Indonesia / 2013 42% open

Indonesia is ranked #36 in the 2013 Index

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. Score
6 Legislation
http://ditjenpp.kemenkumham.go... PDF ... n/a 90%
6 Legislation
Format: PDF and HTML

As there is no information on licensing, following the FAQ agreement it would be considered as not openly licensed.

26 National Statistics
  • n/a n/a 65%
26 National Statistics

According to Law number 16 of 1997 on statistics, basic statistics and sectoral statistics are available for public utilization unless it is specified otherwise in prevailing legislation. Basic statistics being defined as statistics utilized for a broad range of (both government and community) purposes, which have cross-sectoral characteristics, are on a national and macro scale, and will be the responsibility of the Statistics Agency.

Demographic data are outdated (2010) and only available in PDFs. No plans on making them available via easily explored data portal online.

13 Company Register
  • HTML table n/a 50%
13 Company Register
Format: HTML table

This website gives a more extensive list of limited companies which includes both state-owned as well as private enterprises, and across sectors (not limited to industry, as opposed to the previous link). However it only provides information regarding the company name and location in the resulting table, although it gives an option to display results based on a selected sectors. I argue that it is not available in bulk as, although the option is available to list all registered companies in all geographical regions and across all sectors, the table it displays only show the company name and a selected geographical unit (either sub-district, city/district, and province name but not all three), and does not include the sector/field it is associated with. So one cannot obtain all the necessary information using the query it provides. Additionally, often times when I attempt to select all, the website crashes.

There is no information regarding licensing so according to the FAQ agreement it is considered not openly licensed.

I am not sure how frequent the data is updated as there is no information regarding this.

33 Election Results
  • PDF n/a 45%
33 Election Results
Format: PDF

The data only covers the last election (2009) with no detailed records on other election results further in the past.

29 Pollutant Emissions
  • PDF n/a 45%
29 Pollutant Emissions
Format: PDF

Data aggregated into national environmental index and published annually with 1 year delay (e.g. 2011 report published on December 2012)

34 Government Budget
  • PDF n/a 45%
34 Government Budget
Format: PDF

Data portal covers Government of Indonesia National Budget 1968-2012.

34 National Map
  • n/a n/a 40%
34 National Map

Official basemap produced by Indonesian government is owned by National Geospatial Agency as a paid product. However, it can be viewed online at and can be accessed via REST API.

34 Transport Timetables
  • n/a n/a 35%
34 Transport Timetables

Timetable data is spread over state-owned transportation companies websites. Quality of the data varies.

38 Government Spending
n/a n/a n/a 0%
38 Government Spending

It is unknown whether such a database currently exist. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia had planned to implement the SPAN (Sistem Perbendaharaan dan Anggaran Negara/State Treasury and Budget System) in 2013, but it has been delayed. The SPAN is meant to be an internal integrated system of all processes related to the management of the budget, including budget preparation, budget document management, procurement management, payment management, revenue management, cash management, and reporting. Before, such transactional-level data seem to be scattered among individual line ministries instead of being in a unified database. Whether such detailed data is considered 'public' is unknown. A much more aggregated realized spending report, however, is available for download in PDF form from (quarterly report) or (annual report). A database of nationwide government awarded contracts is also available at the LKPP LPSE e-Procurement portal

45 Postcodes / Zipcodes
  • n/a n/a 0%
45 Postcodes / Zipcodes

The data is available via search form, but no corresponding geolocations (which must be manually referenced to another separate subdistrict geolocation databases which are non-free)



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Alika Tuwo
  • Ramda Yanurzha


  • Fariz
  • Diah Setiawaty
  • Robertus Theodore
  • Shita Laksmi
  • Yuandra Ismiraldi
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Ramda Yanurzha