National Statistics / 2013 60% open
Russian Federation
What data is expected?
Key national statistics such as demographic and economic indicators (GDP, unemployment, population, etc). Aggregate data (e.g. GDP for whole country at a quarterly level, or population at an annual level) is also considered acceptable in this data category. In general, answers of 'yes' in this category refers to entries with a reasonable amount of both economic and demographic information available.
What data is available
- Does the data exist? Yes
- Is data in digital form? Yes
- Publicly available? Yes
- Is the data available for free? Yes
- Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
- Is the data machine readable? Yes (SDMX, XML, CSV)
- Available in bulk? No
- Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes
Brief Description There is special government source for statistic information publication Federal Law "On official statistical records and the system of state statistics in the Russian Federation" (article 5, paragraph 10) stipulates that official statistical information in Russia is available. Government Decree № 367 (26 may 2010) "On the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system" establishes that access to official statistical information in the system, is carried out on a free and nondiscriminatory basis (paragraphs 4-5). There is no any legal restriction for use and reuse statistic information for commercial purposes. Also there is special terms of use on the Federal Statistic Service web site On the data in not available in bulk Step by step explanation 1. Does the data exist? Yes, via website 2. Is data in digital form? Yes, data available via website 3. Publicly available? Yes, this data is publicly available. We don't need FOI request to get it. 4. Is the data available for free? Yes, this data is available for free. No payment is required. 5. Is the data available online? Yes. Data available at 6. Is the data machine readable? Yes, data provided as SDMX and XLS files 7. Available in bulk? No, it's not bulk yet. 8. Openly licensed? No, this data is public domain data but no open license available. 9. Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes, this information updated frequently, on monthly basis. Ivan Pavlov: Ivan Pavlov: we consider the Russian statistics as open licensed, taking into the account Russian Legislation provisions. Russia has no special license for government data and we should consider the legal regime of data use and dissemination form "the common rule" point of view. According to the Civil Сode of Russia (Article 1259), official government documents including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character are not objects of copyright. According to the Russian FOI law (Article 4), one of the main FOI principles in Russia is the freedom to seek, receive, transmit and disseminate information on activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government in any legal way. Also according to the Russian FOI law (Article 1), information about the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government is information (including documentation), established within government bodies, their territorial bodies, local authorities or institutions subordinate to the state authorities, local self-government (hereinafter - organizations subordinated to it), or received by the mentioned bodies and organizations. Information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government also includes laws and other normative legal acts concerning information on the activities of bodies of local self-government – municipal legal acts defining structure, competence, formation and operating procedures of the above-specified bodies and organizations, and other information concerning their activity. Thus, according to the current Russian legislation, there are no legal restrictions on use, reuse or redistribute statistics data.
- Ivan Begtin
- Ivan Begtin