 55%
33 China

nothing changed in 2014

36 Croatia
http://zrak.mzoip.hr html #34  35% 45%
36 Croatia

This database differs from the one reported upon in 2013, since it contains aggregate nationwide data, as opposed to single pollutant sources (e.g., this database provides information on aggregate emissions in the city of Rijeka, instead of those by different companies nationwide). In addition, this database is updated on a daily basis, whereas the one reported upon in 2013 reports on an annual basis and does not currently (November 7 2014) contain data for 2014.

Data is copyrighted by the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection.

36 Slovakia
http://www.shmu.sk/sk/?page=1&... HTML #29  45% 45%
36 Slovakia

Data is reported via web portal, no data export available. Readings are updated hourly, historical data is available few days back.

There is copyright and "all rights reserved" (allowing only personal use) notices at the bottom thus "no" is filled for open license.

36 Belgium
http://www.irceline.be/ n/a #34  35% 45%
36 Belgium

Air quality: http://www.irceline.be/ (data from services embedded in HTML pages), licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND Radiation: http://telerad.fgov.be/ (flash based) Since environment is a Other data probably fed to http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps

36 Lithuania
http://oras.gamta.lt/cms/index... n/a #21  55% 45%
36 Lithuania

The data is fully available, but not in machine-readable formats. It is possible to request full datasets under the FOI legislation by filling FOI request.

36 Nepal
http://cbs.gov.np/wp-content/u... n/a #51  0% 45%
36 Nepal

Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal maintains the statistics about different sectors of Nepal. This dataset is found in the report called "Environment Statistics of Nepal". The data is available in a pdf document, and not in a machine readable format. The data is not updated yearly.

36 Portugal
http://prtr.ec.europa.eu/Pollu... RDF #46  25% 45%
36 Portugal

The data is reported to an European agency. The data reports until 2012 only.

36 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
http://airquality.moepp.gov.mk... n/a n/a 45%
36 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

The measured concentrations of six pollutants from 17 monitoring stations are collected every hour by Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. Measurements are available here: http://airquality.moepp.gov.mk/?page_id=4 and there are interactive visualization tools available. There is no download option, though.

36 Romania
http://www.calitateaer.ro/valo... HTML #29  45% 45%
36 Romania

The values of the air pollutants are available online on a special website of the National Agency for the Protection of the Environment. These values are updated daily and are displayed on an hourly basis for the two days before the current day. They can be read by accessing one or more of the 142 stations in Romania that continuously monitor the air quality.

The data can be access only through the interface provided. Raw data is not available.

There was no intellectual property information available.

36 Guatemala
http://www.insivumeh.gob.gt:80... n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Malta
http://www.enemalta.com.mt/emi... PDF n/a #29  45% 45%
36 Thailand
http://aqmthai.com n/a n/a 45%
36 Thailand

The data set is shown in http://aqmthai.com

Historical data can be query from http://aqmthai.com/public_report.php

36 Hungary
http://www.kvvm.hu/olm n/a #8  70% 45%
36 Hungary

Data is structured HTML or PDF, per station, for any period up to 90 days in the past. If logged in, you can request for better machine-readable formats CSV/XLS.

36 Argentina
n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Argentina

By law, the government should supply and monitor this data. In practice, I couldn't find it online but notice you can apply for the data through email. I could find other environmental data on this map - http://mapas.ambiente.gob.ar/

36 Serbia
http://www.sepa.gov.rs/ams/xaj... n/a #21  55% 45%
36 Serbia

No visible license means data is not open.

36 Indonesia
http://datin.menlh.go.id/home/... PDF #29  45% 45%
36 Indonesia

No change from 2013

Data aggregated into national environmental index and published annually with 1 year delay (e.g. 2011 report published on December 2012)

36 Lebanon
http://erml.moe.gov.lb/Default... n/a n/a 45%
36 Lebanon

The ERML(Environmental Resources Monitoring in Lebanon) initiative is monitoring air quality in Lebanon. The project is copyrighted under ERML. The data is updated regular. Users can't download the data or get it in bulk.

52 Bangladesh
http://www.moef.gov.bd/html/st... PDF #34  35% 35%
52 Bangladesh

The data is very backdated. It was last updated on 2001! There is a PDF report on air pollution. It is like an academic paper and there is no licence visible.

