Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2013) | Score |
15 | Transport Timetables |
http://www.pv.lv/lv/vilcienu_s... | XLS | n/a | 70% | |
URL: http://www.pv.lv/lv/vilcienu_saraksts Format: XLS This entry is about public train transport in Latvia. The bus transport is operated at a municipal level. Live train schedules, including pricing information, are published at http://www.pv.lv/lv/vilcienu_saraksts There is also an XLS version available that contains all the schedules together and is reasonably up-to-date (last updates: 2014-Oct-13): http://www.pv.lv/lv/kopejais_iekszemes_vilcienu_kustibas_saraksts/ Both versions should be up-to-date but the live version may also contain information about unscheduled changes. See also:
11 | Company Register |
http://dati.ur.gov.lv/ | CSV ... | n/a | 70% | |
URL: http://dati.ur.gov.lv/ Format: CSV files + a TXT describing CSV file structure; XLSX files Enterprise register's data is published in a structured form and updated daily. Benefits from timely updates: organisations requiring Enterprise register statistics can just grab the file instead of filing official requests, thus saving time and effort. Files include basic information about enterprises but lack more detailed information. Enterprise register sells access to detailed information to commercial companies for a considerable fee (in tens of thousands EUR) which can resell this information to everyone else. This is one of the best open data examples in Latvia, but it is not easy to find - you have to know the URL or the path to take through register's page in order to find reference to open data. |
23 | Government Budget |
http://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadala... | XLS | n/a | 70% | |
URL: http://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadalas/valsts_budzets/2014__gada_budzets/ Format: XLS The state budget for recent years is published as semi-structured XLS files (cell text indentation level shows budget entry hierarchy, not entirely machine-readable): http://www.fm.gov.lv/files/valstsbudzets/2014/4piel_2014_budzets_131113.xls URL for state budget 2014: http://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadalas/valsts_budzets/2014__gada_budzets/
The archive of state budget data for previous years (year 2013 shown by default, see the sidebar for earlier years): http://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadalas/valsts_budzets/valsts_budzeta_likums_arhivs/2013_gads/ See also:
23 | National Statistics |
http://data.csb.gov.lv/ | CSV, ... | n/a | 70% | |
URL: http://data.csb.gov.lv/ Format: CSV, XLSX, PX-Axis Unsure how to answer "Available in bulk?":
English version of the data portal: http://www.csb.gov.lv/en/about-us See also:
13 | Pollutant Emissions |
http://www.csb.gov.lv/en/stati... | CSV, ... | n/a | 70% | |
URL: http://www.csb.gov.lv/en/statistikas-temas/metodologija/weather-conditions-and-air-quality-latvia-38299.html Format: CSV, XSLX or PX-Axis files Air polution monitoring data is published on a monthly basis. Queries can be made for custom time periods. Measurements include the maximum concentration of carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and particulate matter. Air quality measurements are taken by automatic DOAS OPSIS stations ensuring continuous registration of polluting substances. See also:
37 | Election Results |
http://www.cvk.lv/pub/public/ | XML | n/a | 60% | |
URL: http://www.cvk.lv/pub/public/ Format: XML The Central Election Commission publishes election results (for both general and EP elections). Each election instance, however, has its own web page and there is no central starting point where you could find all results together. I was not sure if the dataset qualifies as machine-readable -- the situation varies in every case with most results available as HTML tables located on multiple web pages:
See also:
34 | Legislation |
http://likumi.lv | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
URL: http://likumi.lv Likumi.lv is a legislation website ensuring free access to systematized (consolidated) legislation of the Republic of Latvia. Its operation is regulated by the Law on Official Publications and Legal Information. - http://likumi.lv/about.php
The official publisher Latvijas Vestnesis does not receive budget funding for maintenance of Likumi.lv. It is maintained from the earnings of Latvijas Vestnesis (the costs are covered from the charge for the official publication paid by the information submitter, unless otherwise provided by a law or Cabinet Regulations). Regarding information reuse Likumi.lv points to the legislation that determines how this information can be reused and sets the fee for reuse (however, it is not clear what is meant by reuse and if, e.g., publishing law excerpts on a website requires paying the fee or not): See also:
50 | National Map |
http://kartes.lgia.gov.lv/kart... | DGN, ... | n/a | 35% | |
URL: http://kartes.lgia.gov.lv/karte/ Format: DGN, ESRI ArcGIS Unsure how to answer the "Available for free" and "Machine-readable" criteria:
Latvian Geospatial Information Agency: http://www.lgia.gov.lv/en/Par%20mums.aspx Map services available: http://map.lgia.gov.lv/index.php?lang=2&cPath=4 See also:
42 | Postcodes / Zipcodes |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
There is some ZIP-code information available but it does not fit the Index criteria. Latvia Post has a ZIP-code index page ("Pasta indeksu grāmata") containing a number of XLS files in unstructured / semi-structured form. It shows the relation between locations (towns, streets, etc.) and relevant ZIP-codes but does not contain lat/long coordinates nor is there another service where one could resolve ZIP-codes to geo-coordinates. Note: the URL of the ZIP-code index page had changed since we last checked it in July 2014. |
16 | Government Spending |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
The Treasury has detailed up-to-date spending information, but this information is not available online. There is a service "Valsts budžeta iestāžu izdevumi": http://www.kase.gov.lv/?module=maks&object_id=7446 that claims to provide daily expenditure information but it does not return any data. |
- Mor Rubinstein
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Uldis Bojars