Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2013) | Score |
23 | National Statistics |
http://www.cso.ie/en/databases... | CSV, ... | #16 70% | 70% | |
URL: http://www.cso.ie/en/databases/ Format: CSV, TSV, px, txt, xls, html, Beyond 20/20, There are multiple databases provided. Multiple data variables are selected from drop down menus and are then downloadable in mulitple formats. Data pivot tables are also available in beyond 20/20 which is a norm for data users in this domain. Data are also available as linked data http://data.cso.ie/ The data are available under two IP regimes and an access policy,
15 | Transport Timetables |
http://www.transportforireland... | GTFS | #9 60% | 70% | |
URL: http://www.transportforireland.ie/transitData/PT_Data.html Format: GTFS MACHINE READABLE: YES, the files are in GTFS and some in TransXChange format. AVAILABLE IN BULK: YES, as of mid 2014. OPENLY LICENSED: NO Based on our interpretations of Terms and According to the OKF definition the license is considered 'CLOSED' it is a RE-USE of PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION UNDER THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (RE-USE OF PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION) REGULATIONS 2005 (SI 279/2005) Licence (http://www.transportforireland.ie/terms-conditions/). The problem areas for the licence are: (4) not using the document: (a) for the principal purpose of advertising or promoting a particular product or service; (Interpreted by some as being non commercial purposes) (b) for an illegal, immoral, fraudulent or dishonest purpose or in support of the aforementioned purposes (immoral is the problem as who gets to decide what is and is not immoral) 5.Sub-Licensing 5.1.The benefit of this License may not be sub-licensed. (impedes interoperability) |
13 | Pollutant Emissions |
https://www.epa.ie/air/quality... | xlsx, JSON | #8 70% | 70% | |
URL: https://www.epa.ie/air/quality/data/ Format: xlsx, JSON Data are available as discussed here Access to Information on the Environment http://www.epa.ie/about/info/aie/#.VGvoE2f-s9N, also read the SAFER Conditions of Download and Access http://erc.epa.ie/safer/downloadValidityCheck.jsp. The data are available in Bulk see here http://www.epa.ie/air/quality/dev/#.VGvpC2f-s9O |
22 | Legislation |
http://irishstatutebook.ie | HTML, PDF | #47 35% | 60% | |
URL: http://irishstatutebook.ie Format: HTML, PDF YES - MACHINE READABLE, the data are available in PDF format and also html. UNSURE: AVAILABLE IN BULK I have sent them a question, they now have mobile apps, which means it may possible via some sort of API? I have sent them a question. isb@propylon.com NO: Open Licence, I have sent them a question, in the footer of the site the following is indicated "© Government of Ireland. Oireachtas Copyright Material is reproduced with the permission of the Houses of the Oireachtas". There is no licence information on the site. |
19 | Company Register |
https://www.cro.ie/en-ie/Servi... | Unknown | #13 50% | 55% | |
URL: https://www.cro.ie/en-ie/Services/Access-to-CRO-Data Format: Unknown Details about Accessing CRO Data are explained here: https://www.cro.ie/en-ie/Services/Access-to-CRO-Data Data available via free API for which signup is required at https://services.cro.ie/overview.aspx. Bulk data are available on a cost recovery basis "The CRO supplies, under licence, data in bulk format for high volume users of our data. The data concerned is basic company information in respect of all companies on the register. Daily updates of the data may be downloaded via the internet - a password is assigned to a Licensee to facilitate this. The fees for the daily data update service are below. Copies of all scanned documents received by CRO can also be made available at a cost of €63,360 per annum." |
32 | National Map |
http://www.osi.ie/ | Multipl ... | #24 55% | 55% | |
URL: http://www.osi.ie/ Format: Multiple mapping formats, DXF, SHP and TAB formats, WMS and many others depending on the data type and the service used NOTE: National maps are available from other institutions such as the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The OSI is however considered to be the national mapping organization (NMO) for Ireland. The OSI is governed by the ORDNANCE SURVEY IRELAND ACT, 2001 http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2001/en/act/pub/0043/, which means that it is the states NMO but also a commercial enterprise. There is an interactive map Viewer http://maps.osi.ie/publicviewer/#V1,588882,739883,0,10 that allows the public to visualize the data, Data are available via webmapping service called MapGenie http://www.osi.ie/Services/MapGenie.aspx with additional information provided here http://www.osi.ie/Services/MapGenie-Learn-More.aspx. Data are accessed this way via an institutional agreements between clients and OSI. The data are machine readable as just explained but for a fee and the same is true for data available in bulk. In terms of Intellectual Property OSI data are protected under the Copyright and related Act 2000 as discussed here it data are not available under an OPEN LICENCE, all OSI data are protected under the Copyright and related Act 2000 as discussed here http://www.osi.ie/Services/Copyright.aspx, and Copyright Permit CP1 and there are Licence Fees. For example "copyright Ordnance Survey Ireland and Government of Ireland and are protected under the terms of the Copyright Acts. Anyone wishing to reproduce OSi material, or use it as a basis for their own publications, must obtain prior permission from OSi. The permit covers reproduction of OSi mapping data in facsimile form and also the use of copyright material in a new compilation based on OSi mapping. The permit requires that an acknowledgement to Ordnance Survey Ireland and Government of Ireland copyright and a permit number must appear on the final reproduction". The OSI has allowed some academic institions to display and use their data for non commercial uses via MapGenie here is one example (http://airo.maynoothuniversity.ie/datastore/private-households-t5-sa). |
53 | Election Results |
http://www.environ.ie/en/Local... | n/a | #58 5% | 45% | |
URL: http://www.environ.ie/en/LocalGovernment/Voting/ Election results from (2002 - 2014) are available online for local, county, national and European by constituency per candidate, per count. Bye-election results are also available. Data are available in pdf documents, so not machine-readable. The data are under Government Copyright and therefore not open see here - http://www.environ.ie/en/Tools/TermsandConditions/ and also under a PSI Re-Use licence http://www.environ.ie/en/AboutUs/Re-useofPublicSectorInformation/ National Election data are also available here - http://www.oireachtas.ie/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=-1&CatID=71 and those data are under this licence Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations (S.I. 279/2005) http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/about/copyrightandre-use/ which differs from the Copyright note above, in essense election results are on different sites and fall under different intelectual property regimes. |
61 | Government Budget |
http://budget.gov.ie | n/a | #34 45% | 45% | |
URL: http://budget.gov.ie Data could be more granular. I sent a question to the Dept. of Finance regarding the availability of the data in a bulk download and did not receive an answer. I will therefore leave it as a NO. |
16 | Government Spending |
n/a | n/a | #19 10% | 10% | |
The aggregated data that are publicly available at the program expenditure level but not available at the actual expenditure level, i.e. transactional level. There was some dispute here, and it was dediced to assume that these do exist even though a link is not provided, as to get to the programme level actual expenditures are required. http://databank.per.gov.ie/Expenditure.aspx |
60 | Postcodes / Zipcodes |
n/a | n/a | #45 0% | 0% | |
The suitable response here would be NOT APPLICABLE as there is no postal code system in Ireland at the moment. A postal code system is under development. http://www.eircode.ie/. The data will not be FREE and not and OPEN LICENCE. |
- Mor Rubinstein
- Tracey P. Lauriault
- Pierre Chrzanowski
- Denis Parfenov
- Tracey Lauriault
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Richard Cantwell
- Denis Parfenov
- Tracey Lauriault
- Mark Breen
- Dave Corley
- Richard Harris
- Anonymous
- Tracey P. Lauriault
- Deirdre Lee