A database of postcodes/zipcodes and the corresponding geospatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar co-ordinates in an openly published national co-ordinate system). A database which gives a location in terms of the name of a town or a street without lat/long co-ordinates is not considered acceptable unless the name of the town or street can be further converted to a latitude and longitude by means of other open data (eg an open gazetteer with latitude and longitude attributes).
Rank | Place | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2013) | Score |
1 | Iceland |
http://www.skra.is/lisalib/get... | DSV | #1 100% | 100% | |
The data is provided as an access address dataset. |
1 | Uruguay |
https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/d... | KML, SHP | n/a | n/a | 100% |
1 | Denmark |
http://dawa.aws.dk/postnummerd... | json, ... | #1 100% | 100% | |
First link provided contains maps of postal areas Postal codes can also be found at: http://www.postdanmark.dk/da/Privat/Kundeservice/postnummerkort/Sider/home.aspx QA question: Please explain how to obtain the data required for this item of the census according to the definition above. The file at www.postdanmark.dk contains postcodes and town/commune names, without geolocations in lat/long or equivalent. The link is to an inventory of maps, in shape files: how would these be used to obtain a table of postcodes and their lat/long please? Answer: The postcode information is available in multiple formats for different purposes. For polygons on maps (incl. lat/long), see here http://www.gst.dk/Emner/Frie_data/Hvilke+data+er+omfattet/Hvilke+data+er+frie/Landinddelinger/DAGI/DAGI-download.htm and here http://www.adresse-info.dk/Default.aspx?tabid=220 (text in Danish, maps in shape, mapinfo and geomedia). There's also a webservice from which you can enter an address and obtain the postcode. I'm not an expert in geodata myself so in order to answer the postcode-related questions at the Census I had help from https://twitter.com/neogeografen (who might be more helpful in order to explain how to find the data of your need). Thanks to Andrew Stott and Neografen for help on this -- Provided name and link for correct official API-provider of zipcodes and other various address endpoints. |
1 | United Kingdom |
http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guid... | CSV | #1 100% | 100% | |
Update: While you need to fill out a form in order to get access to the Ordnance Survey's Code-Point Open dataset, the Office for National Statistics publishes postcode data under an open licence publicly on the web. Revision: you need to fill a form to get access to this dataset. Then you get a link by email. Open postcode data which meets the specification here (postcodes and corresponding geospatial locations - lat/long or equivalent) is available via the Ordnance Survey's Code-Point Open dataset, which contains the 1.4m GB post codes each with a UK national grid reference of the postcode's location in eastings and northings (convertable to lat/long by published formulae) and with the administrative area (country/county/district/ward, plus National Health Service Region and Authority) in which it is located. This is updated quarterly. Similar Postcode data for the devolved province of Northern Ireland is not available as Open Data. The main UK address database (~24m individual addresses) is confusing called the Postcode Address File. This is a subscription-only database privately owned by the Royal Mail. The Open Data User Group have been pressing for its release too - see http://data.gov.uk/blog/dont-sell-our-postcodes-odug-on-why-we-should-have-open-addressing-in-the-uk The Postcode data as of August 2014 is available here: https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/Docs/PostCodes/ONSPD_AUG_2014_csv.zip The geographic coverage is United Kingdom (including Northern Ireland). More detailed information on the dataset can be found here: https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid={473A5770-FB1B-4C1A-AEEC-5DC056E5EC7F} |
1 | Japan |
http://www.post.japanpost.jp/z... | n/a | #11 70% | 100% | |
JP Post does not claim copyright on zip code data. Additionally, a data set linking postal addresses with geo-coordinates are separate, but publicly available online, free of charge, in bulk, without much usage restriction, in digital, machine-readable format, in a timely manner (updated yearly). http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/isj/index.html |
1 | Netherlands |
http://geodata.nationaalgeoreg... | xml | #1 100% | 100% | |
