What data is expected?
Aggregate data about the emission of air pollutants especially those potentially harmful to human health (although it is not a requirement to include information on green house gas emissions). Aggregate means national-level or more detailed and on an annual basis or better. Standard examples of relevant pollutants would be: carbon monoxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter etc.
What data is available
- Does the data exist? Yes
- Is data in digital form? Yes
- Publicly available? Yes
- Is the data available for free? Yes
- Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
- Is the data machine readable? Yes (XLS, PDF, JPG, KML)
- Available in bulk? Yes
- Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? No
Information can be accessed in different portals. Most information can is gathered int the National Institute of Ecology (http://sinaica.ine.gob.mx) though machine readable files commonly do not follow a database layout. Data is clustered at a state level and divided in different time-lapse data clusters. Most files are accessible in: http://www.inecc.gob.mx/calaire-presentacion/546-calaire-indicadores The Ministry of Environment's porta contains similar information: http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/dgeia/clave_2010/clave/indicadores/ibi_apps/ind_clave_05.html http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/dgeia/clave_2010/clave/indicadores/ibi_apps/ind_clave_06.html http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/dgeia/clave_2010/clave/indicadores/ibi_apps/ind_clave_08.html Also, data is also identified under research center's web sites, such as Mexico's National Autonomous University: http://www.atmosfera.unam.mx/procca/Ozono.php Furthermore, SEMARNAT's Pollution Transfer and Emissions registry (RETC) contains a national database of air, water, ground and underground contains record of pollution sources and environmental assessments. RETC's landing page can be accesed here: http://www.semarnat.gob.mx/temas/gestionambiental/calidaddelaire/Paginas/retc.aspx and data (not in bulk) accessed here: http://app1.semarnat.gob.mx/retc/retc/index.php No license information found, which means it's not an open license.
Found bulk data for air measurements here but it's not timely (until end of 2008): http://www2.inecc.gob.mx/dgicurg/calaire/tend/horarias/concentra.php
For 2014's review, it was noted that the main data has not been updated since September 6th 2013 16:17hrs. INECC's web site (http://www.inecc.gob.mx/acerca/831-pol-privacidad) does not use an open license. Under it's privacy statement, it indicates "Some rights reserved" and in the policy legend does not explain the terms and conditions for the use of the data besides explicitly prohibiting parcial or total reuse of content for commercial purposes: "Queda estrictamente prohibido la reproducción total o parcial con fines comerciales de los datos, gráficos e información contenidos en esta página, por cualquier medio y de cualquier forma salvo para fines bibliográficos que reconozcan al autor de los documentos publicados en este sitio."
- Juan M. Casanueva
- Juan M Casanueva
- Sander van der Waal
- Juan M. Casanueva
- Juan M Casanueva
- Tomas Severino