Burkina Faso 36% open

Burkina Faso is ranked #59 in the 2014 Index
Burkina Faso's overall Index ranking is down from #44 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
26 Legislation
http://assembleenationale.bf/s... HTML n/a #25  45% 55%
59 National Statistics
http://www.insd.bf/n/index.php... n/a n/a #43  45% 55%
19 Company Register
http://cci.bf/?q=fr/entreprise... n/a #34  40% 55%
19 Company Register
URL: http://cci.bf/?q=fr/entreprise

The companies register is managed by the chamber of trade and industry. He is working to make the registry available for free

44 Government Budget
http://www.dgb.gov.bf/loif2014... PDF #26  55% 55%
44 Government Budget
URL: http://www.dgb.gov.bf/loif2014.php
Format: PDF

The government budget is managed by the general direction of budget. This direction has a statistic service that publish the budget online in pdf format

45 Election Results
http://www.ceni.bf/?q=legislat... PDF n/a #33  45% 55%
11 Government Spending
n/a Pdf, XLS #13  45% 50%
11 Government Spending
Format: Pdf, XLS

Transactional data are only available in the direction of the publique procurement of each ministry. It's released as soon as the transaction have been done, available for free, in bulk, but most of the time, the datas are dispersed in many file

50 National Map
http://www.igb.bf/pagehtm/donn... shapefiles n/a #29  50% 35%
60 Postcodes / Zipcodes
n/a n/a #45  0% 0%
60 Postcodes / Zipcodes

The register of the postal codes is managed by the national postal services. The code is used in the cities where there are more than one postal office, and the register is used by the postman to dispatch the courier. Unfortunatly, there are not yet long/lat in the dataset; only the code and the name of the corresponding postal office. In the bigger city of the country, there're only 17 postal offices so, the postal services workers do not think it's useful to use long/lat. The data can be found at the HQ of the national postal service.

65 Transport Timetables
http://sotraco-bf.net/spip.php... n/a #41  30% 0%
65 Transport Timetables
URL: http://sotraco-bf.net/spip.php?rubrique11

The government do not operate,and do not regulate any national-level public transport services.

75 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a #48  15% 0%
75 Pollutant Emissions

The data about polluants emissions have been collected and managed by the Department of Sanitation and Prevention of Environmental Risks. The data have been collected the first time in 2007 with the funding from the worldbank, the Belgium Development cooperation and EuropeAid and concern only the city of ouagadougou. The collection have been realised under the "clean air initiative" of the world bank. Since 2007, an other data collection have not been realised yet, due to unavailability of funding. The data is available in the study report that is available at the direction.



  • Laura James
  • Katelyn Rogers
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Christian Villum
  • Idriss TINTO
  • titinto


  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Fofana Bazo B.
  • titinto
  • Saba Moustapha
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Christian Villum
  • Idriss TINTO
  • T. Idriss TINTO