Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. | Score |
1 | Election Results |
http://statbank.ssb.no/statist... | csv, ... | n/a | 100% | |
URL: http://statbank.ssb.no/statistikkbanken/?PLanguage=1 Format: csv, tsv, xml, pc-axis, excel The information is available via both the Norwegian government website: http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/krd/information-campaigns/election_portal.html?id=456491 as well as Statistics Norway's election page ( with free downloadable data ): http://www.ssb.no/valg/?innholdstype=statistikk The results of the current election, on the 9th September 2013, will be published 17.10.2013, according to the Statistics Norway page. The results from previous elections is already online. |
1 | National Map |
http://data.kartverket.no/down... | n/a | n/a | 100% | |
URL: http://data.kartverket.no/download/ As of 26.09.2013 extensive portions of Norwegian map data is released in digital form, under a open license ( CC 3.0 BA ) - the announcement is here: http://www.kartverket.no/Om-Kartverket/Nyheter/Nasjonale-kartdata-blir-gratis/ New maps will be added, but at this point in time Norway maps with a resolution 1:50 000 and up, are available, here: http://data.kartverket.no/download/ 2d views, terrain models, location names, road data, and boundary maps are all part of this map release. An online (WMS) version of the maps is available, freely, here: http://beta.norgeskart.no/ |
1 | National Statistics |
http://statbank.ssb.no/statist... | mostly ... | n/a | 100% | |
URL: http://statbank.ssb.no/statistikkbanken/?PLanguage=1 Format: mostly csv, tsb, xml, pc-axis, excel Previous editor note: Data is freely available as long as the source is referenced. See http://www.ssb.no/english/help/main.html#5 Country editor note: Alas the abovemetnioned link doesn't work anymore :( But I've been corresponding with Statistics Norway ( the home of the statistics ) and they've said the same. Their license is essentially the same as the Norwegian License for Open Government Data ( NLOD - http://data.norge.no/nlod/en/1.0 ), but they can't yet write this, though they're working on it. That is, their license is CC BA compatible. |
1 | Pollutant Emissions |
http://www.miljostatus.no/milj... | csv, ... | n/a | 100% | |
URL: http://www.miljostatus.no/miljodata/Norge/ Format: csv, tsv, xml, pc-axis, excel Edit: There's some parallel environmental information, also in free ( by attribution) machine readable form, available from Statistics Norway http://ssb.no/natur-og-miljo?innholdstype=statistikk / google translated: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=no&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fssb.no%2Fnatur-og-miljo%3Finnholdstype%3Dstatistikk |
11 | Government Budget |
http://www.statsbudsjettet.no/... | csv, ... | n/a | 90% | |
URL: http://www.statsbudsjettet.no/ Format: csv, tsv, xml, pc-axis, excel The original submitter is entirely right that the budget information can be found via the http://www.statsbudsjettet.no/ link, but that it's hard to get machine-readable data from there. However, Statistics Norway has a much of the same data available in machine readable form ( csv, tsv, xml, pc-axis, and excel ). Alas, the data is not very detailed - the data categories are quite general generally. But still, numbers are available in machine readable form http://www.ssb.no/offentlig-sektor/statistikker/statsregn/kvartal/2013-06-04?fane=tabell&sort=nummer&tabell=114655 |
3 | Transport Timetables |
http://labs.trafikanten.no/how... | json | n/a | 90% | |
URL: http://labs.trafikanten.no/how-to-use-the-api.aspx Format: json The abovementioned url refers to the data API documentation. The following url refers to the transport data being opened and its license http://labs.trafikanten.no/aapne-data.aspx |
3 | Company Register |
http://hotell.difi.no/?dataset... | CSV, ... | n/a | 90% | |
URL: http://hotell.difi.no/?dataset=brreg/enhetsregisteret Format: CSV, JSON, JSONP, YAML, XML Fields available: http://hotell.difi.no/api/html/brreg/enhetsregisteret/fields Further data may be made available in the future: http://www.brreg.no/nyheter/2012/06/datasett_enhetsregisteret.html Edit: added that the data - though in a minimal form, compared to what's registered with the government, is available under a free license from data.norway.no , using the firstmentioned url above. Edit: amended main URL so it goes directly to dataset and not to search. |
21 | Postcodes / Zipcodes |
http://adressesok.posten.no/en... | HTML | n/a | 45% | |
URL: http://adressesok.posten.no/en/postal_codes/search?q=1350 Format: HTML The data is still not officially available as Open Data. The site http://adressesok.posten.no/en/postal_codes/search?q=1350 allows web queries postcode lookup to get the name of the locality. This is HTML only with a restrictive licence at http://adressesok.posten.no/en/pages/usage_terms and only one postcode can be queried at a time Once the locality is known, the geospatial dataset http://data.kartverket.no/download/content/stedsnavn-ssr-wgs84-geojson could be used to obtain a rough lat/long of the postcode. However, as suggested by the original submitter, it's been gathered and made available by a private citizen, at http://www.erikbolstad.no/geo/noreg/postnummer/. However, the privately gathered data is has some quality/accuracy issues, so it's a good question as to whether it can be considered complete. (note: moved link to comments area in line with editorial instructions.) |
56 | Legislation |
http://lovdata.no | n/a | n/a | 30% | |
URL: http://lovdata.no Editor: For private use, the data is available free of charge. However, commercial use requires a angreement ( read: subscription ) http://www.lovdata.no/info/lovavtale.html |
19 | Government Spending |
https://www.ssb.no/statistikkb... | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
URL: https://www.ssb.no/statistikkbanken/selecttable/hovedtabellHjem.asp?KortNavnWeb=statsregn&CMSSubjectArea=offentlig-sektor&checked=true Though only defined in 28 categories, the government expenditure data is available via Statistics Norway, and a CC 3.0 BA compatible license. <- NB. since this is NOT at a "detailed transactional level with information at the level of month to month government expenditure including money spent on specific contracts or with specific vendors.", I find it incorrect to answer yes to all the availability questions Edit: thank you for the comments. I'm amending the answers to your suggestion. However, I cannot find a mention of the specification of the expenditure data, that you kindly mentioned, anywhere in the Open Data Census documentation ( the description above the answer sections of this page is actually about transport data ). <- I would say data exists in digital format but is not available at transactionnal level only aggregated (pc) |
- Andrew Stott
- Daniela Mattern
- Pierre Chrzanowski
- Livar Bergheim
- Mor Rubinstein
- Christian Villum
- Miska Knapek
- Geirmund Knutsen
- Daniela Mattern
- Pierre Chrzanowski
- Livar Bergheim
- Statens kartverk
- Andrew Stott
- Mor Rubinstein
- Heather Broomfield
- Øystein Åsnes
- Trygve Falch
- Miska Knapek
- geirmund