As part of the "BAG" data which contains all addresses and buildings in the Netherlands. The data set is most likely public domain (In this http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/inspireadressen/atom/inspireadressen.xml the description link yields an XML that specifies public domain), and the national data portal lists the BAG as public domain (although provides faulty links) https://data.overheid.nl/data/dataset/basisregistratie-adressen-en-gebouwen-bag-. The downloaded data set does not contain licensing info. Cadastre is the data holder but they provide no direct mention of the data set on their own site, just a reference to their paid for services. They are however listed as data holder and contact info in the links above as well. The data dump is a 1.4 GB zip file, that contains 7 other zip files, yielding over 30GB of data when unpacked, split up in 21MB xml files. This is the full BAG data set, containing all addresses and buildings for all of the Netherlands. From this dataset you need to combine several subsets to get to a full postcode list: The ‘NUM’ files give you address index numbers, its georeferences, the house number and the postcode, and a number that corresponds with a street. The ‘OPR’ files give you the corresponding street name, and the number of the place it is in. The ‘WPL’ files give you the place name, and through a separate table also the municipality it is in. (Do note that is does not include postcodes that are not connected to geolocations, such as PO Boxes) See for a detailed description of the search for the Dutch postcode data; http://www.zylstra.org/blog/2013/10/theoretically-open-post-codes-not-so-much-in-practice/ [No changes from 2013] |
1 | France |
https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/da... | CSV | #45 0% | 100% | |
La Poste now provides postcodes dataset as open data. Postcodes in France often cover several municipalities. The dataset can be completed with GEOFLA® data from IGN wich provides geo-referenced administrative boundaries also as open data. |
8 | United States |
http://www.census.gov/geo/maps... | TSV, SHP | #1 100% | 90% | |
This dataset in the US presents some challenges as there is a mixture of data available. The US Census provide zip-code centroids as part of their 2010 Gazetteer located at http://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/gazetteer2010.html in the form of the Zip-Code Tabulation Areas: http://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/docs/gazetteer/Gaz_zcta_national.zip This data is open data (openly licensed, and machine readable etc). However, there are some limitations of this data as it is based off the census, the last of which was in 2010. Thus, over time this database gets out of date versus the authoritative data held by the USPS. Given this, the data is marked as not timely. In addition, the ZCTA isn’t as complete as the USPS zip-code list as it focused on geographical areas and so its coverage of e.g. PO boxes is more limited. However, given the specifications of this dataset this should not be considered a major limitation and so we have not docked points anywhere else. More on Zip-Codes and the USPSThe full database of zip codes from the USPS has not yet been found although it looks like products are available for sale, and they are multiple datasets that can help to provide a whole picture. The ZCTA file produced by the US Census Bureau is useful but is not the full USPS Database of Zip Codes and lookup tables. Instead, this is a census related product produced every 10 years. "You may have noticed that Census Bureau products refer to “ZIP Code tabulation areas (ZCTAs)” and not simply to ZIP Codes™. The reason that we cannot tabulate data for ZIP Codes is that they do not have distinct geographic boundaries. Designed by the U.S. Postal Service for use in mail delivery, ZIP Codes represent carrier routes made up of individual addresses. A true representation of ZIP Codes would separate out individual housing units and releasing data for them would risk disclosing personally identifiable information". https://ask.census.gov/faq.php?id=5000&faqId=10488 The ZCTAs are not the same as the (regularly updated) USPS postal code lookup files or the postal code database with addresses and Lat Long. Those data are for sale and a number of USPS services are resold. There is an USPS API for companies to integrate their their systems - https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/address-information-api.htm Some date exchange for companies - https://www.usps.com/postalone/program.htm Segmentation direct mail tools https://www.usps.com/business/pdf/Segmentation_WP.pdf Lots of info about databases and services - https://about.usps.com/publications/pub32/pub32_terms.htm and lots of private sector tools such as http://www.zip-codes.com/zip-code-database.asp?gclid=CLG5_NWPncICFWSK2wodgIQAnA In addition, there are also some crosswalk files made by HUDs and posted on data.gov http://catalog.data.gov/dataset/hud-usps-zip-code-crosswalk-files |
8 | Australia |
http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats... | Shapefile | #8 90% | 90% | |
