Election Results 45% open


Ireland is ranked #53 for this dataset
Ireland's Index ranking for election results is up from #58 in 2013

What data is expected?

Results by constituency / district for all major national electoral contests

What data is available

  •   Does the data exist? Yes
  •   Is data in digital form? Yes
  •   Publicly available? Yes(as Voting: published by Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government)
  •   Is the data available for free? Yes
  •   Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
  •   Is the data machine readable? No (n/a)
  •   Available in bulk? No
  •   Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
  •   Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes


Election results from (2002 - 2014) are available online for local, county, national and European by constituency per candidate, per count. Bye-election results are also available.

Data are available in pdf documents, so not machine-readable.

The data are under Government Copyright and therefore not open see here - http://www.environ.ie/en/Tools/TermsandConditions/ and also under a PSI Re-Use licence http://www.environ.ie/en/AboutUs/Re-useofPublicSectorInformation/

National Election data are also available here - http://www.oireachtas.ie/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=-1&CatID=71 and those data are under this licence Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations (S.I. 279/2005) http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/about/copyrightandre-use/ which differs from the Copyright note above, in essense election results are on different sites and fall under different intelectual property regimes.



  • Tracey P. Lauriault
  • Denis Parfenov
  • Tracey Lauriault


  • Tracey P. Lauriault
  • Deirdre Lee
  • Denis Parfenov
  • Tracey Lauriault