Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2013) | Score |
1 | Government Budget |
https://www.govdata.de/daten/-... | xls, ... | #1 100% | 100% | |
URL: https://www.govdata.de/daten/-/details/bundeshaushalt-2014 Format: xls, csv, xml It has to be said that the granularity of the data is not satisfying. The budget data is available as XLS in bulk and free to use as an "amtliches Werk" according to §5 Abs 1. UrhG |
1 | National Map |
https://www.govdata.de/daten/-... | PDF, ... | #1 100% | 100% | |
URL: https://www.govdata.de/daten/-/details/debkg00m00000103 Format: PDF, WMS, Shape Digital maps at a scale of 1:250.000 are available here: http://www.geodatenzentrum.de/geodaten/gdz_rahmen.gdz_div?gdz_spr=deu&gdz_akt_zeile=5&gdz_anz_zeile=1&gdz_unt_zeile=1&gdz_user_id=0#dok The data is available via a WebMapService and as Shape-files. This map should be covered by the GeoNutzV. http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/geonutzv/index.html It is technically not a license but it is intended to allow for reuse with attribution requirements only. However compliance with the Open Definition has not been properly reviewed yet. A list of all map products available for download can be found here: http://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/downloadPortal/ |
1 | Election Results |
https://www.govdata.de/suchen/... | csv | #1 100% | 100% | |
URL: https://www.govdata.de/suchen/-/details/de-bundestagswahl-2013 Format: csv Original source and results for past years at http://www.bundeswahlleiter.de Data published on govdata.de with 'Freie Nutzung' terms of use but no real license listed. |
1 | Legislation |
http://www.gesetze-im-internet... | HTML, ... | #6 90% | 100% | |
URL: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ Format: HTML, PDF, XML, EPUB Laws are not subject to copyright as per §5 UrhG (German copyright act). According to the homepage of gesetze-im-internet.de and to govdata.de, the data can be used free of charge. "Die bereitgestellten Rechtsnormen sind in allen zur Verfügung gestellten Formaten zur freien Nutzung und Weiterverwendung zugänglich gemacht". The table of contents of gesetze-im-internet.de is available in bulk from https://www.govdata.de/suchen/-/details/gesetze-im-internet as one XML-file. http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/gii-toc.xml Not all laws are provided timely, see https://www.google.com/search?q=site:gesetze-im-internet.de+%22noch+nicht+ber%C3%BCcksichtigt%22&espv=213&es_sm=93&biw=1920&bih=1043&ei=N6KEUqXBM8mYtAbP74G4DQ&start=0&sa=N |
1 | National Statistics |
https://www.destatis.de/DE/Pub... | XLS, ... | #16 70% | 100% | |
URL: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Publikationen/Thematisch/ThematischeVeroeffentlichungen.html Format: XLS, CSV, HTML, PDF The national statistics office publishes statistics at https://www.destatis.de/DE/Publikationen/Publikationen.html and statistical data at https://www-genesis.destatis.de/genesis/online/data is available in XLS and other formats, however the quality of the machine readable data is abysmal. The general Copyright statement is essentially saying that you can reuse the data provided attribution is given, but you are not allowed to change or manipulate the information: "© Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 2013. Sie können Informationen speichern, (auch auszugsweise) mit Quellenangabe weitergeben, vervielfältigen und verbreiten sowie Links zur Homepage des Statistischen Bundesamtes legen. Die Informationen dürfen im Übrigen nicht verändert oder verfälscht werden." which would make it not openly licensed. At http://www.govdata.de the same data is available under the German "Datenlizenz Deutschland" which has been reviewed and considered not compliant with the Open Definition in Version 1.0. However, this non-compliance was due to the fact that there is the option to apply the Datenlizenz Deutschland with an NC component. However, non of the data sets on govdata.de published by the National Statistics Agency carry the NC component. Thereby the data is openly licensed. Furthermore the Datenlizenz 2.0 has been approved by the Open Definition Advisory Council recently and it can be assumed that it will replace the 1,0 version shortly to erase and ambiguities about openness. |
