What data is expected?
Key national statistics such as demographic and economic indicators (GDP, unemployment, population, etc). Aggregate data (e.g. GDP for whole country at a quarterly level, or population at an annual level) is also considered acceptable in this data category. In general, answers of 'yes' in this category refers to entries with a reasonable amount of both economic and demographic information available.
What data is available
- Does the data exist? Yes
- Is data in digital form? Yes
- Publicly available? Yes
- Is the data available for free? No
- Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
- Is the data machine readable? Yes (PDF, CSV, XLS)
- Available in bulk? No
- Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes
The National Statistics Institute collects the data and it can be retrieved: (1) online, free of charge, PDF format, for the main indicators (2) online, interrogation of the database, a limited amount free of charge. There is an € sign next to non-free data. All data requires an account. (3) offline, bulk data, for a significantly higher fee, after submitting a specific request
- Ovidiu Voicu
- Silviu Vert
- Tracey P. Lauriault
- Ovidiu Voicu
- Tracey P. Lauriault
- Strainu