National Statistics / 2013 62% open (avg.)

Ranked #1 against other datasets in the Index (avg.)


Key national statistics such as demographic and economic indicators (GDP, unemployment, population, etc). Aggregate data (e.g. GDP for whole country at a quarterly level, or population at an annual level) is also considered acceptable in this data category. In general, answers of 'yes' in this category refers to entries with a reasonable amount of both economic and demographic information available.

Rank Place Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. Score
1 United States
  • XLS, CSV n/a 100%
1 United States has data on a wide variety of national statistics including all major demographic and economic indicators (population, GDP etc etc). Tabular data is generally provided in machine-readable formats such as Excel (an open format such as CSV would be preferable but we still consider this acceptable). The data is also available "in bulk" in the sense that ther e are complete files plus data is available via automated access on an FTP site at (where CSV files are often available). One point to note is that there are other sources of such data within the US government including the Bureau of Economic Analysis (, the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( etc.

1 Sweden
  • JSON API n/a 100%
1 Sweden

JSON API to access the statistical data. No official license but FAQ indicates no problem with commercial use. Seems open enough.

1 Slovenia
  • n/a n/a 100%
1 Slovenia

I am sending the link and would be happy if you could check how is with the actual accessibility of data (I am only a lawyer ;-).

1 United Kingdom
  • CSV, Excel n/a 100%
1 United Kingdom

The UK's Office for National Statistics has primary responsibility for maintaining and publishing national economic and demographic information (including the Census). ONS material is re-usable under the terms of the Open Government Licence and UK Government Licensing Framework. lists (as of 14 Oct 2013) 13059 datasets and reference tables available under the OGL. Each of the datasets is downloadable in full, in machine-readable formats (mainly Excel, but some also available in CSV and XML). There are a variety of Census 2011 datasets including population by local authority (, GDP dataset (2Q2013 at with links to XML and CSV formats), and unemployment by age and duration ( Some, but not all, of these datasets are fed onto Statistics are released according to a published schedule.

1 Australia
  • xls n/a 100%
1 Australia

All data, paid and publicly accessible online, from statistical organisation is Creative Commons licenced.

1 Norway
  • mostly ... n/a 100%
1 Norway

Previous editor note: Data is freely available as long as the source is referenced. See

Country editor note: Alas the abovemetnioned link doesn't work anymore :( But I've been corresponding with Statistics Norway ( the home of the statistics ) and they've said the same. Their license is essentially the same as the Norwegian License for Open Government Data ( NLOD - ), but they can't yet write this, though they're working on it. That is, their license is CC BA compatible.

1 New Zealand
  • n/a n/a n/a 100%
1 Italy
  • n/a n/a 100%
1 Italy

Some data are provisional and they relate to 2011, when Italy took its last census. Data can be freely used

1 Denmark
  • csv, ... n/a 100%
1 Denmark

Very detailed data is protected due to privacy issues

10 Bulgaria
  • Excel, ... n/a 90%
10 Bulgaria

The data is available at the National Statistics Institute. It keeps data on quite a lot of aspects of economics and demographics. The data is however only in XLS format and in Bulgarian language. Bulk download is not possible. Historic data is limited.

11 Finland
  • n/a n/a 85%
11 Finland

Some of the date produced by Statistics Finland is available in open data free of charge, but some is not.

12 Czech Republic
  • xls ... n/a 80%
12 Czech Republic

The quality and openness of the data varies. Some are available up to date and in usable spreadsheets, some not. Terms of use state that data is freely available, but the author must be attributed and the statistical figures must not be changed.

13 Spain
  • n/a n/a 75%
13 Spain

Condiciones legales: La información contenida en este sitio web procede de múltiples fuentes, por lo que el INE solo autoriza la reutilización de aquélla cuya fuente original sea el propio INE y siempre bajo las siguientes condiciones generales: Se prohíbe expresamente desnaturalizar el sentido de la información. Debe citarse la fuente de la información objeto de reutilización. Esta cita podrá realizarse de la siguiente manera: Fuente: Sitio web del INE: Debe mencionarse la fecha de la última actualización de la información objeto de reutilización, siempre y cuando estuviera incluida en el original. No se podrá indicar, insinuar o sugerir que el INE participa, patrocina o apoya la reutilización que se lleve a cabo con la información. * El INE no será responsable del uso que de su información hagan los agentes reutilizadores. Tampoco será responsable de los daños materiales o sobre datos, ni de posibles perjuicios económicos provocados por el uso de la información reutilizada.