52 Brazil
http://www.cetesb.sp.gov.br/ar... .xls #51  0% 35%
52 Brazil

The Brazilian Federal Institute for Geography and Statistics - IBGE produced time series between 1992 and 2009/2010 referring to the air pollution in metropolitan areas. However, these data is not being updated anymore. The data does only cover some Brazilian cities. Additionally to this the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais publishes green house effects based on changes to land coverage in Amazon region: http://inpe-em.ccst.inpe.br/downloads.html. Apart from this data on air quality falls under the authority of the state government. It is provided for the state of São Paulo here: http://www.cetesb.sp.gov.br/ar/qualidade-do-ar/31-publicacoes-e-relatorios The evaluation was made for the air quality data of São Paulo. No (daily) microdata is provided but the report shows a lot of details on the data collection and data for each point of measurement although aggregated over the year.

52 Ecuador
http://suia.ambiente.gob.ec/we... n/a #34  35% 35%
52 Ecuador

Latest available data is from 2008.

52 Greece
http://env.ypeka.gr/deltia/arh... n/a #21  55% 35%
52 Greece

Archive of Past Press Atmospheric Pollution

52 Czech Republic
http://portal.cenia.cz/irz/ n/a #34  35% 35%
52 Czech Republic

Data is available for 2004-2013. The database offers quite useful filters (by type of pollution, pollutant, region etc.) Data are updated on a yearly basis.

The terms of use are not specified on publisher's website. I've asked the officials and have been told that data are freely available (and they could even offer an export on request). But he didn't specify the license.

52 Moldova, Republic of
http://pops.mediu.gov.md/ n/a #27  50% 35%
52 Moldova, Republic of

The data can be retrieved only through the flash application provided.

52 Paraguay
http://www.mercosurambiental.n..., http://www.paho.org/par/index2... PDF n/a n/a 35%
52 Costa Rica
http://www.digeca.go.cr/aire/a... n/a #34  35% 35%
52 Costa Rica

There is partial information, hard to find but available. Major pollutants can be found by categories (air, water, solids, etc.). All the information is in PDF. The most recent report is from 2011.

52 Colombia
n/a n/a n/a 35%
52 Colombia

El IDEAM (Instituto de hidrología, meteorología y estudios ambientales) cuenta con la información pero no la tiene pública. Para acceder a ella, se debe solicitar directamente en la entidad. Se sabe que la información es actualizada, en la medida que se cuentan con maquinas y aparatos electrónicos que constantemente miden el impacto contaminante.

52 Singapore
http://www.nea.gov.sg/psi/ HTML #34  35% 35%
52 Singapore

The URL does not lead directly to the data, it is required to manually locate the Air Pollution data (for instance via the site map). Pollutants data seems to only be available in simple html, and is therefore not machine readable nor available in bulk. Some entries (for instance Sulphur Dioxide SO2 Emission Inventory) show numbers from 2010, so not deemed up-to-date either.

52 Bermuda
n/a CSV #51  0% 35%
52 Bermuda

Funded by the Government of Bermuda's Department of Environmental Protection, the Air Quality Program undertakes routine measurements at sites around the island (BIOS, Fort Prospect, East Broadway, and BELCO) to quantify the presence of various pollutants, including:

Airborne particulate matter (TSP, PM10, and PM2.5); Toxic gases (SO2 and NOx); Rain and aerosol chemistry (major ions, conductivity, and pH); Meteorological data (e.g., wind speed and direction) - See more at: http://www.bios.edu/research/projects/air-quality-program/#sthash.aNBEegZC.dpuf

The data are, however, not publicly available.

52 Austria
http://www.umweltbundesamt.at/... n/a #8  70% 35%
52 Austria

The federal government makes only data on Ozone measurements available through an open data format (JSON), released by the Federal Environmental Agency, http://www.umweltbundesamt.at/umweltsituation/umweltinfo/opendata/oed_luft/. Specific data on air pollutants such as carbon monoxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter is available on a timely basis here: http://www.umweltbundesamt.at/umweltsituation/luft/luftguete_aktuell/tgl_bericht/ These daily measurements are currently not provided for downloaded and data is only made available for the current date. There is a contact provided and no implication that the Umweltbundesamt charges for the dataset.

