Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2013) | Score |
23 | Government Budget |
http://www.finanzas.gob.ec/el-... | HTML, ... | #33 50% | 70% | |
URL: http://www.finanzas.gob.ec/el-presupuesto-general-del-estado/ Format: HTML, PDF, CSV, XML, Excel The consolidated budget for 2014 is available online, but not its detailed version and execution. |
14 | Company Register |
http://www.supercias.gob.ec/po... | HTML, ... | #16 45% | 60% | |
URL: http://www.supercias.gob.ec/portalinformacion/portal/index.php Format: HTML, PDF, CSV, XML Information about companies is available, though an online database. |
25 | National Map |
http://inec.gob.ec/estadistica... | shapefiles | #14 70% | 60% | |
URL: http://inec.gob.ec/estadisticas/?option=com_content&view=article&id=79&TB_iframe=true&height=560&width=1000 Format: shapefiles There have been a few changes lately in Ecuador regarding cantons that are not yet included in these files (i.e.: La Concordia, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas). |
69 | National Statistics |
http://inec.gob.ec/estadistica... | n/a | #16 70% | 45% | |
URL: http://inec.gob.ec/estadisticas/ Not all files published are machine readable. |
53 | Election Results |
http://resultados.cne.gob.ec/ | n/a | #33 45% | 45% | |
URL: http://resultados.cne.gob.ec/ Election results are published on this website, with a copyright notice in the footer. |
12 | Government Spending |
http://www.finanzas.gob.ec/tra... | n/a | #19 10% | 45% | |
URL: http://www.finanzas.gob.ec/transparencia/ Consolidated spending data from 2008 to 2014 can be queried through an online database. Data is on transactional level and it is very detailed and in a monthly report - http://www.finanzas.gob.ec/transparencia/ |
18 | Postcodes / Zipcodes |
http://www.codigopostal.gob.ec... | n/a | #21 45% | 45% | |
URL: http://www.codigopostal.gob.ec/ Postcodes were launched in Ecuador in 2013. |
52 | Pollutant Emissions |
http://suia.ambiente.gob.ec/we... | n/a | #34 35% | 35% | |
URL: http://suia.ambiente.gob.ec/web/suia Latest available data is from 2008. |
89 | Legislation |
http://www.registroficial.gob.... | n/a | #56 30% | 30% | |
URL: http://www.registroficial.gob.ec/ Subscription to Registro Oficial currently costs USD 280 per year for the digital version and USD 504 for the printed version. It includes all laws, statutes and regulations since 2009. Many laws are available online for free, but only Registro Oficial includes all published and valid laws, regulations from every government office. |
65 | Transport Timetables |
n/a | n/a | #45 25% | 0% | |
Public transport services in Ecuador are privately managed. There are no national-level government operated public transport services. Trains are operated by the government, though these are used only for tourism services and not for public transportation. There are other city-level public transport services operated or commissioned by local governments, like Metrovía in Guayaquil and Trolebus in Quito. This question was answered considering privately operated national-level public transport services (interprovincial buses). Most timetables are available in printed form, and some bus companies have it published on their websites. |
- Eduardo Bejar
- Pierre Chrzanowski
- Mor Rubinstein
- Mariel García M
- Eduardo Bejar
- Mor Rubinstein
- Mariel García M