13 France
  • n/a n/a n/a 75%
13 Lithuania
  • n/a n/a 75%
13 Lithuania

Massive lot of statistics is available online. However, most of statistics are not in machine-readable formats.

16 Israel
  • n/a n/a n/a 70%
16 Mexico
  • Formats ... n/a 70%
16 Mexico

Data is accessible in a wide variety of formats, some can be downloaded in both machine and non-machine readable formats. There is no open data and bulk accessibility unless data is required to INEGI. Depending on what information is required, some costs may apply. Key data is released in the yearly statistics book which includes zip file with Excel sheets. License prohibits commercial use according to ToU on website and is therefore not open.

16 Hungary
  • Excel n/a n/a 70%
16 Ecuador
  • n/a n/a n/a 70%
16 Ireland
  • CSV n/a 70%
16 Ireland

National census data are fully available. Based on the discussions on the [] list, it has been decided that the Irish PSI license is NOT an 'open license'.

16 Portugal
  • Excel, CSV n/a 70%
16 Portugal

There is data back until 1864 but it is only open online since 2000

16 Switzerland
  • HTML,CS ... n/a 70%
16 Switzerland

Commercial users need to obtain written permission, as per 3/copy.html

16 Costa Rica
  • n/a n/a 70%
16 Costa Rica

Data is available and downloadable in excel spreadsheet to manipulate.

16 Serbia
  • xls, ... n/a n/a 70%
16 Germany
  • XLS, ... n/a 70%
16 Germany

The national statistics office publishes statistics at and statistical data at It is available in in XLS offer and formats, however the quality of the machine readable data is abysmal.

The general Copyright statement is essentially saying that you can reuse the data provided attribution is given, but you are not allowed to change or manipulate the information: "© Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 2013. Sie können Informationen speichern, (auch auszugsweise) mit Quellenangabe weitergeben, vervielfältigen und verbreiten sowie Links zur Homepage des Statistischen Bundesamtes legen. Die Informationen dürfen im Übrigen nicht verändert oder verfälscht werden." which makes it not openly licensed. At the same data is available under the German "Datenlizenz Deutschland" which has been revied and considered not comliant with the Open Definition in Version 1.0. A process to address these issues are underway with version 2.0 of the "Datenlizenz Deutschland".

26 Indonesia
  • n/a n/a 65%
26 Indonesia

According to Law number 16 of 1997 on statistics, basic statistics and sectoral statistics are available for public utilization unless it is specified otherwise in prevailing legislation. Basic statistics being defined as statistics utilized for a broad range of (both government and community) purposes, which have cross-sectoral characteristics, are on a national and macro scale, and will be the responsibility of the Statistics Agency.

Demographic data are outdated (2010) and only available in PDFs. No plans on making them available via easily explored data portal online.