52 Senegal
http://www.air-dakar.org/bulle... n/a #51  0% 35%
52 Senegal

Data is available from the "CENTRE DE GESTION DE LA QUALITE DE L’AIR"(see: http://www.air-dakar.org/bulletins/bulletins-mensuels/2013.html).

The data only appears to be for Dakar.

The most recent report on air quality is from December 2013.

52 Tunisia
http://www.anpe.nat.tn/index.p... PDF #34  35% 35%
52 Tunisia

PDF Reports published in the official website of the National Agency for Environment Protection from 2005 to 2008. No more updates since then. The website and the information it contains are the property of the Agency, thus data is considered non-open.

(No change from 2013)

52 Russian Federation
http://www.meteorf.ru/upload/i... n/a #34  35% 35%
52 Russian Federation

Brief Description

We tried to find this data many times but it's not centralized and most likely unavailable as unified dataset. Russian government delegates ecological issues and pollution monitoring to regional level of the executive government branch. But regional government rarely publish pollution monitoring information and pollution sources. I know only a few public data sources available like Mosecomonitoring (Moscow ecological survey). But even whose data source do not publish source of pollutants, they publish only level of pollutants measured by monitoring stations. Even this information rarely available as datasets, most often this is only "images" and "graphics". So availability of pollutants data for Russian Federation is about 80% - for "No", and only about 20% for "yes". The only available sources: - http://dynamic.igce.ru/ (not up to date) - pollution monitoring and radiation monitoring (by Rosatom) - http://www.russianatom.ru/ I suggest this dataset for following review.

Overview in PDF (2012): http://www.mnr.gov.ru/upload/iblock/96e/gosdoklad%2020_07_2013.pdf Overview in PDF (2013): http://www.meteorf.ru/upload/iblock/23f/Obzor_2013_by_Chernogaeva_16072014.pdf

Step by step explanation 1. Does the data exist? Yes.

  1. Is data in digital form? Yes, data available via website(-s)

  2. Publicly available? Yes, this data is publicly available. We don't need FOI request to get it.

  3. Is the data available for free? Yes, this data is available for free. No payment is required.

  4. Is the data available online? Yes.

  5. Is the data machine readable? No, it's not machine readable. Only PDF file.

  6. Available in bulk? No, data is not in bulk

  7. Openly licensed? No.

  8. Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes

67 Pakistan
http://environment.gov.pk/publ... PDF n/a n/a 30%
68 Nigeria
https://oilspillmonitor.ng/ n/a #50  5% 25%
68 Nigeria

The data is not the official. The Official data should be on National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency(NOSDRA) http://nosdra.gov.ng/ but presently they do not have a data portal.

In 2014, NOSDRA released a map data of oil spills in the country at https://oilspillmonitor.ng/ however, overall pollutants emission monitoring is the responsibility of NESREA (National Environmental Standards & Regulation Enforcement Agency) which has its website at http://www.nesrea.gov.ng/ , unfortunately, it does not have a data portal

69 Egypt
n/a n/a #49  10% 15%
69 Egypt

This page provides information on the air quality for today and the next 2 days. Nothing more, no historical data and only to one index and that's atmospheric particulate matter (PM10).

Final reviewer: this indicator has been judged on the basis of the webpage provided. Thus, the data seems to exist albeit at a very general level. It is unclear how it is gathered and managed nor what criteria need to be satisfied for the data to be provided. Yet, from the static page, it come outs that this very general information is provided on a timely basis (for a review done on 28 November, the latest data was for 27 Nov).

69 Ghana
n/a n/a n/a 15%
69 Ghana

Ghana has a Environmental Quality Department at the Environmental Protection Agency. However, I couldn't find the data of these measurements anywhere on the web.

71 Philippines
n/a n/a n/a 10%
71 Philippines

No available data from the Environment Management Bureau has a section for managing air quality: http://www.emb.gov.ph/portal/Portals/23/PDF%20Files/DenrAirQualityStatReport10-11.pdf In Philippines there is a Clean Air Act (from 1999). As part of the implementation of this legislation air monitoring stations are being implemented. Regularly National Air Quality Reports are generated. The last one available on the website covers 2010 and 2011 though. It is in PDF format. Data visualizations regarding the different pollutants are contained in the report. No microdata or real time data is available on the website.

