Portugal 47% open

Portugal is ranked #39 in the 2014 Index
Portugal's overall Index ranking is down from #16 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 National Map
http://www.igeo.pt/DadosAberto... WMF, ... #30  45% 100%
1 National Map
URL: http://www.igeo.pt/DadosAbertos/Listagem.aspx
Format: WMF, WMS, Shapefile

The new iGEO site provides full maps with 1:10000 resolution and clear open data terms.

23 National Statistics
http://www.ine.pt Excel, CSV #16  70% 70%
23 National Statistics
URL: http://www.ine.pt
Format: Excel, CSV

There is data back until 1864 but it is only open online since 2000. (No changes since 2013.)

37 Election Results
http://eleicoes.cne.pt/ Excel, ... #56  25% 60%
37 Election Results
URL: http://eleicoes.cne.pt/
Format: Excel, HTML, PDF

The main URL from CNE does not have the most recent elections. Those can be found at http://www.eleicoes.mai.gov.pt, which unlike CNE does not provide bulk datasets. There are some bulk datasets missing from the CNE site as well.

24 Transport Timetables
http://www.cp.pt/cp/displayPag... online, ... #13  45% 45%
24 Transport Timetables
URL: http://www.cp.pt/cp/displayPage.do?vgnextoid=a4f6f9e12a584010VgnVCM1000007b01a8c0RCRD
Format: online, PDF

Timetables of the national-level public train services are available and up to date online but only through "search" of PDF. No national bus level service is known. (No changes from 2013)

36 Pollutant Emissions
http://prtr.ec.europa.eu/Pollu... RDF #46  25% 45%
36 Pollutant Emissions
URL: http://prtr.ec.europa.eu/PollutantReleases.aspx
Format: RDF

The data is reported to an European agency. The data reports until 2012 only.

61 Government Budget
http://www.dgo.pt/politicaorca... PDF #34  45% 45%
61 Government Budget
URL: http://www.dgo.pt/politicaorcamental/Paginas/OEpagina.aspx?Ano=2012&TipoOE=Or%C3%A7amento%20Estado%20Aprovado&TipoDocumentos=Lei%20/%20Mapas%20Lei%20/%20Relat%C3%B3rio
Format: PDF

The complete budget is available in a series of PDF's, from 1836 on. (No changes from 2013.)

26 Company Register
http://publicacoes.mj.pt/ n/a #5  70% 45%
26 Company Register
URL: http://publicacoes.mj.pt/

Platform provides a search interface for company information. Search is heavily crippled by CAPTCHA and delays on multiple searches.

34 Legislation
http://dre.pt/index.html PDF #25  45% 45%
34 Legislation
URL: http://dre.pt/index.html
Format: PDF

The new DRE portal, published in 2014, has the same limitations as the previous one. Access to text versions (not PDF) and full-text search are only available through a paid subscription.

16 Government Spending
n/a n/a #3  95% 10%
16 Government Spending

There is no data available on day-to-day spending, i.e. transactional spending. Aggregated spending data is available at: http://www.base.gov.pt/base2/html/pesquisas/contratos.shtml

Public contract offers and non-bid contracts are available through the website http://www.base.gov.pt/base2/. It is machine readable, freely and timely available, but not in bulk nor under an open license.

60 Postcodes / Zipcodes
http://www.ctt.pt/feapl_2/app/... CSV ... #8  90% 0%
60 Postcodes / Zipcodes
URL: http://www.ctt.pt/feapl_2/app/open/tools.jspx?tool=1
Format: CSV also arcview, kml, pdf

The Portuguese postcodes/zipcodes data is made available by CTT at http://www.ctt.pt/feapl_2/app/open/postalCodeSearch/postalCodeSearch.jspx

CTT was the Portuguese national public mail service until 9 September 2014. Since this date it became a private company and there is no other public portal where the same data is made publicly available.



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Olaf Veerman
  • Gustavo
  • Laura James
  • Ricardo Lafuente


  • Paulo Caldeira
  • Olaf Veerman
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • David Ramalho
  • Filipe Cruz
  • Ana Carvalho
  • Miguel Laginha
  • Ricardo Lafuente
  • Rui Vieira
  • Nuno Moniz