27 China
  • Excel, CSV n/a n/a 60%
27 Russian Federation
  • SDMX, ... n/a 60%
27 Russian Federation

Brief Description There is special government source for statistic information publication Federal Law "On official statistical records and the system of state statistics in the Russian Federation" (article 5, paragraph 10) stipulates that official statistical information in Russia is available. Government Decree № 367 (26 may 2010) "On the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system" establishes that access to official statistical information in the system, is carried out on a free and nondiscriminatory basis (paragraphs 4-5). There is no any legal restriction for use and reuse statistic information for commercial purposes. Also there is special terms of use on the Federal Statistic Service web site On the data in not available in bulk Step by step explanation 1. Does the data exist? Yes, via website 2. Is data in digital form? Yes, data available via website 3. Publicly available? Yes, this data is publicly available. We don't need FOI request to get it. 4. Is the data available for free? Yes, this data is available for free. No payment is required. 5. Is the data available online? Yes. Data available at 6. Is the data machine readable? Yes, data provided as SDMX and XLS files 7. Available in bulk? No, it's not bulk yet. 8. Openly licensed? No, this data is public domain data but no open license available. 9. Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes, this information updated frequently, on monthly basis. Ivan Pavlov: Ivan Pavlov: we consider the Russian statistics as open licensed, taking into the account Russian Legislation provisions. Russia has no special license for government data and we should consider the legal regime of data use and dissemination form "the common rule" point of view. According to the Civil Сode of Russia (Article 1259), official government documents including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character are not objects of copyright. According to the Russian FOI law (Article 4), one of the main FOI principles in Russia is the freedom to seek, receive, transmit and disseminate information on activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government in any legal way. Also according to the Russian FOI law (Article 1), information about the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government is information (including documentation), established within government bodies, their territorial bodies, local authorities or institutions subordinate to the state authorities, local self-government (hereinafter - organizations subordinated to it), or received by the mentioned bodies and organizations. Information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government also includes laws and other normative legal acts concerning information on the activities of bodies of local self-government – municipal legal acts defining structure, competence, formation and operating procedures of the above-specified bodies and organizations, and other information concerning their activity. Thus, according to the current Russian legislation, there are no legal restrictions on use, reuse or redistribute statistics data.

27 Greece
  • n/a n/a n/a 60%
27 Saudi Arabia
  • XLS n/a n/a 60%
27 South Africa
  • n/a n/a 60%
27 South Africa

StatsSA is the national statistics agency. All data is published under a free to use for non-commercial use licence. Data is available at various levels of aggregation but is often difficult to extract data in bulk - e.g. for the census, each indicator needs to be extracted individually. Not all data is available in machine readable format. Some of it is available only in PDF files

27 Malta
  • Excel n/a n/a 60%
27 Moldova, Republic of
  • Excel/C ... n/a n/a 60%
27 Brazil
  • .csv/.tsv n/a 60%
27 Brazil

Since 2009 the Brazilian Federal Institute for Geography and Statistics realizes regular research about economic activity on a monthly base. Data is available for different economic activities and per state. Every ten years the institute realizes a demographic census.

27 Netherlands
  • n/a n/a 60%
27 Netherlands

cbs published 150 sets as open data in sept 2013. all other material is only available as selection through downloadable excel sheets

36 Egypt
  • n/a n/a 55%
36 Egypt

The CAPMAS (Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics) is the national authority responsible for collecting, curating and releasing the country's data on demographics, wages, agriculture, tourism, etc. The website and the data are available in Arabic and English.

36 Nepal
  • PDF n/a 55%
36 Nepal

This is the official source of government data, This is handled by Nepal Planning Commission Secretariats, Government of Nepal.

36 Senegal
  • PDF n/a n/a 55%
36 Singapore
  • xls, pdf n/a 55%
36 Singapore

A comprehensive stats resource, covering different sectors and themes. Some data available only in PDF. Review comment: Since parts of the data is not machine readable (pdf) it is marked as not machine readable, but it should be highlighted on the positive side that a large percentage is machine readable.

36 Bangladesh
  • PDF n/a 55%
36 Bangladesh

No licence specified

41 Taiwan
  • n/a n/a 50%
41 Taiwan

The data in Traditional Chinese version is .xls file formate, but the English version is .pdf

41 Iceland
  • n/a n/a n/a 50%
43 Burkina Faso
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
43 Hong Kong
  • HTML; XLS n/a n/a 45%
43 Croatia
  • pdf n/a 45%
43 Croatia

Regarding up-to date status of data, the documents are available, but some are very slow processed. The census data from 2011. is still (last quarter of 2013.) being processed, and is only partly published.

43 Korea, Republic of
  • xls, ... n/a 45%
43 Korea, Republic of

Name: Korea Statistical Information Coverage: Population/Household, Employment/Labor/Wage, Price/Household Income And Expenditure, Health/Society/Welfare, Environment, Agriculture, Forestry And Fishery, Mining And Manufacturing Industry/Energy, Construction/Housing/Land, Transportation/Information And Communication, Wholesale and Retail Trade/Service Industry, National Accounts/Regional Accounts/National Wealth, Finance/Banking/Insurance, Trade/Foreign Exchange/Balance Of Payments

43 Poland
  • n/a n/a 45%
43 Poland

Not all data is open and publicly available but the website itself is a good resource.

