What data is expected?
Key national statistics such as demographic and economic indicators (GDP, unemployment, population, etc). Aggregate data (e.g. GDP for whole country at a quarterly level, or population at an annual level) is also considered acceptable in this data category. In general, answers of 'yes' in this category refers to entries with a reasonable amount of both economic and demographic information available.
What data is available
- Does the data exist? Yes
- Is data in digital form? Yes
- Publicly available? Yes published by Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation, Government of India)
- Is the data available for free? Yes
- Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
- Is the data machine readable? Yes (XLS,CSV)
- Available in bulk? Yes
- Openly licensed? Yes(Here)
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes
All the national statistics data are open to public, reusable and freely available in Data Portal India. The Data has been shared under National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy – 2012 (NDSAP-2012). This was a unique initiative taken by Govt of India to facilitate access to Government of India owned shareable data and information in both human readable and machine readable forms.
- Mor Rubinstein
- Laura James
- Subhajit Ganguly
- Tuhin Subhro Chakraborty
- Akhilesh Srivastava
- Subhajit Ganguly
- Nimit Gupta
- Shubhadip Biswas