The postal dataset referenced is from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/1270.0.55.003July%202011?OpenDocument - actual data in zip file at http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/subscriber.nsf/log?openagent&1270055003_poa_2011_aust_shape.zip&1270.0.55.003&Data%20Cubes&71B4572D909B934ECA2578D40012FE0D&0&July%202011&22.07.2011&Previous). This has the areas of postal areas (and shapefiles for their boundaries) from which, for example, centroids can be derived. This data is machine-readable and available in bulk and as with all ABS data is openly licensed (CC-By - see http://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/D3310114.nsf/Home/%A9+Copyright?opendocument#from-banner=GB). However, the ABS data is only updated on a 5-yearly basis so Note the Australian Postal Service do have a fully up-to-date database but it is not open. See e.g. https://auspost.com.au/forms/postcode-data-registration.html where you can download some data extracts from their PCODE database but under license terms that include the statement: "Australia Post grants you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive licence to download and use the extract file(s) and the data contained within for non-commercial use only. Non-commercial use means any use of the data by an individual or organisation for the validation of the locality name and assigned postcode for their own purposes. You are expressly forbidden to download, copy or use all or any of the extract file(s) and the data contained within for any of the following purposes: ... [and goes on to list a large number of exclusions]" |
10 | Czech Republic |
http://nahlizenidokn.cuzk.cz/S... | CSV | #39 20% | 70% | |
Data are part of basic register of territorial identification RUIAN. REWIERS NOTE: The terms of use state that usage of the data follows Cadastral Law, which lists several possible purposes data can be used for. I don't consider this an open license. When I discussed this with the community which uses the data, I've been told that in fact, this whole register works as public domain. The official terms of use statement: http://nahlizenidokn.cuzk.cz/Napoveda/index.htm? Data is © 2004 - 2014 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální |
10 | South Africa |
http://www.postoffice.co.za/to... | .xls | #36 25% | 70% | |
Here is an extract from the website terms of use (there is no specific licence attached to the post codes database) No part of the website may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) or for any purpose, without the express written permission of the webmaster. |
10 | Taiwan |
https://www.post.gov.tw/post/i... | n/a | #8 90% | 70% | |
Only in Traditional Chinese. You can chosoe formate between xml, excel and txt file. |
10 | Pakistan |
http://www.pakpost.gov.pk/post... | Microso ... | n/a | 70% | |
Updated the download link for file. |
10 | Switzerland |
http://opendata.admin.ch/en/da... | PDF,XML ... | #11 70% | 70% | |
Licence for free geodata applies. |
15 | Sweden |
http://www.postnummerservice.s... | CSV | #31 40% | 55% | |
Available for a fee (approx EUR 2000 for weekly updates per year). No plans to make it available as open data. National postal company sent takedown notice to entrepreneurs that scraped and republished some of the data. |
15 | Canada |
http://www.canadapost.ca/cpo/m... | Fixed-w ... | #14 55% | 55% | |
Canada Post is a Crown corporation of the Government of Canada. Commercial use of Canada Post's Postal Code Address Data (PCAD) product has been quoted at $50,600 per year. Canada Post claims copyright in its database of postal codes. It has recently defended its claim by filing a lawsuit against Geolytica: https://cippic.ca/en/copyright/geolytica-statement-of-defence. |
17 | Morocco |
http://www.data.gov.ma/data/fr... | Excel; CSV | n/a | 50% | |
It is unclear who produces this data; one would imagine the Moroccan post is the producer (http://www.codepostal.ma/code_postal.aspx). The country's Open Data portal contains two datasets: the postal codes of districts (http://www.data.gov.ma/data/fr/dataset/codes-postaux-des-quartiers) and of cities (http://www.data.gov.ma/data/fr/dataset/codes-postaux-des-localites). Update rules are unknown, thus it is unclear how up-to-date the data on data.gov.ma is. Bulk download is not available as each file needs to be downloaded individually. Lastly, as other indicators before, the licensing is a tricky question to address: the datasets themselves are said to be under the ODbL yet the website itself carries the mention "Copyright" by the eGov unit and the 'License' page is broken. Thus, the data is considered non-open. |
18 | Saudi Arabia |
http://www.locator.com.sa/loca... | online | #21 45% | 45% | |
Saudi Post Corporation http://www.sp.com.sa/english/Saudipost/pages/default.aspx |
18 | Paraguay |
http://www.correoparaguayo.gov... | n/a | 45% | ||
Link to download de data set: (2 parts) Asuncion: http://www.correoparaguayo.gov.py/documents/10179/11670/Codigo+Capital/0f517dcf-f167-4ace-aea1-b631343580c0 Interior: http://www.correoparaguayo.gov.py/documents/10179/11670/Codigo+Localidades/dc3c3b3f-580e-455b-b458-f55da409d309 The data it's complete, there's only one zip code per district in all the cities minus Asuncion, that have a zip code per street. I think the data in paraguay it's not quite complete, but it's on his way to get it done. The only thing i want to mention is about the format of the data, it's in PDF, that is an open format, but still complex to get the data processed by a computer. DIRECCION NACIONAL DE CORREOS DEL PARAGUAY (DINACOPA) Address: 25 de Mayo esq. Yegros Phone: (595 21) 498-112/16 ZIP CODE 1301 Open data law 5189: http://www.correoparaguayo.gov.py/web/guest/transparencia-ley-5.189 |
