Legislation 45% open


Oman is ranked #34 for this dataset

What data is expected?

This data category requires all national laws and statutes available to be available online, although it is not a requirement that information on legislative behaviour e.g. voting records is available.

What data is available

  •   Does the data exist? Yes
  •   Is data in digital form? Yes
  •   Publicly available? Yes published by Ministry of Legal Affairs)
  •   Is the data available for free? Yes
  •   Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
  •   Is the data machine readable? No (n/a)
  •   Available in bulk? No
  •   Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
  •   Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes


The data is available through a search engine in the Arabic language. Alternatively, the most recent laws can be accessed from the website of the Ministry of Legal Affairs of Oman at http://www.mola.gov.om/ Legal texts can be read in a PDF format, and can be accessed for free.

Laws in Oman are exempt from copyright protection, the second bullet point in the terms and conditions page confirm this.

Reviewer: I was not able to identify a precise mention of open licensing on the Ministry's website. Even if exemption from copyright is stated (where?), this does not mean that the conditions of the Open Definition apply. I have thus marked this indicator as 'no' given how confusing the whole status is.



  • Rayna Stamboliyska
  • Tarek Amr
  • Rayna St


  • Rayna St
  • Riyadh Al-Balushi
  • Riyadh Al Balushi