1 | Pollutant Emissions |
http://www.thru.de | XLS, ... | #13 60% | 100% | |
URL: http://www.thru.de Format: XLS, CSV, PDF, WMS, SQLite PortalU is a central portal for environment data including sources at the national and the federal state level. The portal aggregates metadata and links to decentralized datasets and services: http://www.portalu.de - however, the cooperation between the federal states and national government has been terminated, PortalU will go offline on December 31, 2014. Data on air and water pollution can be found at the the German version of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, http://www.thru.de. It allows searching for a specific site, company or field of industry (http://www.thru.de/search/?no_cache=1) as well as downloading the entire database in bulk (http://www.thru.de/fileadmin/SITE_MASTER/content/Dokumente/Downloads/PRTR-Bundle_Herbst-2014_rev1.zip). Searches can be stored as PDF or Excel files, map features can be obtained via WMS. The database is updated twice per year, every April and October. The database covers 2012 as the most recent year, which is due to the rather complicated European reporting system. The most recent update was in October 2014. The terms and conditions are a bit unclear, as they mainly refer to general use of the site (http://www.thru.de/nutzungsbedingungen/). The terms also state that any use of the data is okay as long as the source is attributed and content is not altered or manipulated. I would interpret this as: "You shall not change values in the database, but everything else is alright", especially because thru.de has an own article on its site claiming they are open data (http://www.thru.de/thrude/auswertung/top-thema/thrude-ist-open-data/). |
60 | Company Register |
https://www.unternehmensregist... | n/a | #39 30% | 30% | |
URL: https://www.unternehmensregister.de/ureg/ The company register is protected by data base rights and might not be reused without permission. Original License notice states: "Das Unternehmensregister genießt Datenbankschutz nach § 87a ff. UrhG und darf insoweit nicht ohne Zustimmung des Verlags außerhalb der gesetzlichen Vorschriften genutzt werden." No change from 2013. |
61 | Transport Timetables |
n/a | n/a | #45 25% | 25% | |
The transport timetables of the Deutsche Bahn are available via an App at http://www.dbfahrplan.com but the data it sefe is not available online. The data is not provided in bulk nor is it not machine readable and openly licensed. The transport timetables are available as PDF via http://kursbuch.bahn.com and on CD rom and have been reverse-engineered at https://github.com/MichaelKreil/openPlanB No change from 2013. |
36 | Postcodes / Zipcodes |
n/a | n/a | #36 25% | 25% | |
The Postcodes are provide by Deutsche Post AG, a formal state owned, now private Company. The Postcodes can be accessed via an online Service http://www.postdirekt.de/plzserver/ However the underling datasets are not available for download and are not free of charge. They can only be purchased as a CD rom http://www.deutschepost.de/dpag?tab=1&skin=hi&check=yes&lang=de_DE&xmlFile=1015588 The only available data is provided by an unofficial open source website ( http://download.geonames.org/export/zip/). No change in data from 2013. |
16 | Government Spending |
n/a | #19 10% | 10% | ||
Format: pdf The granularity of the spending data is not satisfying. [Notice pudo: this is really not what I think we should cover with spending data; I would argue such data is completely unavailable on a federal level] [SvdW: Changed answers to reflect this]. http://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Web/DE/Themen/Oeffentliche_Finanzen/Bundeshaushalt/Haushalts_und_Vermoegensrechnungen_des_Bundes/haushalts_vermoegensrechnungen_des_bundes.html No changes from 2013. |
- Daniela Mattern
- Mor Rubinstein
- Maximilian Heimstädt
- Daniel Dietrich
- Sander van der Waal
- profemo
- Mathias Schindler
- Daniela Mattern
- Michael Hörz
- walter palmetshofer
- Joris Pekel
- pudo
- Stefan
- michael
- Joris/Michael
- Andrew Stott
- Maximilian Heimstädt
- Jan-Ole Beyer
- Daniel Dietrich
- Sander van der Waal
- profemo
- Dominik Moritz
- Mor Rubinstein