18 | China |
http://www.cpdc.com.cn/postcdQ... | n/a | #21 45% | 45% | |
The data is only officially available as a web service. It is provided by the China Post (owned by gov) nothing changed in 2014 |
18 | Chile |
http://codigopostal.correos.cl... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
Data with Geolocation is available here under Correo de Chile -http://codigopostal.correos.cl/correos_cp/soporte_web/consulta_web/versionphp2006/pagina_interior/codigo_postal/consulta_web/pgn_modulo_codigopostal.asp?szTipo=d# |
18 | Colombia |
http://visor.codigopostal.gov.... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
En lo relacionado a la actualización de datos, la respuesta es incierta, teniendo en cuenta que a la fecha no se ha definido ni proyectado la frecuencia de actualización de los códigos postales del país. No es viable hacer un proyecto para definir actualización de los códigos postales en corto plazo. La página que contiene las políticas de privacidad y uso del sitio WEB incluyen también las condiciones sobre los datos que se tienen dentro del mismo |
18 | New Zealand |
n/a | ESRI ... | #31 40% | 45% | |
Postcode data is managed by NZ Post, a state-owned enterprise, with a commercial model. The Postcode Network File is $400-$2100/year depending on use and the license restricts reuse. |
18 | Finland |
n/a | n/a | #14 55% | 45% | |
Currently the free downloads of the Zipcodes DO NOT include location data i.e. coordinates and boundaries of the Zip-code areas. Direct link to download the data without coordinates (ftp://ftp2.itella.com/) requires a HTTP username and password. Itella is a northern European business services and logistics firm (see www.itella.com). Coordinate data can be purchased from elsewhere. Discussion in finnish: http://avoindata.net/185/postinumeroalueiden-avaamista-paikkatietona-edistetty |
18 | Cambodia |
http://www.stat.go.jp/english/... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 45% |
18 | Slovenia |
n/a | n/a | #14 55% | 45% | |
Data is available from Post of Slovenia, but is hidden in HTML format, not available in bulk and additional skills are needed to extract it. Geodetska uprava (Slovenian equivalent of UK Ordnance survey) resells bulk data with additional GIS information. For a simpler postname<->postnumber mapping, see this HTML table: http://www.posta.si/postne-stevilke-doma |
18 | Ecuador |
http://www.codigopostal.gob.ec... | n/a | #21 45% | 45% | |
Postcodes were launched in Ecuador in 2013. |
18 | Lithuania |
http://www.post.lt/lt/pagalba/... | n/a | #39 20% | 45% | |
There is only a possibility to search for a post code providing the address. No open datasets are available online. |
18 | Tanzania, United Republic of |
https://www.tcra.go.tz/images/..., , http://www.nbs.go.tz/nbs/index... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 45% |
18 | Malta |
http://postcodes.maltapost.com... | HTML | n/a | #21 45% | 45% |
31 | Isle of Man |
http://www.iompost.com/postal/... | n/a | #7 95% | 40% | |
The Isle of Man Government still owns the Isle of Man Post Office. Postcode searches require a registered email address (free) and rate limited to 10 searches per day. The government IT department sells the postcode/geolocation dataset to a very small customer base of couriers, dairy co-operative doorstep milk delivery service, Tesco, etc. An IT services company (http://www.afd.co.uk/) also resell geolocation datasets and data cleansing services. |
32 | Austria |
n/a | shape | #45 0% | 35% | |
A dataset with information on the region, district and municipality of a ZIP code is available on the government's open data portal, but this dataset does not contain geo-coordinates, https://www.data.gv.at/datensatz/?id=b9ba4b86-f04c-4a0e-96c4-188063e2668f. No dataset that meets the description of this survey appears to be publicly available at this point. Further observation: The Statistical Agency Austria holds related geospatial data. Apparently, data can be purchased from the agency. Data is available here on OpenGeoDB: http://www.datendieter.de/item/Postleitzahlen_Oesterreich. On the webpage of the Austrian Postal Service user can search for a postal code, but no geospatial information is provided. That geospatial data exist can be verified here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postleitzahl_%28%C3%96sterreich%29 |
32 | Thailand |
http://www.thailandpost.com/zi... | n/a | n/a | 35% | |
You need to go to http://www.thailandpost.com/zipcode.php and specify some search field e.g. City name to get result. |
32 | Tunisia |
http://www.poste.tn/codes.php | HTML | #33 35% | 35% | |
