Government Budget 100% open


Australia is ranked #1 for this dataset
Australia's Index ranking for government budget is up from #16 in 2013

What data is expected?

National government budget at a high level (e.g. spending by sector, department etc). This category is about budgets which are government plans for expenditure (not actual expenditure in the past).

What data is available

  •   Does the data exist? Yes
  •   Is data in digital form? Yes
  •   Publicly available? Yes(as Budget 2014-15 Tables and Data published by Department of Finance)
  •   Is the data available for free? Yes
  •   Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
  •   Is the data machine readable? Yes (CSV)
  •   Available in bulk? Yes
  •   Openly licensed? Yes(Here)
  •   Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes


Data from the 2014-15 Budget are provided to assist those who wish to analyse, visualise and programmatically access the 2014-15 Budget.



  • Baden Appleyard
  • Alex Sadleir


  • Steven De Costa
  • Alexander Sadleir