43 Romania
  • PDF, ... n/a 45%
43 Romania

The National Statistics Institute collects the data and it can be retrieved: (1) online, free of charge, PDF format, for the main indicators (2) online, interrogation of the database, a limited amount free of charge. There is an € sign next to non-free data. All data requires an account. (3) offline, bulk data, for a significantly higher fee, after submitting a specific request

43 Bermuda
  • PDF n/a n/a 45%
50 Japan
  • n/a n/a 40%
50 Japan

This so-called "e-stat" is the one-stop government stat data site of Japan. Most of data are available in Excel, some even CSV (unfortunately some are still PDF). You may use them basically free of charge, but the terms for commercial use is unclear.

50 Isle of Man
  • PDF n/a n/a 40%
50 Canada
n/a multiple n/a 40%
50 Canada

The National Statistical Agency is Statistics Canada - Some of the data it produces are free and under and open licence, many are not and are under a cost recovery program. Statistical data are also available from many federal agencies and they are released intermittently. Administrative health data are available from the Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI). Health, education and so on are administered by provinces and territories and these are available by contacting all 13 jurisdictions. Revenue data are available from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) while housing data are available from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Unemployment, bankruptcy data are available from Human Resources and Development Services canada (HRSDC), immigration from Citizen Immigration Canada, and so on. Some data are for fee, some are for free, some are difficult to find as there is no central repository, many of the agencies are not well organized and not all are in the open data portal. Also some of these are administrative data while others are official national statistics. There is a unified open data licence in progress but this is not yet in practice for all federal level data and this is most certainly not the case for provinces and territories. Municipal statistical data are available at that jurisdiction. An up to date list of open data portals is available here -

50 India
h PDF,Exc ... n/a 40%
50 India

also and Data is completely available. This data is available on the planning commission of India website and was published on 3rd May, 2013. all data is available on request (also computer centre provides it in the form requested)

54 Austria
  • n/a n/a 35%
54 Austria

Statistics Austria is currently not actively promoting OD; they plan to a OD portal (aside from in 2014

54 Belgium
  • n/a n/a 35%
54 Belgium

Many separate spreadsheets available, although some data is only available when making a selection using online report builder.

54 Tunisia
  • HTML; ... n/a 35%
54 Tunisia

The key economic and demographic indicators are available in the official website of the National Institute of Statistics, mainly in Arabic or French. Most of them are regularly updated. There is no explicit license indicated neither on the Institute's website nor in the individual documents. As in such cases default copyright seems to apply, we consider data to not comply with the definition of openly licensed data.

57 Nigeria
  • n/a n/a 30%
57 Nigeria

There are plans to make more data available in future

58 Cyprus
  • .xls .pdf n/a 20%
58 Cyprus

You can view the data without paying, but there are charges for some datasets and reports. Data is mixed, between percentages and whole numbers. Some data is machine-readable, some is not.

59 Slovakia
  • HTML, ... n/a 15%
59 Slovakia

There is no formal license attached to data, only copyright assertion and vague description of what you can do with them. Mostly you must obtain explicit approval for reuse or distribution. After causal attempts to get some data most of the requests returned no or gibberish data => "is it accessible online" = "no", etc.

60 Kenya
  • n/a n/a 10%
60 Kenya

The Kenya National Bureau of statistics which is the central government agency that collects data has statistics on census, economic activities, demographics. It has many channels through which the some of the data is distributed, with links for these pages on their website, one of which is the Kenya Open Data Initiative (KODI). However there seems to be no standard for distributing data. Some are available and open e.g. KODI but some are available on the KNBS website itself but not open. Some of these are not charged while others are. KNBS applies a statistics act and a form has to be submitted for data requests. On the plus side some include metadata, background information, data description. On the Kenya Open Data portal, the datasets are mostly from KNBS but not up to date.