The website http://www.poste.tn/codes.php allows to map a locality to a zip code, but the data is not open (according to the Open Definition). It is also possible to map a locality with latitude/longitude in this official government web site http://interieur.gov.tn/projects/geodata/# This second website is under Creative Commons by 3.0 licence (http://interieur.gov.tn/article/licence). |
35 | Nigeria |
http://www.nigeriapostcodes.co... | n/a | #20 50% | 30% | |
The data cannot be downloaded in bulk. |
36 | Italy |
http://www.poste.it/online/cer... | n/a | #45 0% | 25% | |
The data of the italian zipcode are available with a restricted form online (= captcha) The entire data set is for sale. The national open data agenda of the italian digital agency announces the release as open data in late 2014. Currently there are no confirmation. |
36 | Germany |
n/a | n/a | #36 25% | 25% | |
The Postcodes are provide by Deutsche Post AG, a formal state owned, now private Company. The Postcodes can be accessed via an online Service http://www.postdirekt.de/plzserver/ However the underling datasets are not available for download and are not free of charge. They can only be purchased as a CD rom http://www.deutschepost.de/dpag?tab=1&skin=hi&check=yes&lang=de_DE&xmlFile=1015588 The only available data is provided by an unofficial open source website ( http://download.geonames.org/export/zip/). No change in data from 2013. |
38 | Guatemala |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 20% | |
There is a postcode dataset, not a geolocation one. http://www.correosytelegrafos.gob.gt/Codigos.htm |
38 | Argentina |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 20% | |
Argentina has an up to date zipcodes dataset on this website: http://www.correoargentino.com.ar/formularios/cpa However, it does not contain the relevant Geodata, and it is in a separate dataset. |
38 | Moldova, Republic of |
http://www.posta.md/ro/postal_... | HTML | #39 20% | 20% | |
http://download.geonames.org/export/zip/ - unnoficial source for all Moldova postal codes + latitude and a longitude |
38 | Slovakia |
http://www.posta.sk/stranky/po... | XLS | #39 20% | 20% | |
Slovak Republic is small country, so there is only about 10^4 different postcodes altogether. List of those can be obtained from Slovak Post Office at http://www.posta.sk/stranky/postove-smerovacie-cisla . License is not clearly stated and there is Copyright notice at the page providing the download so "no" is filled. Latitude and longitude information is not provided in the data source but other data source (https://zbgis.skgeodesy.sk/tkgis/default.aspx - intended for users, no API) can be used to locate towns (but not streets). Thus the data is considered as NOT available. |
42 | Turkey |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
Data does not include geo location data and therefore the dataset doesn't exist. |
42 | India |
n/a | n/a | #21 45% | 10% | |
Two sites: http://www.indiapost.gov.in/pin/ http://data.gov.in/dataset/all-india-pincode-directory The data is available in CSV format and is updated on 22-Jul-2013. The data consists of pincodes along with post office information like address and postal code but does NOT include geographic boundaries or lat long information. The data can also be searched by location or pincode on 'http://www.indiapost.gov.in/'. The data is available completely and is from official source, i.e the site managed by National Informatics Center which is a government body. It is hard to say whether the post office address which forms each result could be connected to a lat/long location with other information as per the census requirements |
42 | Israel |
n/a | n/a | #21 45% | 10% | |
The Israeli Postal Company does not allow to download zipcode data in bulk, and there is no other official source for this data after the Israeli Post has been privatized. The data is only providing the street and house number but do not supply lat/long co-ordinates. |
42 | Bangladesh |
n/a | HTML | #21 45% | 10% | |
No mention of licensing so not open data No geolocation |
42 | Russian Federation |
http://www.russianpost.ru/rp/s... | HTML, ... | #43 10% | 10% | |
A database of postcodes/zipcodes and a corresponding geospatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar co-ordinates in an openly published national co-ordinate system). DOES NOT EXIST You can only get a list of postcodes, no geospatial information. At the same time we now that by url http://www.russianpost.ru/rp/servise/ru/home/postuslug/searchops1#resultancor we could find a web form using that we could find postcode by address. So we know that address data exists but it is not publicly available Comment: No changes since 2013 year |
42 | Bermuda |
n/a | n/a | #14 55% | 10% | |
The official page for the postal codes is: http://www.bpo.bm/postalcodes.aspx?activemenu=40&sub=27 On that page you can online find a PDF download: http://www.bpo.bm/Lists/Postal%20Codes/Attachments/1/Bermuda%20Postal%20Codes%20and%20Parishes%202013.pdf No geolocation with the zipcodes. |
42 | Norway |
n/a | n/a | #21 45% | 10% | |