71 Lesotho
n/a n/a n/a 10%
71 Lesotho

According to the Department of Environment in the government of Lesotho, there is a data clearing house which monitor air pollutions. However, it is not accessible online, and there is no information about how one can access the data. I tried to phone the department, but no one was able to help me. (http://www.environment.gov.ls/) Other background (no date stamp): https://unstats.un.org/unsd/ENVIRONMENT/envpdf/UNSD_UNEP_ECA%20Workshop/Lesotho.pdf

71 Virgin Islands, U.S.
n/a n/a n/a 10%
71 Virgin Islands, U.S.

According to the division of Environmental Control the data is collected on a weekly basis: http://dpnr.vi.gov/environmental-protection/air-pollution-control/ but it is not released to the general public except perhaps upon inquiry.

74 El Salvador
n/a n/a n/a 5%
74 El Salvador

The data is in a PDF file from 1994. There is not more data published by the Minister. I am not sure if the data is update, I should request the info to the Minister.

75 Côte d'Ivoire
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Côte d'Ivoire

Email sent to the Agence Nationale de l'Environnement for more information - http://www.ande.ci/

75 Botswana
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Botswana

The Environment department does take care of pollutions level, yet it is unclear is there is any information regarding the subject on a national level.

75 Zambia
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Zambia

It seems that there is no ministry or government agency that has this data.

75 Poland
n/a n/a #51  0% 0%
75 Poland

Very hard to find any relevant data released by the government.

75 Mali
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Mali

There is a website dedicated to sanitation and pollution (http://bd.stp.gov.ml/donnenviron/assainis.php) managed by the Ministry of Environment and Sanitation (http://www.environnement.gov.ml/) but it is empty.

75 Oman
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Oman

The body responsible for environmental issues in Oman is the Ministry of Environment and Climatic Affairs. It is unknown if they collect or release any such data.

75 Morocco
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Morocco

The agencies responsible for this data are The High Commissioner for Water, Forests and Desertification Control and the Ministry of Environment. No data exists at all. The rare details in reports are all non machine-readable (PDFs or static webpage with a chart as JPG or PNG). They do not appear to be up-to-date. Lastly, the reports are not openly licensed (instead, they are property of the institutions that publish them).

75 Zimbabwe
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Zimbabwe

While the missions statement of the ministry of environment shows that the office will create awareness to air pollution, no such data was found on the website.

75 Kenya
n/a n/a #51  0% 0%
75 Kenya

There is no data available online but this does not rule out the possibility that the data may be available in paper or digitally but just not online on government websites and sources [Unchanged since 2013].

75 Cyprus
n/a n/a #51  0% 0%
75 Cyprus

Could not find data on government websites http://www.moa.gov.cy

75 Bosnia and Herzegovina
http://www.sllist.ba/glasnik/g... n/a n/a 0%
75 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Official data does not exist.

75 Cameroon
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Cameroon

Link to data portal of the ministry of environment: http://www.minep.gov.cm/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=27&Itemid=72&lang=fr

Comment: “Data on environment are not available from the Ministry of environment. Few years ago The Cameroon’s National Institute of Statistics did a study on the pollution of surface and ground water in Yaoundé and its impact on population health.. http://www.statistics-cameroon.org/fr5/downloads/EPESS_Note_synthese_version_12_juillet_2013.pdf (this study is not available).”

75 Cambodia
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Cambodia

Can't find anything on Ministry of Environment website (www.moe.gov.kh)

75 Guinea
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Benin
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Benin

No evidence

75 Tanzania, United Republic of
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Panama
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Sierra Leone
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Sierra Leone

No evidence pollution data exists.

75 Saudi Arabia
n/a n/a #51  0% 0%
75 Saudi Arabia

It is uncertain if this dataset exists.

75 Haiti
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Haiti

No evidence

75 Burkina Faso
n/a n/a #48  15% 0%
75 Burkina Faso

The data about polluants emissions have been collected and managed by the Department of Sanitation and Prevention of Environmental Risks. The data have been collected the first time in 2007 with the funding from the worldbank, the Belgium Development cooperation and EuropeAid and concern only the city of ouagadougou. The collection have been realised under the "clean air initiative" of the world bank. Since 2007, an other data collection have not been realised yet, due to unavailability of funding. The data is available in the study report that is available at the direction.

75 Uruguay
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Rwanda
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%