Taiwan 67% open

Taiwan is ranked #11 in the 2014 Index
Taiwan's overall Index ranking is up from #36 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2013) Score
1 Transport Timetables
http://data.gov.tw/node/6138 XML #49  10% 100%
1 Transport Timetables
URL: http://data.gov.tw/node/6138
Format: XML

There is no national central public transport data catalog. Taiwan Railway, Taiwan High Speed Rail and etc., all timetables are in different websites. No changes in 2014.

People can download different timetables they need in http://data.gov.tw.

  1. Domestic Airline timetable in CSV format: http://data.gov.tw/node/6066
  2. Bus timetable in CSV format: http://data.gov.tw/node/6052
  3. Railway in XML format: http://data.gov.tw/node/6138
  4. High Speed Railway in CSV format: http://data.gov.tw/node/7080

They are all provided by Ministry of Transportation and Communication but from different department.

And the open data platform is built by Taiwan gov. so, I think those data sets are eligible.

5 Company Register
http://data.gcis.nat.gov.tw/ CSV #46  20% 90%
5 Company Register
URL: http://data.gcis.nat.gov.tw/
Format: CSV

You can search company register data from here: http://gcis.nat.gov.tw/moeadsBF/bms/report.jsp?method=first&agencyCode=allbf&showGcisLocation=true&showBusi=true&showFact=false The data include register, registration changing or dissolution in every month, in different cities between 2006 and now.

6 Pollutant Emissions
http://opendata.epa.gov.tw/ json n/a #47  20% 90%
12 Legislation
http://law.moj.gov.tw/ n/a n/a #10  75% 75%
23 Government Budget
http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/np.asp... PDF, ... #18  70% 70%
23 Government Budget
URL: http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/np.asp?ctNode=41
Format: PDF, Excel, Word

No changes in 2014.

10 Postcodes / Zipcodes
https://www.post.gov.tw/post/i... n/a #8  90% 70%
10 Postcodes / Zipcodes
URL: https://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/Download/default.jsp?ID=22

Only in Traditional Chinese. You can chosoe formate between xml, excel and txt file.

20 National Map
http://tgos.nat.gov.tw/tgos/We... WMS #43  30% 70%
20 National Map
URL: http://tgos.nat.gov.tw/tgos/Web/OpenGeospatial/TGOS_OpenGeospatial.aspx
Format: WMS

The original website (http://emap.nlsc.gov.tw/gis/ ) is a mapping service online, you have to register to use more function.

In 2014, The Ministry of Interior has built their open data platform (only in Traditional Chinese), http://data.moi.gov.tw/MoiOD/default/Index.aspx in June. They provide the map web service to download to use.

They also provide the data to http://data.gov.tw , people also can download the data in http://data.gov.tw/node/9363 .

The Principles of Use of the Platform are published here (http://data.gov.tw/?q=principle) and here (http://data.moi.gov.tw/MoiOD/System/Principle.aspx). They are not compliant with the open definition.

63 National Statistics
http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/np.asp... Excel ... #41  50% 50%
63 National Statistics
URL: http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/np.asp?ctNode=3125
Format: Excel (traditional Chinese), PDF (English version), HTML

The data in Traditional Chinese version is .xls file formate, but the English version is .pdf http://eng.stat.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=5

53 Election Results
http://db.cec.gov.tw/ Excel, ... #33  45% 45%
53 Election Results
URL: http://db.cec.gov.tw/
Format: Excel, HTML, PDF

The downloadable file formate is .xls, but only in Traditional Chinese.

16 Government Spending
n/a n/a #19  10% 10%
16 Government Spending

Aggregated data, i.e. not transactional spending data, is available at: http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/np.asp?ctNode=3550



  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Ying Chu Chen


  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • TH Schee
  • Daniela Mattern