The data is still not officially available as Open Data. The site http://adressesok.posten.no/en/postal_codes/search?q=1350 allows web queries postcode lookup to get the name of the locality. This is HTML only with a restrictive licence at http://adressesok.posten.no/en/pages/usage_terms and only one postcode can be queried at a time. You can download the dataset in bulk from http://www.bring.no/hele-bring/produkter-og-tjenester/brev-og-postreklame/andre-tjenester/postnummertabeller in XLSX-format. No lat/long is provided only ZIP-code, placename, municipalitycode, municipalityname and category. http://data.kartverket.no/download/content/stedsnavn-ssr-wgs84-geojson could be used to obtain a rough lat/long of the postcode. However, as suggested by the original submitter, it's been gathered and made available by a private citizen, at http://www.erikbolstad.no/geo/noreg/postnummer/. However, the privately gathered data is has some quality/accuracy issues, so it's a good question as to whether it can be considered complete. (note: moved link to comments area in line with editorial instructions.) |
42 | Mexico |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 10% | |
There is postcodes registry, and there is a link to a geographical identifier from the INEG, but the data is not easily converted and the INEG databases are old. Therefore, the current data is not sufficient for this index. |
42 | Costa Rica |
n/a | n/a | #36 25% | 10% | |
The postal codes are made up of province, canton and districts (each assigned a number) and made available via an interactive form, one at a time. The map data, available at http://www.snitcr.go.cr/ does include the breakdown of provinces, cantons and districts so the data can be found and merged together but it is not easily accessible. Geolocation is no sufficient for this dataset type. |
42 | Latvia |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
There is some ZIP-code information available but it does not fit the Index criteria. Latvia Post has a ZIP-code index page ("Pasta indeksu grāmata") containing a number of XLS files in unstructured / semi-structured form. It shows the relation between locations (towns, streets, etc.) and relevant ZIP-codes but does not contain lat/long coordinates nor is there another service where one could resolve ZIP-codes to geo-coordinates. Note: the URL of the ZIP-code index page had changed since we last checked it in July 2014. |
42 | Bulgaria |
n/a | #14 55% | 10% | ||
The data is available as a table inside a PDF document. It's a simple list of settlement names and postal codes. It is not geocoded. No changes from 2013. |
42 | Romania |
n/a | n/a | #1 100% | 10% | |
The data is provided via the national open data portal. The data doesn't have geocodes, only postcodes. |
42 | Nepal |
n/a | html | #33 35% | 10% | |
Data is under the GPO of Nepal. No geolocation - http://www.gpo.gov.np/postalcode.aspx |
42 | Spain |
n/a | n/a | #21 45% | 10% | |
Postcode data are available without georeference and under licence fee here http://www.correos.es/ss/Satellite/site/pagina-1349169615030/info |
42 | Korea, Republic of |
n/a | n/a | #11 70% | 10% | |
The zip code system is managed and maintained by the Government of South Korea. Korea Post is in charge of postal services and financial services by post offices. Major Business Provide basic postal services of handling and delivering postal matters (General mails and parcels) Provide additional postal services (Registered mails, acceptance of postal matters at the customers' location, sales of local products by mail order, and postal errand service, etc.) Handling postal savings, postal money, order and postal giro Handling postal insurance The standardized postal codes format is NNN-NNN, where N stands for any single number (0 to 9) and A stands for any single alphabet (A to Z). All the states, districts, cities and localities in South Korea are categorized based on this format with the initial digits generally indicating the state. open API service http://www.koreapost.go.kr/kpost/sub/subpage.jsp?contId=100301000000 http://bit.ly/1uHfysT However, the geolocation data is missing. Therefore, the database does not exist. |
42 | Serbia |
n/a | n/a | #21 45% | 10% | |
No explicit geospatial information is provided, alithough for each postcode there is a link to a proprietary GIS which displays post office on the map. According to definition, no visible license means the information is non open. |
58 | Haiti |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 5% | |
Postcodes are maintain by the Office Des Postes D'Haiti http://www.postehaiti.gouv.ht/ but it is unsure wether there is a digital georeferenced version |
58 | Singapore |
http://www.geopostcodes.com/in... | HTML | #44 5% | 5% | |
The data on postal/zip codes was easily available on the site geopostcodes.com . This site even have details on the latitude and longitude of the cities of the country. |
60 | Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Postal Agency of Republic of Macedonia (http://www.ap.mk/) provides а free and easy to use search option (http://www.ap.mk/mk/griza-korisnici/postenski-kodovi), that lists the postal codes in the country, or lists the exact location (nearest city or village) if the postal code itself is entered. No latitudes or longitudes are provided. |
