Benin 19% open

Benin is ranked #92 in the 2014 Index

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
23 National Statistics
  • Excel n/a 70%
23 National Statistics
Format: Excel

The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis on their site provides information on national statistics.

14 Company Register
  • PDF n/a 60%
14 Company Register
Format: PDF

The Industry and Commerce Chamber of Benin CCIB provides with a detailed and up-to-date list of companies per regions.

61 Government Budget
http://www.budget.finances.gou... n/a n/a 45%
61 Government Budget

General Directorate for Budget under the Ministry of Economy and Finance

89 Election Results
n/a n/a n/a 5%
89 Election Results

The Autonomous Electoral National Commission CENA is mandated by the law to share the results data with the press, government, the Constitutional court and other third parties like political parties or groups of political parties. But the results are not available online.

78 National Map
n/a n/a n/a 5%
78 National Map

The Geographical National Institute of Benin is responsible for the production of topographic maps at the scale of 1:200000, 1:50000, 1:25000 but according to a 2008 report from the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water, whole coverage of the country is only available at 1:200000 scale in paper format.

60 Postcodes / Zipcodes
n/a n/a n/a 0%
60 Postcodes / Zipcodes

postcodes/zipcodes not used

75 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a n/a 0%
75 Pollutant Emissions

No evidence

96 Legislation
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Legislation

No evidence.

65 Transport Timetables
n/a n/a n/a 0%
65 Transport Timetables

No public transportation system at national level or in the capital.

86 Government Spending
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%



  • Mamadou Diagne


  • Nick Ingalls
  • Oleg Lavrovsky
  • Pierre Chrzanowski