Kenya 22% open

Kenya is ranked #85 in the 2014 Index
Kenya's overall Index ranking is down from #59 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
6 Legislation
  • XML, ... #1  100% 90%
6 Legislation
Format: XML, PDF, Word

The primary format is XML. Acts and other pieces of legislation can be downloaded for free in different formats including PDF and DOC. Another viable and good source is the Kenya Parliament website: in pdf formats too. [According to Ahmed Maawy - No changes from 2013]

45 Election Results
  • PDF #33  45% 55%
45 Election Results
Format: PDF

Some of the other results were published later for example on county elections, women representatives and so on but still timely (July 2013). Copyright statement on site - non-open (Sander van der Waal, 20/10/2013) [Unchanged since 2013]

61 Government Budget
  • n/a #53  35% 45%
61 Government Budget

Data are available in pdf-format and seemingly also exists on the Kenya Open Data (KODI) portal, with more details (sector, county) but is not up-to-date (according to submitter). "We chose the most significant data sources going forward and trackable as far back as possible. The ministries have changed with the new dispensation and the budget datasets on KODI are not only outdated but span only two financial years."

[Minor revisions made to these comments during review]

16 Government Spending
n/a n/a #38  0% 10%
16 Government Spending

Data on tenders can be found here:

However, there is no transactional level data on a monthly basis

96 National Statistics
  • n/a #60  10% 10%
96 National Statistics

The Kenya National Bureau of statistics which is the central government agency that collects data has statistics on census, economic activities, demographics. It has many channels through which the some of the data is distributed, with links for these pages on their website, one of which is the Kenya Open Data Initiative (KODI). However there seems to be no standard for distributing data. Some are available and open e.g. KODI but some are available on the KNBS website itself but not open. Some of these are not charged while others are. KNBS applies a statistics act and a form has to be submitted for data requests. On the plus side some include metadata, background information, data description. On the Kenya Open Data portal, the datasets are mostly from KNBS but not up to date. [According to Ahmed - No changes from 2013]

83 Company Register
n/a n/a #54  5% 5%
83 Company Register

Data is not available anywhere online but it is available upon request at the respective government office. There is a fee for the 'search' to de done and am not very sure in what format the requesting person receives the data. I am also not sure if the data at the offices iS fully digital though this could be possible and unfortunately I cannot verify in good time. [According to Ahmed - No changes from 2013]

75 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a #51  0% 0%
75 Pollutant Emissions

There is no data available online but this does not rule out the possibility that the data may be available in paper or digitally but just not online on government websites and sources [Unchanged since 2013].

86 National Map
n/a n/a #55  0% 0%
86 National Map

No map published by the government was found. [According to Ahmed - No changes from 2013]

65 Transport Timetables
  • json #52  0% 0%
65 Transport Timetables
Format: json

The Kenyan public transport system is mostly run by the private sector. Some long distance buses will have travel timetables pinned on the wall in their offices or posted on their websites. The Railway is owned by a private company - Rift Valley Railyway. The only government affiliated public transport system is a railway service but this only serves a section of Nairobi (from Syokimau to Nairobi). [Unchanged since 2013]

60 Postcodes / Zipcodes
  • HTML #45  0% 0%
60 Postcodes / Zipcodes
Format: HTML

The data that is available from the official postal website by search does not have geolocations nor corresponding geospatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar co-ordinates in an openly published national co-ordinate system) hence the answer is data does not exist (no changed from 2013).



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Christian Villum
  • Emmy Chirchir
  • Sander van der Waal


  • Ahmed
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • David Lemayian
  • Oleg Lavrovsky
  • Muchiri Nyaggah
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Anonymous
  • Christian Villum
  • Emmy Chirchir