60 | Benin |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
postcodes/zipcodes not used |
60 | Indonesia |
http://kodepos.posindonesia.co... | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
No change from 2013 The data is available via search form, but no corresponding geolocations (which must be manually referenced to another separate subdistrict geolocation databases which are non-free) |
60 | Cameroon |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
postcodes/zipcodes not used |
60 | Burkina Faso |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
The register of the postal codes is managed by the national postal services. The code is used in the cities where there are more than one postal office, and the register is used by the postman to dispatch the courier. Unfortunatly, there are not yet long/lat in the dataset; only the code and the name of the corresponding postal office. In the bigger city of the country, there're only 17 postal offices so, the postal services workers do not think it's useful to use long/lat. The data can be found at the HQ of the national postal service. |
60 | Oman |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
Oman does not use a postcodes/zipcode system that translates into a physical address. The postal system in Oman uses PO Boxes which are based at postal offices in each city and which the users have to visit to collect their mail. |
60 | Botswana |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
Botswanna does not have nor use Postal Codes. Botswana is in the process of establishing postcodes and a street based addressing system, Land parcels (plots) are identified by a number which is allocated at the land board. Unchanged since 2013. |
60 | Ghana |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There are no postcodes in Ghana. |
60 | Guinea |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
does not have nor use postal codes. |
60 | Greece |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
You can search for a postal code : http://www.elta.gr/en-us/findapostcode.aspx But that does not give you the corresponding geospatial location of that postal code. Unsure if that data exists. |
60 | Cyprus |
http://www.mcw.gov.cy/mcw/post... | #45 0% | 0% | ||
The data does not exist as per requirements of the Open Data Census. The data does exist in the form of street name, postcode and town/village name. |
60 | Egypt |
http://egyptpost.org/mappost/m... | n/a | #35 30% | 0% | |
The website of the postal service has details about the location of postal offices, but does not provide any details on postal codes and their correspondence geospatial locations. It is suspected that Egypt does not use an address system that links postal addresses to physical locations. |
60 | Brazil |
http://www.correios.com.br/pro... | .mdb, .txt | #14 55% | 0% | |
Zipcodes are sold by the public company "Correios" (Brazilian mail service). But on the website the Brazilian mail service specifies that geocodes are not contained in the dataset: http://www.correios.com.br/para-voce/correios-de-a-a-z/dne |
60 | Georgia |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There is a database of postal codes available online, but it only provides street information, without geospatial coordinates. http://www.gpost.ge/?site-lang=ka&site-path=help/zipcodes/&letter=%E1%83%99 It is not clear if the state-owned Georgian Post or another government agency have geospatially-enabled records for this data. |
60 | Ireland |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
The suitable response here would be NOT APPLICABLE as there is no postal code system in Ireland at the moment. A postal code system is under development. http://www.eircode.ie/. The data will not be FREE and not and OPEN LICENCE. |
60 | El Salvador |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
In El Salvador we don´t use zipcodes for adresses or geographic distribution. |
60 | Portugal |
http://www.ctt.pt/feapl_2/app/... | CSV ... | #8 90% | 0% | |
The Portuguese postcodes/zipcodes data is made available by CTT at http://www.ctt.pt/feapl_2/app/open/postalCodeSearch/postalCodeSearch.jspx CTT was the Portuguese national public mail service until 9 September 2014. Since this date it became a private company and there is no other public portal where the same data is made publicly available. |
60 | Sierra Leone |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% |
60 | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The postcodes do exist and the U.S. Virgin Islands are serviced by the United States Postal Service (who use the code VI for domestic mail and zip codes in the 008xx series) according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Virgin_Islands#Transportation_and_communications These zip codes are not maintained along with other zipcodes in by the U.S. Census Bureau like for the U.S. states. Websites of cabinet departments which might have this data are all inaccessible. |
