What data is expected?
High level map at a scale of 1:250,000 or better (1cm = 2.5km)
What data is available
- Does the data exist? Yes
- Is data in digital form? Yes
- Publicly available? Yes(as Descargas de Coberturas Geográfica. under this heading several shapefiles dataset on different themes are provided (boundaries, transportation, hidrography and elevation) published by Centro Nacional de Registros - Instituto Geográfico y del Catastro Nacional - Geoportal CNR)
- Is the data available for free? Yes
- Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
- Is the data machine readable? Yes (shapefiles)
- Available in bulk? Yes
- Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? No
Some spatial data sets are available for download through the Geoportal CNR Website (data sets are related to boundaries, transportation, hidrography and elevation). To note that the data sets are free of charge bu cannot be used for commercial purposes without getting the authorization of the CNR.
Note that also webservices are available as WMS for viewing the information.
http://cloud.cnr.gob.sv/ArcGIS/services/SVWGS84/MapOficial/mapserver/WMSServer http://cloud.cnr.gob.sv/ArcGIS/services/SVWGS84/RelieveOficial/mapserver/WMSServer
- Lorena Hernández Quirós
- Iris Palma