60 | Kosovo |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% |
60 | Lesotho |
http://www.geopostcodes.com/Le... | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There are non-government resources available only - for instance http://www.geopostcodes.com/Lesotho and http://lso.geonamebase.com/. Data seemingly does not exist. |
60 | Hong Kong |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
postcodes/zipcodes not used so this dataset does not apply. http://futurehandling.com/2012/11/12/why-doesnt-hong-kong-have-postal-codes/ |
60 | Côte d'Ivoire |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
postcodes/zipcodes not used however a 2 digit post office code can be used when addressing mail. |
60 | Panama |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
Our postal service is mediocre at best. Their link is: http://www.correospanama.gob.pa/ The institution that manages the land and maps, ANATI, has their website down at the moment. http://www.anati.gob.pa/ They publish PDF maps but I haven't been able to find a post code database. In practical terms, we don't use them in our daily life. |
60 | Philippines |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There is a query system database of Philippine Postal to check the local zip codes - https://www.phlpost.gov.ph/zip-code-search.php Zipcodes do exist but they have not been geocoded. |
60 | Lebanon |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% |
60 | Hungary |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
There is an Excel sheet of all postal codes published by Magyar Posta (Hungarian Post) at http://posta.hu/ugyfelszolgalat/iranyitoszam_kereso, but it doesn't contain lat/long co-ordinates. |
60 | Poland |
http://sejmometr.pl/kody_poczt... | HTML | #45 0% | 0% | |
The site http://sejmometr.pl/kody_pocztowe provides a paged, HTML list of (groups of) postal codes and the towns to which they relate. It does not provide the "geolocation" in terms of geospatial co-ordinates of individual postal codes as required in the definition. The site has an apparently open licence, but the data is not downloadable in bulk and is not (easily) machine readable. |
60 | Zimbabwe |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
According to wikipedia, there is not postcodes system in Zimbabwe. There is also no indication to it in the Zimbabwean post office website. |
60 | Croatia |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
To our knowledge (and available research), there is no official source linking geospatial data to postcodes in Croatia. However, the database of postcodes in Croatia (without corresponding locations) is available at: http://www.posta.hr/postanski-brojevi-i-uredi |
60 | Zambia |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There is a zipcode system in Zambia, yet I couldn't find a public dataset of it. |
60 | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
http://www.sllist.ba/glasnik/g... | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The official data is not available. However, the list of postcodes without corresponding geospatial locations is available at http://www.post.ba/download/popis_ureda.pdf. |
60 | Jamaica |
http://postalcodedb.com/Alphab... | HTML | n/a | 0% | |
As per Wikipedia: There was a plan to introduce postal codes in Jamaica, first announced on June 6, 2005. On February 12, 2007 it was announced that the postcode project had been suspended indefinitely. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_codes_in_Jamaica The legacy postcodes are available from a third party service: http://postalcodedb.com/AlphabeticSearch.aspx?country=Jamaica Site description: Based from the Postcode/Zipcode dataset, the cities are in alphabetical order. In order to find the city, you will have to click the letter. Then it will direct you to a list of cities. When you select the city name, you will find its postcode there. Then clicking the postcode will lead you to a map and while zooming in the map, you will find the city in its parish location. |
60 | Rwanda |
http://www.statistics.gov.rw/g... | CSV | n/a | n/a | 0% |
60 | Kenya |
http://kenyanswag.blogspot.com... | HTML | #45 0% | 0% | |
The data that is available from the official postal website by search does not have geolocations nor corresponding geospatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar co-ordinates in an openly published national co-ordinate system) hence the answer is data does not exist (no changed from 2013). |
60 | Mali |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
does not have nor use postal codes. |
60 | Senegal |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
It is uncertain if the data exists. |
60 | Belgium |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
There is no geospatial link for the postcodes. All that's available is the postcodes themselves with corresponding place names on the Belgian Postal Office (bpost) which is partially owned by the Belgian government (privatised public office). (http://www.bpost.be/site/nl/residential/customerservice/search/postal_codes.html). |